Over the Dragon Island, Ye Xun's majestic figure was suspended above the sea. The golden statue was beside him. The huge heads of the Yalong Emperor and the Dragon Emperor were hanging down. The ferocious beasts of the two clans were floating along the sea water.

Ye Xun fell into deep thought. This world was cursed by the Dragon God. Any giant beast could only cultivate to the legendary peak. If you want to break through and enter the demigod realm, you must endure the Dragon God's curse.

Since the birth of this world, almost all the ferocious beasts that wanted to break through the demigods were destroyed by the Dragon God's curse.

By chance, the Peak Legends discovered an unknown space that opens every three hundred years. There, those who break through to the demigod realm will not be cursed by the dragon god. However, the ferocious beasts that were rumored to have entered the demigod realm have all disappeared, and they have not been around since. It had appeared in this world until three hundred years ago when the king of the Diamond Dragon Ape clan swept across all major races and finally entered the depths of that world.

Moreover, the King of the Diamond Dragon Ape reappeared in the world soon, and his strength had already entered the realm of demigods.

"Dragon Ape Emperor, the time for the opening of the demigod space is approaching. I'm afraid it will be in the near future. It can be as little as one or two days, as long as half a year..." The Yalong Emperor lowered his head and said.

"A day or two..." Ye Xun pondered. If the demigod space really opens in a day or two, he might miss the time to enter the demigod space as he killed the peak legend of two tribes.

Thinking of this, Ye Xun made a decision in his heart, and a terrifying momentum burst out from his body, "Humph! I will let you go back this time, and next time... I will send you directly to see the Dragon God!"

"Yes, yes..." Yalong Emperor responded quickly, with a hint of joy in his eyes. "Thank you, Lord Dragon Ape Emperor..."

"All Yalong clan return!"

The ferocious beasts in the sea sank into the sea, ignoring the corpses of various giant beasts on the sea. They twisted their bodies and swam quickly towards the sea in the opposite direction of Long Island.

The Yalong Emperor and the Dragon Emperor worked together to tear apart the space, shrinking their huge bodies to a size of several hundred meters, diving into the cracks in the void, and flying towards an unknown direction.

"I will settle accounts with you when I become a demigod! Divine healing!"

Ye Xun condensed a huge rune, and the white power of faith surged out from the world of the divine city, raising the healing runes to the pinnacle of legend.

Countless white rays of light fell from the sky, enveloping the dragons in the entire Dragon Island and healing their physical injuries.

Ye Xun waved his fist and tore through the void and left. The crisis on Dragon Island has been reached, and he will go back to take charge of Dragon Ape Island.

The idol clone fell from the void and landed in its original position with a bang. The consciousness of the idol clone left, and the idol turned cold again.

The dragons closed their eyes and enjoyed the treatment of the sacred healing technique. Soon the injuries on their bodies healed, and the fallen scales grew back, covering them with their weak skin.

"Praise the great Ape King God, thank you for bringing us life, thank you for bringing us light..."

The Dragon King Baliwit came to the statue, lowered his head and prayed devoutly. It was the great ape king who saved them and repelled the two Yalong tribes. Without the great Ape King God, I am afraid that even the resurrection of the Dragon King would not be able to deter the two peak legends of the Yalong clan.

"Thank you to the great ape king for saving us!"

On Dragon Island, all the giant dragons consciously came to the vicinity of the statue. They closed their eyes and prayed devoutly. The image of Ye Xun defeating the two Yalong clans alone was deeply imprinted in their minds.

From that moment on, the dragons were completely conquered by Ye Xun, worshiping and believing in Ye Xun from the bottom of their hearts.

White mist flew over the heads of the giant dragons, slowly condensing into a ball of faith power.

Gradually, the power of faith became stronger and stronger, and a large white power of faith was like an ocean, constantly surging at the feet of the statue.

The statue of the god seemed to come alive, absorbing the nearby power of faith into the body. At the same time, a huge force emerged from the statue and surged along the connection between the clone of the god city and Ye Xun's main body.

On the distant Dragon Ape Island, Ye Xun was sitting cross-legged in the temple. A huge force came down through a mysterious connection, boom! A huge voice sounded in Ye Xun's mind, and at the same time, his spiritual sea continued to vibrate.

The huge spiritual sea slowly expanded under the power coming from the void, rumble... mid-seventh level... late seventh-level...



There was another huge collision sound, and Ye Xunde's spiritual sea expanded again. For a moment, his spiritual power seemed to have broken through some kind of limit, and the entire spiritual sea doubled in size.

The terrifying power still does not stop. The power of faith contributed by the dragons in the entire Dragon Island is extremely huge, and the power fed back by the idols is also much greater than the previous sum total.


Ye Xun's mind was like thunder exploding, and his mental power broke through another small stage, directly entering the mid-eighth level.

Ye Xun gritted his teeth and persisted. The power of the idol in his mind had weakened a lot, but it was still surging in his spiritual sea, and he wanted to continue to expand his spiritual sea.

"Work hard, there's only one step left!"

Ye Xun muttered silently in his heart. He controlled the mental power in his mind and cooperated with the power of the idol to impact the spiritual sea. The rumbling sound of impact kept reverberating in his mind, and he felt that his head was getting more and more swollen and painful.


Ye Xun roared, and a huge momentum burst out from his body. In an instant, the barrier of the spiritual sea was broken through again. Ye Xun felt that the power of the idol in his mind completely disappeared, and at the same time, his mental power seemed to have entered a wider space. middle.

The dragon apes on Dragon Ape Island felt a huge surge of energy, pressing on their bodies, making them unable to move.

"The eighth level peak! Finally, my mental power has also entered the eighth level legendary peak!"

Infinite joy welled up in Ye Xun's heart. He used the meditation method to quickly absorb the spiritual particles in the void, and restored a lot of spiritual power with almost every breath.

On a distant dragon island, a crack was torn in the void, and two giant beasts hundreds of meters high flew out from the crack. Then, their size grew in the wind, and they soon turned into huge giant beasts covering the sky.

"What should we do? Just let him enter the demigod space like this?" The Dragon Emperor's eyes showed unwillingness, "What if he is like the Dragon Ape Emperor 1,300 years ago and directly overwhelms all competitors to break through and enter the demigod space?" territory."

"Otherwise? Are you really going to be able to join forces to kill him when we enter the Peak Legend? He is too powerful. Not only can his body strength be overwhelming to any one of us, but the power of his clones is also very terrifying. When the time comes, as long as the clones can restrain any of us, One of them, he can easily kill us!" Yalong Emperor said.

"Anyway, let's wait until the demigod space opens. After this war, only the three of us are qualified to enter the demigod space!"

The Dragon Emperor nodded, "That's the only way! According to time calculation, the opening of the demigod space is only in the past few days, and he doesn't know that if he misses the time to enter the demigod space, then it will be useless for him to be strong. Got it!"

Then the Yaron Emperor swung his claws and tore the void apart. It stepped in and returned to its own territory.

At this time, countless giant beasts were swimming in the sea. Until they were very far away from Dragon Island, some flying giant beasts flapped their wings and quickly flew into the air. The dragon clan also took to the sky. In just a few minutes, the sea area The number of giant beasts has been reduced by more than half.

The dragon leader survived. He looked back at the tiny ant-like Dragon Island behind him. His huge pupils revealed fear, as if he had seen another huge giant ape standing on the sky and the ground.

"Chief, what are you looking at?"

A dragon asked curiously,

"Nothing!" The dragon leader came back to his senses, "Let's leave quickly, lest that great being misunderstands us!"

The dragon leader turned around and twisted his huge snake-like body to swim quickly in the air.

The giant dragons on Dragon Island didn't know anything about this. They flew away from Dragon Island, and countless dead sea beasts were their targets. Just now, the great ape king God sent an oracle, asking them to collect the corpses of dead giant beasts in the sea.

Eric was flying in the air, and he found the body of a thousand-meter giant sea beast. It flapped its wings and landed, stretched its limbs out of the water, and grabbed the body of the sea beast.

"Ouch, it's so heavy!"

Eric cursed secretly, and the speed of flapping his wings increased a lot, and then he stabilized his swaying body.

After it flew back to Dragon Island, it waved its limbs and threw the giant beast's body towards the space passage. At this time, the void wall around the space passage automatically expanded, like a huge mouth, swallowing the giant beast's body.

Other giant dragons also flew back, and like Eric, they also threw the corpses of the giant beasts they brought back into the space channel.

The divine city clone watched all this in the divine city world. Because of the advancement of Ye Xun's spiritual power, the divine city clone's body became more solid. The golden monkey hair on the body was fully visible, and it looked like a real body. Same.

It looked down from high in the sky, watching the giant dragons collect the corpses of ferocious beasts. Gradually, the corpses of more than a thousand ferocious beasts were collected, and the God City clone did not find the corpses of other ferocious beasts.

At this time, there were many corpses of ferocious sub-dragon beasts piled up on Dragon Island, which Ye Xun deliberately left behind as food for the dragon tribe.

And all the corpses of ferocious beasts transmitted through the space channel were piled up on Longyu Island. More than twenty giant beast corpses with a height of 1,000 meters were lying quietly on the cold soil of Longyu Island. There were even six other giant beasts with a height of less than 1,000 meters. Seven hundred heads.

The dragon apes are very excited. With the corpses of these sub-dragon beasts, their strength can be rapidly improved. I believe they will be able to surpass the dragons in a short time.


A fluctuation suddenly appeared in the void, as if falling from the sky, covering the entire world, and all the ferocious beasts felt the fluctuation of the aura.

Ye Xun even felt a call coming from afar.

At the same time, two huge roars echoed in the sea, and nearby creatures were directly torn into pieces by the terrifying force.

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