Another punch was thrown, and the Dark Dragon King was hit so dizzy that it was even blinded.

Ye Xun simply turned over and jumped on the Dragon Emperor's back, holding one of its dragon horns with his left hand, and clenched his right hand into a fist to continuously bombard its head. At the same time, the void chain split from his body and moved towards the Dragon Emperor's huge body. Wrap around.

When the Dragon King came to his senses, his body was almost unable to move, with invisible shackles tightly binding its limbs and wings.

The Dragon King kept struggling, but it was of no use.

"Damn Dragon Ape! Let me go and have a fair fight if you can!"

The Dragon King kept roaring, and the black flames outside his body burned crazily, and soon enveloped Ye Xun's entire body.

"Fair? Four-legged reptile, death will be your best destination!"

Ye Xun's cold voice reached the Dragon Emperor's ears, and at the same time, his fists attacked even more crazily. A feeling of uneasiness arose in the Dragon Emperor's heart. As time went by, it could already feel the remnant soul of the ancient dragon god. weakened.

"No... I haven't become a demigod yet, I haven't dominated the continent yet, this world is mine, I can't die yet!"

Fear spread in the Dragon King's heart, as if it had smelled the breath of death.

"I am willing to surrender! Please let me go..."

The Dragon King suppressed the fear in his heart and deeply hid the hatred in his eyes.

But how could all this escape the eyes of Ye Xun's clone in the Divine City? A message rushed into Ye Xun's consciousness, and he made a decision in an instant.

"Death is more reassuring than surrender!"

This was Ye Xun's choice. At this time, the Dragon Emperor's skull was finally cracked by him. He gathered the power of his blood and blasted at the Dragon Emperor's head again.

"Damn Dragon Ape, I want your entire tribe to be buried with me!"

The Dragon King felt that the terrifying power contained in Ye Xun's fist would definitely be able to penetrate his skull and destroy the nerve center in his brain.

The Dragon King accepted his fate and became crazy at the same time. All the power in his body gathered towards the dragon crystal.

Ye Xun's fist containing terrifying power instantly penetrated the Dragon Emperor's skull, and at the same time, an even greater force burst out from the Dragon Emperor's body.


A deafening explosion sounded, and Ye Xun's body was completely enveloped in the twisted void of the explosion. The power of the Dragon King's self-destruction instantly broke through the limit of legend, and directly entered the realm of demigods.

A space crack spanning tens of thousands of meters was created, and thick black flames burned in the sea area and the void. The terrifying fluctuations caused by the explosion instantly pushed the sea water in the entire sea area into the distance, exposing the moist seabed and reefs below.

The fluctuations of the explosion continued to spread, and the Dragon Ape Island, the only land nearby, was instantly bulldozed. More than 600 Dragon Apes were pushed out of the island by the terrifying force. Only the Dragon Blood Tree grew there alone, motionless.

The power of the explosion disappeared, and a range of hundreds of thousands of meters was covered in black smoke and fire. After losing its driving force, the seawater began to pour back from the distant sea.

With a roar, the empty sea area was instantly filled with sea water. Only a dozen of the more than a hundred sixth-order dragons were floating on the sea, and the others had disappeared.

Somewhere in the sea, black flames were still burning. Suddenly, a huge arm stretched out from the sea. Immediately behind the arm, a huge creature broke through the blockade of the sea and stood up.

The dark flames continued to burn, and suddenly a golden flame surged out from inside the black flames, accompanied by a roar, and the black flames were instantly shattered.

Ye Xun's broken body was exposed from inside, and the originally golden hair turned into burnt black. The skin in many places had disappeared, leaving only the red muscle fibers that were constantly contracting and beating.

His right hand was most seriously injured. The entire palm was a bloody mess, and even the bones were exposed at the front of his fist. The void chain surrounding his fist had long since turned into nothingness.

Only the void chains on the head and chest remained on the body.

Ye Xun was very lucky. If there were no void chains wrapped around his body, the demigod power generated by the Dragon King's self-destruction could tear him apart in an instant.

Losing the control of the Dragon King, the black flames in the void began to dissipate rapidly, and soon the entire sky returned to blue, except that all the white clouds disappeared and were dispersed into water molecules by the Dragon King's self-destruction.

Ye Xun's huge mental power spread out, and he found that there were still sixteen giant dragons alive within the range of his perception. Only one of them was a king dragon, and the others were all sixth level.

"Surrender...or be destroyed!"

A cold voice sounded in the minds of the giant dragons. They looked at the scarred giant ape floating in the void and lowered their proud heads. The Dragon King was dead. Even the terrifying self-destruction could not kill this powerful dragon ape. They There was no choice at all, either death or surrender. All the dragons chose to surrender.

"The great Dragon Ape Emperor, we are willing to surrender..."

"Very good!" Ye Xun nodded, "Bring all the dragon corpses in the sea back to Dragon Ape Island!"

Ye Xunqiang held on to his depleted body, bursting out with a peak of legendary momentum, and then flew towards Long Yuan Island.

Scar kept swimming on the sea surface, and the terrifying power of the explosion sent him to a place tens of thousands of meters outside Longyu Island. Here, trees floated on the sea, and the bones of many giant beasts were stuck on the seabed under the sea. It stands above the sea.

Soon, Scar returned to Dragon Ape Island. At this time, Dragon Ape Island became bare. Except for some low shrubs and weeds, most of the big trees had been blown away, and some were broken by boulders. Some have even been uprooted.

From a distance, Scar saw Ye Xun walking over in the sea, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, Ye Xun was dragging a giant dragon over a thousand meters in size with his left hand, walking towards Dragon Ape Island step by step.

After being exhausted, he no longer had the strength to fly with the dragon.


Ye Xun finally set foot on land. He tore off the dragon's hind legs with brute force. He didn't bother to peel off some of the dragon's scales, and just gulped it down. His body was now very weak and he had to replenish his strength as soon as possible. Wound.

Although the dragon clan is powerful among the three clans, the dragon clan and the sub-dragon clan have obtained the corpses of demigods, and one or two terrifying guys may appear at some point.

Soon, Ye Xun devoured the corpse of the thousand-meter-long dragon. With the operation of the breathing method, his hollowed-out body finally began to regain strength. At the same time, a wave of repair power circulated throughout his body and began to repair him. A severely damaged body.

At this time, the only remaining king dragon flew over, and it brought back an equally huge dragon corpse. After placing it next to Ye Xun's huge body, it continued to fly out of the sea.

Ye Xun continued to devour the dragon meat. His body strength entered the legendary realm. The strength of his body was terrifying. If he wanted to completely repair all the injuries, he still didn't know how many dragon corpses he would need to swallow.

Ye Xun sighed, the Dragon Emperor's body was completely destroyed in the self-destruction, otherwise he would just have to eat the Dragon Emperor.

Three days passed in a flash, and almost all the dragon corpses in the sea were brought back, including seven king dragons and sixty-eight sixth-order dragons. At this time, there was a huge mountain of bones piled next to Ye Xun's body. It is several times larger than the strongest combat body he released.

Ye Xun swallowed all the dragon corpses, and his physical injuries were finally completely healed, and his strength returned to its peak. At this time, he breathed a sigh of relief. At least he had the chance to face the other two tribes again. confidence.

The two dragon horns of the Dragon King remained, and the force of the explosion did not destroy it. Ye Xunzhang's two legendary dragon horns were added to the dragon horn stick. The originally eliminated dragon horn stick was completely scattered. Not only has it become stronger, but the body of the stick can be scaled at will. According to Ye Xun's experiments, the dragon horn stick can be extended to a maximum length of 20,000 meters.

After the other dragons surrendered, there was a melee Dragon King. As a pavement for the Dragon King's self-destruction, all sixteen dragons contributed their power of faith to him, and this time the power of faith directly reached the entire ape. One third of the family contribution.

Ye Xun's mental power also directly broke through to the seventh level due to the energy fed back by the huge power of faith.

According to his guess, the strength of the power of faith is not only related to the piety of the believers, but also related to the strength of the believers. After all, how many strong people are there in the entire ape family? It is estimated that even a seventh-level dragon has the power to sweep across the entire ape clan.

After Ye Xun's spiritual power reached the seventh level, he couldn't wait to enter the dragon crystal space to obtain the memory ball.

Since the memory ball was far away from the golden liquid in the center of the space, he touched it easily. When the memory ball was completely integrated into his memory, Ye Xun couldn't help but feel happy.

This is a memory ball about divine power. It is this memory ball that Ye Xun knows what the golden liquid in the dragon crystal fragment space is. It is the dragon's divine power, which can also be said to be another form. The power of faith.

According to the records of memory, there are two types of divine power, one is the innate divine power condensed in the body of the innate god, and the other is the acquired divine power condensed by the acquired god through the power of transformation of faith through the godhead.

The owner of the dragon crystal is the acquired god, and its divine power needs to absorb the power of faith to condense. According to the records of the memory ball, one drop of basic divine power requires tens of thousands of units of faith.

There are other divine powers on top of the basic divine power, but the dragon god who left the memory did not reach that point, and did not leave the corresponding information.

Divine power can only be used by at least a demigod, so Ye Xun, who was still in the legendary realm, naturally had no choice but to collect the dragon crystal fragments that stored the divine power.

At this time, Longyu Island has entered the process of reconstruction. Apes from other tribes arrived at Longyu Island through space channels. They replanted tree seeds and irrigated them with well water containing the source of life.

A sixth-level dragon left Dragon Ape Island. It flapped its wings and flew in the air, flying towards the distant Dragon Island.

It will be on the shelves tomorrow. There will be another chapter later today. Also, thank you for your tips and support.

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