Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 11 Building an Earth House

With the addition of six apes, Ye Xun's small cave was completely unsightly. Seven apes and one saber-toothed cat were crowded on a four-square stone platform, and a bonfire location had to be eliminated.

Ye Xun was very melancholy. This was not the solution. What could he do? These apes really regarded him as an omnipotent king, with six pairs of eyes staring at him.

I gritted my teeth and realized that there was not enough space so I had to expand. In this barren jungle, it was too difficult to dig a cave suitable for seven apes, mainly because there were no tools.

The only way now is to use mud to build a mud house. Fortunately, Ye Xun was considered a good student when he was studying in his previous life. Otherwise, how can we build an earthen house at this critical moment?

Now that the decision has been made, the only problem now is to find a safe place with water. In this way, the soil can be wetted with water and mixed with grass leaves and branches to build the wall.

After thinking about it, Ye Xun could only focus on the small waterfall. At least it was convenient to get water, and he had not encountered any large carnivores. The most important thing is that a rattan net is set up there and some fish can be caught.

With the goal in mind, Ye Xun led six apes towards the waterfall. Most of the herbivores he met along the way were frightened and fled. A few carnivores rushed out to feast on their meal. Unfortunately, they met Ye Xun, an inhuman person. The pervert used his spider sword and killed him in two strokes.

At least with Ye Xun's current strength, he could easily handle it as long as he didn't encounter overly large carnivores.

Half an hour later, a group of apes arrived at the waterfall carrying Ye Xun's trophies. The waterfall here fell straight down a hundred-meter cliff. The two-meter-wide water surface was not very wide. The trees on both sides were far apart and there were not many shrubs. It seemed that the field of view was small. Relatively open. There is a relatively large stone next to it, which can be used as a tool table.

After the place was chosen, Ye Xun called Scar over, "You arrange for someone to get soil, dead grass and branches back. We are going to build a house here."

Scar responded respectfully, "I obey the king's will..." Although it was very curious about the word house, in front of their king, Scar did not dare to ask directly. He just had to do what the king said. As for right or wrong, it was not something it could consider. This is one of the laws of the jungle, absolute obedience to the strong.

After Scar left as instructed, Ye Xun began to deal with the carnivore he killed, a creature he had never seen before. Somewhat similar to a combination of a tiger and a crocodile, the back was covered with scales, the limbs were long and powerful, and the sharp claws almost pierced Ye Xun's deerskin clothes.

Ye Xun touched the scales. Unlike deer skin, this scales were cold. After so many days of hunting, Ye Xun basically knew that the animals here had more or less elemental power.

For example, the one-horned deer has fire attributes. Its fur can automatically absorb the fire element in the air to achieve the effect of heating up and keeping warm. Moreover, antlers absorb fire elements faster and can quickly rub against branches to cause sparks.

As for this crocodile tiger, it is probably of ice attribute. When it comes to ice attribute, Ye Xun thinks of that giant egg. The energy contained in it is so amazing that it almost froze him to death.

But just that time, although the food Ye Xuan hunted later contained different levels of elemental power, there was nothing that could make his body appear strange so far.

Ye Xun couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If he could have more of that kind of food, his strength would definitely improve by leaps and bounds. It is not impossible to enter Huajin in a short time.

Then Ye Xun shook his head and put those unrealistic thoughts behind him. The top priority now was to deal with the crocodile tiger. Only after eating and drinking enough would he have the strength to work.

Ye Xun skillfully peeled off the scales of the crocodile and tiger, threw it on a stone, opened its belly with a bone dagger, and took out its internal organs. The long fang on the side came over and sniffed, then walked away with a look of disdain. Ever since Changya followed Ye Xun, his appetite has become more and more intense. He doesn't even look at raw meat, let alone these internal organs.

Ye Xun threw the entrails down the waterfall. The pool water under the cliff splashed with waves, and then the water surface churned. Several crocodiles tore up the entrails that Ye Xun threw down. The blood in the entrails dyed the pool water red. .

Then Ye Xun asked Zhang Ya to keep an eye on the treated crocodiles and tigers to prevent them from being dragged away by other carnivores. He then took out some of the dead trees that the apes had picked up and rubbed them with their antlers. After a while, the piles of The branches began to burn, forming a bonfire.

Ye Xun picked some large leaves like banana leaves from the side and wrapped the crocodile tiger. It was difficult to completely bake such a big thing, but Ye Xun naturally had his own way.

After the crocodile tiger was wrapped in leaves, Ye Xun began to spread wet mud on it. After a while, the crocodile and tiger on the stone disappeared, replaced by a larger mud ball.

At this time, Ye Xun came to the bonfire, dug a big pit with his spider legs, dug all the burning bonfire in with wooden sticks, and then threw the crocodile and tiger wrapped in wet mud into the pit. Ye Xun put some more wood on top, completely covering the crocodile and tiger, forming a large bonfire.

There were more and more branches piled up beside the soil. Ye Xun called Zhang Ya over and asked him to protect the ape who was working with the soil. Then he wetted the soil with water and mixed it with the grass blades. In order to successfully shape it, Ye Xun also found some thick sticks and drove them into the ground to form a six-square-meter cabin frame.

It was almost done here, Ye Xun called Scar back, and together he put the mixed wet mud on the wooden sticks to form a twenty centimeter mud wall.

Scar tilted his head, wondering what the new king was doing, but since the king told him, he could only do it. So the five apes worked on the raw materials, and Ye Xun and Scar worked on the walls of the house together.

Soon, the bonfire nearby was extinguished, and the walls of Ye Xun's earthen house were basically covered. The entire earthen wall frame was nearly two meters high, and there was a fist-sized hole on each of the three walls, which was the observation opening reserved by Ye Xun. On the remaining wall, there is an empty frame one meter wide and one meter high. This is the location of the door.

When they were almost done, Ye Xun called Scar and together they opened the campfire and used wooden sticks to get out the suffocated crocodiles and tigers inside. Although this wasn't the first time Scar saw Ye Xun do this, he still couldn't understand it. Isn’t meat always eaten raw, although this thing called barbecue is indeed more delicious.

After Ye Xun took out the crocodile and tiger, he said to Scar, "Scar, go and ask 12345 to come back for dinner. After eating, we will continue in the afternoon." When Scar led the five apes to seek refuge with Ye Xun , he thought it was too much trouble, so he named the other five apes one, two, three, four, five. It's simple and easy to remember, at least that's what Ye Xun thinks.

Scar responded. He was already used to the word "eating" and had obviously heard it before. Scar left for a while, and Tusk quickly came back. The moment Ye Xun pushed aside the mud shell, his nose could smell the fragrance.

After a while, Dao Scar came back with one, two, three, four and five. Ye Xun cut the roast into pieces and placed them on the stone. Changya, who had returned a long time ago, hugged a piece of barbecue and ate it.

After the apes came back, they all stood there respectfully. It wasn't until Ye Xun took a piece of barbecue and took a bite that they started to pick up the barbecue and gnaw furiously.

Half an hour later, the apes finished eating the barbecue and began to work under Scar's tissue again. Longtooth was also driven over by Ye Xun.

Now that the wall was built, there was no roof, so Ye Xun took the spider sword to the jungle and chopped down some small trees as thick as an arm. It just took advantage of the crocodile tiger's 15-centimeter long tusks to nail the roof out.

Ye Xun first laid out the rough frame of the roof on the ground and nailed it together firmly with crocodile and tiger teeth. Under Ye Xun's terrifying power, the crocodile tiger's teeth were basically nailed in place with just one stone.

Then Ye Xun propped up the roof frame with wooden sticks and placed it on the prepared mud wall. Since the crocodile tiger's teeth were used up by Ye Xun, the remaining sticks could only be tied with vines.

Ye Xun was busy until dark before finishing the roof. Due to lack of time, he could only tie the grass blades into handfuls, and then follow the trend of the roof and tie them up from the bottom up. At this point, the construction of Ye Xun's first real house was completed.

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