Rebirth of the Great Ape King

Chapter 104 Huge Footprints (please collect and recommend)

Ye Xun could not feel any elemental particles in the dragon's king's realm. The thick air enveloped him, and his movement speed dropped by nearly half. The lines on the dragon's body emerged, and terrifying power fluctuations condensed on its head.

Suddenly red light shone, and the huge round ball floated quietly. The dragon raised its head and swung its tail, and plunged into the flame-like ball.


With a huge beast roar, the dragon's head stretched out from the sphere, and the rich flames continued to burn. Ye Xun's mental power swept over and found that the dragon's body was directly elementalized, and countless fire element particles were combined. Together, terrifying power fluctuations erupted.

"Field binding!"

The huge flame dragon opened its mouth and roared. Ye Xun could clearly feel the changes in the air in the field. It seemed that a wave of waves erupted from the dragon's body, causing changes in air particles.

Ye Xun thought a lot for a while. In the past life, Taoism had a theory of the unity of heaven and man, integrating one's spiritual power into the heaven and earth, thereby stimulating the power of heaven and earth. Thinking of this, he seemed to understand that what he lacked was borrowing power. method.

As for the unity of heaven and man, if his mental power is so easily integrated into the world, then his mental power is almost outside the body every day, and he should have entered the realm of the unity of heaven and man very early.

The fire dragon roared in the field, and Ye Xun felt that the binding force wrapped around his body had increased by 30%, which meant that his movement speed became even slower, and the time he was in his strongest state was only two and a half minutes, and this time The fire dragon had already rushed towards him, trying to entangle him.

"Get away!"

Ye Xun roared angrily, and the strength in his body surged crazily. A rich golden light emerged outside his body, and the binding force of the King's Domain instantly became much weaker.

Ye Xun's mental power was attached to his arm. He waved his golden fist and struck at the flying fire dragon. As his fist advanced, Ye Xun seemed to feel an unknown wave in the void, as if he was about to be hit by him. His fist gained consciousness, bursting out with an invincible belief.

At the same time, the strength permeating his arms disappeared into his body, revealing the golden fist inside, but an intoxicating aura began to surge.


Ye Xun threw out a punch and instantly collided with the flame dragon. The dragon, which originally had a sneer in its eyes, was shocked. Its elemental body was actually hurt. The terrifying power fluctuation directly shattered a large number of fire element particles. Let them disappear completely from this world.

"Spiritual possession, martial arts channeling the gods! So that's it, Taoists use the power of heaven and earth, and we warriors use the power in the body! Come out! My king's domain!" Ye Xun's eyes showed an ecstatic look, he completely wanted to understand , the mental power began to fluctuate slowly, and gradually became consistent with the frequency of fluctuations emitted by the body.

At the moment when his mental power was integrated into his body, his size grew crazily. In a few breaths, his strongest combat body broke through the limit of one thousand meters and did not stop until one thousand two hundred meters. At the same time, the original The doubling runes attached to the surface of his body were completely imprinted into his body and merged with the magical runes.

A violent aura emerged from Ye Xun's huge body, and at the same time, the shadow of a mountain appeared above his head. The surrounding void was instantly suppressed and vibrated continuously. Ye Xun also felt a terrifying power blessing. on his body.

He waved his fist, and a mountain-like momentum seemed to fall from the sky. Along with Ye Xun's movements, Jiaolong's King's Domain continued to make shattering sounds.


Finally, Ye Xun waved his hand fiercely, and the power of an air explosion became the last force to crush the Dragon King's domain. The domain that was already full of cracks instantly became fragmented, and the golden translucent mask turned into Countless pieces fell into the sea.

"Broken... broken?"

The flame dragon in the sky opened its mouth wide, and the flame on its head sometimes burned and sometimes went out. At the moment when the realm was shattered, the fire elements in the world filled the annihilated elemental particles. In just a few breaths, The flame dragon's head returned to its original appearance.

The frightened flame dragon did not dare to stay any longer. After its body recovered, it twisted its body and flew towards the sky. The dragon family will have the instinct to control the air after the sixth level. It wants to get rid of that terror by flying. of the Vajra ape.

"Want to run?"

Ye Xun snorted coldly, clenched his fist with his right hand and retracted his abdomen, and quickly punched in the direction of the dragon's flight. With a click, some small cracks were made in the void in front of Ye Xun, but after a moment, those cracks automatically returned. 's healed.

A wave invisible to the naked eye flew towards the dragon and silently collided with the dragon's body.


The elementalized dragon only had time to let out a mournful scream before the elemental particles that made up its body were completely annihilated by the terrifying fist force unleashed by Ye Xun.

The dragon's voice spread far away, and all the sixth-order ferocious beasts hid in the sea and trembled. The terrifying momentum made them unable to move. The seventh-order sub-dragon crocodile that was rushing over stopped.

It saw with its own eyes that golden ape-man figure suddenly more than doubled in height. The domain of the dragon clan was directly torn apart by that figure. Even the fleeing dragon was annihilated by his punch. It was an elemental dragon. Ah, the special natal magic that even the legendary giant beast may not be able to deal with was destroyed by the sudden appearance of the powerful Diamond Dragon Ape with a wave of his hand.

The sub-dragon crocodile quickly sank into the sea, turned around and left Dragon Ape Island. With such a powerful Diamond Dragon Ape attacking, who else could resist it except the legendary strong man? Rather than sticking here and losing your life, it's better to escape quickly.

Ye Xun rarely paid attention to it and directly released his magical power. His body was like a deflated balloon and instantly returned to a height of nearly two meters.

He felt that after breaking through to the seventh level, the world became completely different. The mountains, rivers and sky seemed to have their own lives, and they all had their own fluctuations, which might be called the potential to be more considerate.

Mountains have their own momentum, and water has their own water potential. As long as you understand their special momentum, you can control that unique power. What Ye Xun understood after breaking through the seventh level is the mountain-like momentum, the momentum is like a mountain, and he will be blessed by the power of the mountain with a single punch.

Ye Xun walked on the sea. After further breakthroughs, he seemed to see the essence of everything in the world. He only needed to adjust his own wave frequency to walk effortlessly on the sea without sinking.

At this time, a pterodactyl flew over from high altitude. When it saw Ye Xun walking on the sea as if on flat ground, a surge of anger surged in its heart.

"Damn it, the apes are about to enter Dragon Ape Island, where are you guys going?"

The pterodactyl looked around and found that there was no giant beast in the sky or on the sea, so it roared angrily.

The giant beasts hiding at the bottom of the sea didn't dare to move at all, and most of them cursed idiots in their hearts.

Ye Xun raised his head and looked at the pterodactyl that was more than 500 meters away. The frequency of the body's fluctuations suddenly changed. An aura like a mountain directly pressed on the body of the pterodactyl, and at the same time, a special wave Flashing forward, the body of the pterodactyl was obliterated in the void, leaving not even a speck of dust behind.

An unlucky sixth-order sea beast was at Ye Xun's feet. When Ye Xun's body wave frequency changed, it was directly crushed by the huge pressure. When it died, it was still cursing the pterodactyl in its heart.

After this small episode, no more ferocious beasts dared to appear. It was not until Ye Xun stepped into Long Yuan Island and the aura that permeated the area completely disappeared that the ferocious beasts from the three tribes quickly fled.

Giant dragons and dragons were flying in the air, their huge bodies covering the sky and the sun. The auras emitted by so many high-level beasts were also extremely huge. The low-level beasts and ordinary creatures nearby were trembling with fear.

Not long after, all three tribes of ferocious beasts around Dragon Ape Island were gone. The strongest one here was only the seventh-level king, who could not compete with the Vajra Dragon Ape who could kill the king with just a wave of his hand.

Ye Xun knew nothing about this. After entering Dragon Ape Island, he found that his mental power was completely suppressed and could only be released within a range of ten meters outside his body. He had already felt that his mental power was blocked outside the island. Outside, he thought there was some kind of barrier. It wasn't until he set foot on Dragon Ape Island that he realized there was a suppression of mental power here.

After Ye Xun lost his mental perception, he could only rely on his eyes to find his way. Looking around, he found that there was no end in sight on both sides of the island. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was a huge piece of land.

Ye Xun didn't find any life along the way, only plants growing very lushly in the soil. Suddenly a huge footprint appeared in a jungle, with a very clear outline. Ye Xun controlled the dragon horn stick and wanted to fly. Check, but after the mental power is suppressed by the eyes, it is only about the first level of strength, and it is impossible to fly against objects.

In desperation, Ye Xun jumped onto a huge ancient tree and looked down from a high altitude. He was shocked to find that it was a footprint that looked like the palm of his hand.

According to Ye Xun's inference, the owner of the footprints is at least over 5,000 meters tall. What is this concept? Ye Xun's current strength is comparable to the legendary beast. The strongest combat body is only over 1,200 meters tall. I am afraid that only the giant dragon family can Or only a legendary strongman from the Diamond Dragon Ape family can have such a size.

Ye Xun jumped off the big tree. After landing, he followed the direction of the footprints. According to his inspection, the footprints seemed to have been left recently, and the soil in the footprints was still very fresh.

After walking about a few hundred meters, Ye Xun found another footprint. This footprint was also very huge, exactly the same as the one just now, except that its direction was reversed, just like a person's left foot and right foot.

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