Rebirth of the Financial Crisis Sweeping the World

Ninety-three Books Jinghan: Tell me when you are uncomfortable, I will accompany you

The next day, May 23, Friday.

Wang Guanxi woke up late because of a cold and fever, and woke up very early this morning. Now his head is still very dizzy, and he has no choice to get up.

Ah~ Autumn!


Not long after I woke up, I kept sneezing and coughing, and my throat was very uncomfortable.

It's still raining damn it, although it's just a light rain, but he doesn't want to go out today, because he doesn't want to be blown by the cool wind again, it will only make it worse, so just rest, don't take medicine for colds, rely on his own immune system to cure Oneself, can strengthen immunity.

Turning on the phone, Lin Xiaoyu's message was sent immediately.

Good morning, (Sun), get better soon from the cold.

Wang Guanxi replied: Good morning (smile), it should be fine soon, just take another two days rest.

He couldn't understand why the cold was getting worse and worse, and why was his resistance so weak. Last night, he thought he took a hot bath and then got a good night's sleep and it would be fine. He didn't expect the cold today. Appears to be aggravated, dizzy, seems to have a fever.

Lin Xiaoyu: Hmm, definitely.

Have you had your breakfast?

Wang Guanxi: I just woke up, I plan to boil water to drink, and I'll have breakfast later

Lin Xiaoyu: Well, I'll go to class first, I have a surprise today, hee hee

Looking at her message, Wang Guanxi replied inexplicably, then got up, boiled a pot of hot water, and poured a cup.

The body was hot on the outside and cold on the inside, so he went into the bathroom and took another hot shower.

Half an hour later, he came out red all over, it was really cool, and his head was much clearer.

Then drink hot water.

Gollum, gollum, finish a drink.

Si Si took a deep breath, Wang Guanxi jumped back on the bed, and continued to rest.

After sleeping for an hour, the phone rang, took a look at the phone, and found that Wang Zhihua was calling.


Wang Zhihua said, Mr. Wang, do you still have a cold?

After dinner last night, it rained heavily, and the sweaty Wang Guanxi was caught by the cold wind and caught a cold. He called just now, but Wang Guanxi didn't answer.

Wang Guanxi: Well, I still have a cold

Wang Zhihua thought for a while and said, Mr. Wang, I'm going to the headquarters of Huada Technology Company today. Would it be convenient for you to go with me?

Today was an appointment to go to Huada Technology Co., Ltd. for inspection, and now he plans to set off.

However, Wang Guanxi caught a cold, and he didn't know what the situation was.

This time he went to Huada Technology Company to do very important things, and he hoped that Wang Guanxi would give some advice at that time.

Wang Guanxi: Mr. Wang, I'm not feeling well right now, I'm dizzy, and have a little fever. Go ahead and say hello to Mr. Le Zhonghua on my behalf.

Okay, Mr. Wang

After finishing the call, Wang Guanxi sneezed a few more times.

Grass, this cold is really endless

So he got up wrapped in a blanket, boiled the water again, felt cold, and went to the bathroom to take a hot shower.

The hot water rushed down from the top of the head, and the whole body was heated, which was much warmer and more comfortable.

Whenever he feels cold, he comes to take a hot shower.

20 minutes later, he returned to the bedroom flushed, poured a glass of boiling water on the table, and then wrapped himself in the quilt to rest again.

When the temperature of the boiling water was lower, Wang Guanxi began to drink hot water.

This drink is just a few cups.

Feeling very hungry, Wang Guanxi called the front desk of the hotel and asked the waiter to bring food.

Soon a waitress came to Wang Guanxi's door.

dong dong dong.

Wang Guanxi got dressed and got up to open the door.

Sir, this is the breakfast you want. A woman in uniform put the breakfast on a plate.

Okay, thank you Wang Guanxi took it.

Breakfast is just milk and bread.

Just eat a little bit, Wang Guanxi really has no appetite, because it is raining lightly outside and blowing cool wind, he doesn't even want to go out.

After breakfast, he continued to rest.

At this time, the message sent by Shu Jinghan.

Morning, Xizai, are you feeling better from your cold?

Now at her school, she asked Bi Fangling for a mobile phone, logged on to MSN, and chatted with Wang Guanxi exclusively.

Wang Guanxi replied: The same, cough, sneeze, dizziness, cold body

Shu Jinghan: Well, take care of yourself, tell me when you are uncomfortable, I will accompany you

Wang Guanxi felt her warmth and affection. This was the first time Shu Jinghan said such a thing.

There was a smile on his lips.

Shu Jinghan is a very strict, serious, stubborn and stubborn girl who is hot on the outside and cold on the inside. She rarely hears touching words from her. Once she says it, she is very, very serious.

But speaking, it's really heartwarming.

Last night she also said, I hope I can take care of you by your side at this time, which makes people feel comfortable and warm.

To be honest, his feelings for Shu Jinghan are quite complicated. In the past, he had always had a crush on Shu Jinghan, and he really liked her childhood sweetheart.

In his last life, deep down, he didn't want to destroy that pure childhood friendship.

He and Shu Jinghan were never together in the last life, and he always felt regretful, but in this life, to be honest, Wang Guanxi was more possessive towards her, and that feeling was hard to describe.

Getting along with her is serious, rigorous, serious, plain as water, without passion, and can't be romantic. If you marry yourself, she is suitable, and there is always something missing in love.

Shu Jinghan's character is too strong, independent, resolute, strong, and has super self-esteem. She doesn't rely on others or herself, and even makes Wang Guanxi feel that she doesn't need herself.

She is indeed very good, her feelings may not be as strong and hot as Lin Xiaoyu's, but the water is long and long.

Then he typed: Hanhan, it's so cold, come and give me a hug

Shu Jinghan looked at the phone shyly and typed: I'm not by your side, you can just treat me as a quilt by your side now, just hug (smile)

She suddenly wanted to hug Wang Guanxi, who was cold.

Today, her good friend, Bi Fangling, also caught a cold yesterday, but she didn't take it seriously. When she came to school wearing a mask today, she was blown by the cool wind again, her body caught cold, she had a fever, and now she is taking a dangling injection in the infirmary.

She is now with Bi Fangling.

Wang Guanxi: I'm flying to Hong Kong now, I'll find you to hug me when the time comes

Shu Jinghan replied with a blushing face: You hooligan, I'll check the weather in Nanjing, where is it raining? Don't catch a cold, it will last a long time.

She also had a cold, and it took a week for her to get better.

Then she typed: Xi Zai, if you can, you can drink some white porridge, ginger tea, it's good for your throat.

Wang Guanxi: Okay, I will drink white porridge and ginger tea at noon.

After chatting for a while, the chat ended.

It's still raining, it's still raining.

Wang Guanxi continued to sleep.

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