Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 766 The whole family goes shopping together (1)

Chapter 766 The whole family goes shopping together (1)

The family meeting was successfully concluded. After the end, Qin Jiran and Su Yanyi asked the servant to carry the baby back, but the two of them went for a walk holding hands.

Perhaps in the hearts of Qin Jiran and Su Yanyi, each other is that kind of romantic person, and their life is not that kind of passionate feeling, but more often it is plain and warm happiness, tacit understanding They are also like old couples, but there are also many times when two people are together but innocent and romantic, like a couple just in love, just like walking hand in hand in the night, and many times they like this very much. Holding hands and walking together, it feels like there are only two of them left in the whole world. They belong to each other, rely on each other, and own each other. They can no longer allow other people to intervene, even their children, at this moment. belong to their world.

After the big family meeting is over, it will be a small family meeting for two people. Although the atmosphere of holding hands and walking together is very romantic, when Su Yanyi opened her mouth, she was talking about the business affairs of the Su family just now: If you don't If you like, I can explain it to Dad.

Before the family meeting, she didn't know that this matter was being discussed, otherwise she would have asked Qin Jiran what he meant before letting the elders make a decision. There is a solution that cannot be solved, but in fact there are many other solutions. It is not necessary for Qin Jiran to do this. The Su family's family style has always been very free. What my father said is mostly because Qin Jiran is easy to bully.

In fact, it is appropriate to describe this matter as bullying, but it is not so appropriate. It is natural to be bullying, because Qin Jiran's respect for many elders of the Su family is very obvious, as long as the elders ask, they will generally not refuse. As for Su Jiaming's issue of the company's successor, Su Yanmo and Su Yanyi didn't really want to take over, so Papa Su had no choice but to play with Qin Jiran, an extremely obedient son-in-law, and that's why today's scene happened.

But it is wrong to say that it is all bullying. Apart from his desire to retire, Dad Su is also thinking about Qin Jiran's future. Even if Qin Jiran has been filming, it is impossible for him to be as busy as before. Filming one after another, there are always other things to do, and Qin Jiran has opened a company himself, so he should also have some interest in company management, so the fat and water will not flow to outsiders, no matter whether Qin Jiran comes to Suzhou Whether it is Su's help or Su's further achievement of Qin Jiran's status, it is a win-win situation for both parties, so why not do it.

So, at the family meeting, Su's father formally proposed the decision to let Qin Jiran join the Su family. Everyone saw this very clearly, so no one objected, and all voted for it.

However, the matter was not made clear in advance, and Su Yanyi was still not sure whether Qin Jiran was thinking like this, so she asked very intimately when the two of them were alone.

To this, Qin Jiran's reaction was to be stunned at first, and then he laughed, and changed his left hand to hold Yan Yi's left hand, while his right hand held Yan Yi in his arms, and replied, Dad, this is for Hello, I am naturally willing, and after going to work normally, I don’t have to go to filming everywhere. In fact, before I entered the entertainment industry, my plan for the future was to start my own company and do business. Now I have such an opportunity , I am really grateful to my parents, how can I not want to.

That's good. My eldest brother and I are too busy. With you, we can relax. Su Yanyi was also very happy to hear such an answer. It is already a very good thing for parents to complain about being unfilial.

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