Chapter 76 Class Reunion (3)

Liu Liu compared with each other with the camera, but she was a little dissatisfied and said: You two, it doesn't matter if you are intimate, you are husband and wife.

Su Yanyi blinked her eyes, glanced at Qin Jiran, and moved her footsteps again. The distance between the two changed from clothes to clothes to body to body.

Liuliu compared, but still not satisfied, said to Qin Jiran: Qin Yingdi, don't be so cool, take the initiative, put your right hand on Mr. Su's waist, smile, be gentle, this is to show your affection Yes, it's inappropriate for you to be so cool.

Qin Jiran really wanted to explain, he wasn't cool, he was stiff, okay?

Qin Jiran blocked Su Yanyi's waist with his right hand as promised, but he didn't dare to put it down, just hung there in the air and made a fake move.

Qin Yingdi said that he would never eat tofu while taking a photo!

Su Yanyi naturally felt Qin Jiran's movements, but couldn't help frowning, turned to look at Qin Jiran and asked, Aren't you tired?

Qin Jiran was a little confused, he didn't understand what Su Yanyi meant, but when he felt that Su Yanyi was holding his hand against her waist, he suddenly reacted, and then he felt uncomfortable all of a sudden. Yes, the tips of the ears are red.

Seeing this scene, Su Yanyi was a little dissatisfied at first, but suddenly wanted to laugh, this man, isn't he a little too innocent, just a small gesture, why is he shy again?

And at this moment, Liu Liu's hand quickly pressed the shutter, capturing this scene.

The man was handsome and handsome, but he was supposed to be cool, but he was more helpless and reserved, a little cute.

The woman is beautiful and arrogant, her delicate face has a full sense of distance, and there is a touch of clarity and fun in it, which makes people feel much softer, and standing with a man is unusually harmonious.

Although this photo does not have that kind of strong feeling of affection, it has a touch of warmth and a little bit of joy. When people look at it, it seems that they can feel the interaction between the two people, and then a kind of warmth arises spontaneously happy feeling.

Tsk tsk, you can make headlines when you take it out, and it's also very suitable as a magazine cover. Liu Liu was very satisfied with her capture skills, and the rest of the people also passed it on, and nodded in agreement.

Don't spread the word for now. After we go to the party, you can do whatever you want. Although Su Yanyi had heard the word show affection not long ago, it did not hinder Queen Su's intention to show affection. The Internet, the media, and public opinion, she She really knows the meaning of these words too well, so although she doesn't deliberately perform anything, she doesn't mind using them to do something at all.

Okay, I understand! Liu Liu nodded her head with bright eyes, she understood Su Yanyi's meaning very well, isn't it just a public show of affection, he understands!

The location of the classmate reunion is in the commercial villa area in the suburbs. Most of the villas in this area are commercial and rented out for various purposes, such as holding small banquets. This time the meeting place is set here, and the specifications are still relatively high of.

Su Yanyi and Qin Jiran arrived by stepping. They didn't arrive late on purpose, but they didn't arrive early either. When they arrived, there were already many cars parked outside the villa. There were quite a few luxury cars, but there were more ordinary cars, and they also reacted from the side. The type of guests at the party.

Qin Jiran's car is relatively low-key compared to his status, a simple BMW with more than two million yuan, although it is still in the upper class here, but compared with several luxury cars worth tens of millions, It looks ordinary.

Su Yanyi scanned around and understood the format of the party. Qin Jiran opened the car door for her. After she got out of the car, she hesitated for a while, and then took the initiative to hold Qin Jiran's arm.

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