Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 750: Go home together (5)

Chapter 750: Go home together (5)

This woman Su Yanyi is really abominable, how did such a personality and vicious tongue get mixed up in the mall!

Su Yanyi! Do you still want to talk about this cooperation? Qin Zhenren really couldn't take it anymore. He patted the table and stood up, glaring at Su Yanyi angrily.

Su Yanyi glanced coldly, and rarely repeated her decision to save face: 1.5 billion, 1 billion, three days.

There's nothing left to talk about? Qin Zhenli asked again before Qin Zhenren, his voice very dignified.

No. Su Yanyi also gave an affirmative answer. This is already her bottom line, or in other words, this is already the best way she can give these two people. People have to want to take advantage of her. Is her advantage so easy to take advantage of?

Su Yanyi may not be a qualified businessman, because the premise of many things she does is not necessarily to be profit-oriented, she is a model of doing things rashly, doing whatever she wants, billions of billions of whims, She can totally afford it!

We will think about it carefully, and we hope that President Su can seriously consider it. We sincerely want to sell the shares! Qin Zhenli is quite rational, knowing that today's conversation is probably not making much progress, so he left a word and dragged Qin Zhenren left.

The two brothers left together, but their moods were very different. Qin Zhenren was so angry that he almost lost his mind. What he was thinking about in his head was not cooperation, but how to vent his anger. However, Qin Zhenli's expression was extremely serious. He was much more rational and calm than Qin Zhenren , I always feel that Su Yanyi's words are not all threats, Su Yanyi is a woman who must not be underestimated, and many words are not casual.

Qin Zhenli thought of the several contacts he had with Su Yanyi, and the deeds he heard from the two brothers, and his heart became more and more uneasy. He always felt that it was a very good time to come to discuss cooperation this time. A failed decision, at least he shouldn't be with this impulsive big brother, not only did the cooperation fail, but he also got a smell of gunpowder!

Thinking of this, Qin Zhenli regretted it very much, especially when he saw Qin Zhenren who was still angry until now, he was not interested in talking at all. Talking to such an unwise person, it is better to go home and think about it Woolen cloth.

The two brothers who left separately didn't know whether they would choose two different paths. Su Yanyi received such news in the office, and moved the corners of her mouth coldly, so she didn't pay any more attention.

Three days is an extremely short time, but many things can be done, and it will not even delay some people from making decisions that will affect their future life, just like the decisions of the two brothers Qin Zhenren and Qin Zhenli.

Just like the two roads taken by Bright Entertainment that day, the choices of the two are also different. During the three days, Qin Zhenren never looked for Su Yanyi again, but Qin Zhenli called to make an appointment on the last day Su Yanyi was not surprised by this, but met Qin Zhenli again in the office.

President Su, you have to understand that I really sincerely want to transfer the shares in my hand, and the development and potential of Qin's enterprise are excellent, the price you offered is really inappropriate, if I Publicly disclose the news that I want to sell the shares of the Qin Corporation, there must be many people who want to buy them, don’t you think so?” Although Qin Zhenli chose to come again, he obviously has not given up the last chance to persuade.

You can try it and let the facts answer your questions. Su Yanyi didn't care about the little threat hidden in Qin Zhenli's words, as long as she let the word out, as long as she didn't want to be buried with her, she wouldn't Someone dared to buy Qin's shares, Qin Zhenli's thinking was too simple.

Qin Zhenli's silence was not as simple as he thought. He had considered the consequences, and even made some actions secretly, but no one dared to reach out at this time, so he could only compromise and find Su Yanyi again in the end.

Only one billion? Qin Zhenli asked for the last time not wanting to give up.

Only one billion. One point more is out of the question.

...Okay, if President Su is ready for the contract, we can sign it now, one billion, I'll sell it. Qin Zhenli took a deep look at Su Yanyi, and couldn't see it on Su Yanyi's face. He didn't mean to compromise, so the one who compromised in the end could only be himself.

Qin Zhenli is sensible, but at the same time a bit timid, he really doesn't want to gamble with this one billion, if Su Yanyi is really crazy enough to destroy the company, he will lose nothing if he loses. And now that he sells the shares for one billion, at least he still has the capital to turn around, so he really can't bet on it!

Mr. Qin, congratulations on making a very wise choice. Su Yanyi smiled coldly. After purchasing the shares held by Qin Zhenli, the next step is to see how she will deal with Qin Zhenren.


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