Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 740 Upstart in the medical industry (5)

Chapter 740 Upstart in the medical industry (5)

After a short silence, Qin Jiran seemed to have figured it out and said, That's it, it's better not to see each other. If he really wants to open it, that's fine. Anyway, he himself wanted to open it a long time ago. Just like that sentence, seeing each other is worse than not seeing each other. He has long passed the age of longing for fatherly love, and the most important thing is that he is very happy now, and there are no regrets in life at all, and he doesn't need anything else to come again filled.

I think so too. Su Yanyi also agrees with this.

In October, Qin Jiran finished filming in Country Q and returned to China, but this time he came back because he had work to do. The image ambassador of City A needed to shoot a short film. He only had a day off before entering the Go to work.

But fortunately, the shooting time only took three days to complete the task, two days earlier than he expected, and it also gave him two days to be with Yan Yi and the child.

The nearly nine-month-old baby is already very dexterous, and because of the frequent video calls, there is no feeling of unfamiliarity with Qin Jiran, but because of the short separation, he likes to stick to Qin Jiran even more, that kind of sweetness This feeling made Su Yanyi a little jealous, but she didn't know whether the jealousy was from her own man or her own child.

Qin Jiran naturally likes to be close to the children, he hugged a fat baby in one hand, kissed the left one, and kissed the right. His face softly called Dad, which made Qin Jiran's heart melt.

Holding them, does it look like you are practicing weightlifting? Su Yanyi pinched the chubby doll's chubby face, teasing the two dolls.

Hehe, the point is good, it's done. Qin Jiran deliberately shook his hand, it was a little heavy, but it felt very good, soft, like holding two meatballs.

Like two balls. This is Su Yanyi's very pertinent evaluation, and it definitely does not mean to dislike the two dolls.

Haha, didn't you think so when you first named it? Meatballs or glutinous rice balls, which one is not a ball? Qin Jiran smiled happily. No matter what kind of appearance his own child is, he is the cutest.

Ball! Ball! Xiaowanzi really likes to talk, and his language talent is also extremely high. Every time he learns a language, he is the first to learn it. Tangyuan seems to be much slower at this point.

You're a ball, you know? Seeing her son cooperating with her so much, Su Yanyi immediately pointed to Xiaowanzi's nose to teach.

Qiaoqiu. Xiaowanzi didn't know that she was being bullied by her mother again, she still repeated the word Qiaoqiu very obediently, and then seemed to think that she had learned to speak so smartly, and her smile became brighter and brighter.

Little idiot. Seeing his son's stupid look, Su Yanyi couldn't help but scolded with a smile.

Dan! When children learn to speak, it is always sudden, that is, when they learn a certain word, they say it suddenly, just like the ball just now and the egg now. But balls are learned by meatballs, but eggs are learned by glutinous rice balls!

For Tangyuan, it was definitely the first time that she learned to say a certain word before Wanzi. Everyone's eyes fell on Tangyuan.

Su Yanyi repeated with great interest: Idiot?

Stupid, stupid, idiot! Tangyuan learned quickly, and although she was a little unclear, the word idiot was correct.

Seeing this scene, Qin Jiran suddenly had a dumbfounding idea, and said jokingly: Ahem, I always feel that the language talent of glutinous rice balls is not used properly?

How to say? Su Yanyi didn't think so much for a while, and asked reflexively.

Learn to speak the idiot's little glutinous rice balls first, so you don't think there's anything wrong? Qin Jiran asked back, with a smile in his tone.

Su Yanyi thought for a while, and understood Qin Jiran's meaning. She looked straight at her daughter, frowned slightly, and decided that it would be better not to call them idiots, especially to children with different language talents. !


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