Chapter 718: Green Arrives (3)

Seeing this scene, Qin Jiran felt more and more that this girl's ability to cause trouble in the future must be much better than Wanzi.

For three days in a row, Qin Jiran stayed by Su Yanyi's side, and in the end he was still reluctant to leave, but no matter how reluctant he was, he still had to leave.

And on the day when Qin Jiran went abroad to film, Qin Zhenren approached Liu Chenbo and finally agreed to sell the project. The two parties signed the contract very quickly. At this time, Qin Zhenli had already settled the matter with the funds from the sale of the project. His own troubles, and after Qin Zhenren got the funds, his actions were very similar to Qin Zhenli's, and he used a large sum of money to solve his own troubles.

Such a result is actually thanks to Su Yanyi, because without Su Yanyi's instructions, they would not have a large sum of money to solve the problem, not to mention that if it were not for Su Yanyi's release of water, those troubles would be nothing It won't be so easy to solve, now Su Yanyi just hopes that the people of the Qin family will know how to be content and stop jumping out to find themselves uncomfortable.

And on this day, Su Yanyi received the news quite unexpectedly that Sun Minyi, who had been under surveillance all the time, was the personal assistant who betrayed her in the previous life, unexpectedly had a car accident!

Sun Minyi was really miserable in the past two years, but Su Yanyi didn't pay much attention to her during this time, and she took a sigh of relief for the evil she did to Sun Minyi some time ago. But I didn't expect that before she made a move, Sun Minyi was unhappy with the retribution, and even got into a car accident, and the result was very serious, with a comminuted fracture of the left calf and several broken ribs, and the possibility of lameness was as high as Ninety-five percent.

Upon receiving such news, Su Yanyi wanted to laugh, and couldn't help but think of the saying that good and evil will be rewarded in the end, it's not that the time has not come yet.

There were also a few photos sent with the news, all of which were photos of Sun Minyi lying on the hospital bed, but when Su Yanyi saw one of them, she suddenly thought of one thing, which she had always ignored. thing!

After being reborn, Su Yanyi took revenge on Sun Minyi, everyone in the Wang family, and even helped Qin Jiran take revenge on the Qin family, but in this, she ignored a small person, that is, the little nurse in the hospital who was bought by Wang Zhilin at that time , Su Yanyi has not seen it all this time, but she ignored this little nurse, but maybe this is a causal loop, now she actually sees that little nurse from this photo, so don't blame her for being rude.

Revenge always has to be reported, sooner or later, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that those who hurt her will never end well!

Su Yanyi thought for a while, took out her mobile phone to find a number, and then dialed it. The phone rang three times, and the other party answered it.

Miss Su? What a rare visitor. I didn't expect that I would receive your call. If you have any orders, just tell me directly. A ruffian male voice came from the phone, a little surprised and a little curious.

Catch someone and send them to the Middle East. If there is a lack of mining there, there is no need to send them back. Su Yanyi's tone was very cold, and there was a bit of indisputable taste.

Yo, this is a good thing. Since it is the eldest lady's order, the younger one will naturally work hard to do it well. The other party was not surprised, and agreed with a playful smile. The casual attitude seemed to agree to an unimportant matter. generally.

Kang Zhong will send you the specific news, don't be surprised.

Yes, follow orders, I promise there will be no problem!

At the end of the short conversation, the total amount did not exceed three minutes, but it has already decided a person's future destiny. This should be the so-called charm of power, and it is precisely because of the charm of power that so many people will give everything. to fight for.

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