Chapter 61

Qin Jiran understands what Su Yanyi means, and also knows that this matter cannot be hidden. Although he doesn't want to have anything to do with the Qin family, but now, running away can't solve the problem. As Su Yanyi said, attacking is the best way to solve the problem. Good method.

Do as you said. I will also make preparations for this. Immediately hold a press conference and publicly declare to sever any relationship with the Qin family. Qin Jiran is also very decisive. Since this matter cannot be hidden, then he This is the only way to express his position.

Very good, I'll tell mom right now. Su Yanyi gave Qin Jiran an appreciative glance, and said yes to it, this is the bearing a man should have.

Long Media is worthy of being the leader in the media industry. Although the preparation time is very short, the effect is very satisfactory. Compared with Wang's Media and Tiansheng Media controlled by the Wang family, it is definitely even worse. .

The title of Long Media is Secrets of the Best Actor, which is simple and atmospheric but attractive enough, and the subtitle is Exclusive Interview with Best Actor Qin Jiran, Discussing the Mystery of His Life, which also attracted more people to step in and get a glimpse of the truth.

On the other hand, Wang's Media and Tiansheng Media tend to be entertainment-oriented, and the titles are quite vulgar, such as illegitimate children, wealthy families, and women's superiority, all of which are written. Although they attract many readers, there are some Most people read such news as gossip, and very few people believed it. In addition, not long ago, Qin Jiran and Su Yanyi publicly showed their affection, which made many readers despise the absurdity of these contents.

In contrast, more readers are still willing to read the reports of the mainstream media Dragon Media. Although the title is not so sensational, it is precisely because of the lack of entertainment that it makes everyone feel more authentic and reliable, especially the subtitle. The exclusive interview made more people prefer Dragon Media's reports without having to choose.

In fact, the three media reports are the same. In essence, they are all about the relationship between Qin Jiran and the Qin family. As an abandoned illegitimate child, Qin Jiran needs to pay a lot to achieve his current status and achievements. Yes, and LongMei started from this point, and built Qin Jiran into a hard-working top ten good man word by word, and then interspersed some family problems in it.

There was a section in the report about family, the question was about Qin Jiran's views on family, and Qin Jiran did not shy away from talking about it.

I am an orphan. I was abandoned by my family in an orphanage since I was a child. When I was young, I would wonder why I don't have a family, but when I grow up, I don't have time to think about it. I want to live hard, especially in the After I married Yan Yi, I didn't think about those things anymore, because I already have a family, and those who abandoned me, no matter what the reason is, I don't want to care about it, and I don't want to pay attention to it.

It is rumored that your father is a rich man. If this is true, what would you do? This is the reporter's question.

No matter who he is, the moment he abandons me, it has nothing to do with me. Or, maybe if he is a beggar or cannot take care of himself, I will still perform the duty of supporting the elderly. On the contrary, I hope We can leave each other alone.

Would it be too heartless for the film king to say that? After all, they are your parents. The reporter asked according to the arrangement.

Parents who abandon their children are not qualified to talk about feelings. If I have a child, unless I die, or for whatever reason, I will not let him grow up in an orphanage. Whether it is heartless or indifferent, Qin Jiran never felt that parents who abandoned their children are still qualified to be his parents!

This interview video spread at a very fast speed. Although not all positive comments, and a few people felt that Qin Jiran was too indifferent, most people still supported it, and the public always favored the weak, abandoned orphans This identity is enough to make Qin Jiran invincible.

Compared with Long Media's reports, the other two reports on Qin Jiran's identity are exaggerated and overly dramatic, such as Qin Jiran relying on his status as the illegitimate son of a rich family to rise to the top, or marrying a wealthy daughter and wanting revenge, or slandering Qin Jiran's status as an illegitimate child, although every sentence can cause a lot of topics, but after discussion and discussion, the final result is that the media is scolded.

Here I have to mention the strength of Qin Jiran's fan team. After Wang's Media and Tiansheng Media reported such news, Qin Jiran's fans immediately protested. From Qin Jiran's official website to the official websites of the two media companies , Group protests are getting louder and louder.

At first, Wang's Media and Tiansheng Media didn't pay much attention to it. There were too many stories of entertainment reports being protested by fans, so they didn't care at all, and they didn't make any response. The result of such inaction was The networks of both companies were hacked at the same time.

[Those who slander the film king will be killed without mercy! ] This is the violent little black.

[Vulgar media, vulgar reports, vulgar character! 】This is the angry blackie!

[Resist all unrealistic remarks, and ask the media to be responsible to the society! ] This is the sensible blackie!

【Return my innocence! 】This is a funny little black!

Su Yanyi and Qin Jiran have been paying attention to the dynamics of all parties. Seeing such a result, they don't know whether to thank the fans for their support, or to be troubled by the fans' toughness.

If I bully you in the future, will your fans hack the company's official website? Su Yanyi asked very seriously.

At this time, both of them were in Su Yanyi's office, Kang Zhong, Pan Yan, and Jiang Xiaobin were all busy at the side, Su Yanyi's voice was not deliberately lowered, everyone heard it, and their expressions suddenly became very strange.

Qin Jiran's expression was also a little unbearable, he looked at Su Yanyi dumbfounded, the more he knew Su Yanyi, the more he found that Su Yanyi was occasionally abnormal, his mind was unfolding, and the things he came up with always made him unaware How to deal with it.

I won't tell them. Qin Jiran said after thinking for a while. He also knew that Su Yanyi was teasing him, but he still replied quite seriously.

Su Yanyi raised her eyebrows, looked at the seriousness of the man, and suddenly stretched out her hand, patted Qin Jiran's head like a queen, and said, Good boy.

In an instant, the trio of assistants couldn't hold back their laughter. Looking at the two of them who usually looked cold, they didn't expect the interaction to be so interesting. It was so cute and fun. Let them watch from the side, and they all felt very happy. There is love.


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