Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 591 Thousands of love (4)

Chapter 591 Thousands of love (4)

Ahem... Qin Jiran coughed, a little unsure whether he should stop Xiao Su Nuo from speaking, he felt that if the answer was really what he thought, it would be better not to say it.

Aren't you still thinking about taking them away from home? At this moment, little Su Nuo was still thinking about whether to say something, when Su Yanyi's chilly voice came out, scaring little Su Nuo Jumping made everyone look at her in surprise.

runaway? What is rhythm? Why did you run away from home?

Uh, Nuonuo, Nuonuo didn't say anything! Little Su Nuo blushed. I don't know if it was because of fear or embarrassment after his thoughts were exposed. Just by looking at the small eyes that drifted, he knew that this little thing was Feel guilty.

But that's what you think. Su Yanyi gritted her teeth. She didn't expect this little thing to be so long-lived. She still hasn't forgotten about running away from home, and she even has her backpack ready. If she doesn't react , the temper is too good.

My, my... Little Su Nuo really wanted to deny it, but a lot of people looked at him, and he felt that lying was not good, so he could only stammer and couldn't say anything, and then saw Yan Yi looked at him coldly, his whole body froze with fright, and threw himself into Qin Jiran's arms without hesitation.

Little uncle, I'm afraid! Little aunt is so vicious, she's too scary, she wants to run away from home now, poor brother Tangyuan and sister, brother is too young to protect you!

Little Su Nuo had a pitiful look on his face, and looked at the two fat dolls with sympathetic eyes from time to time. That action made everyone laugh, even Su Yanyi couldn't help but twitch. The corners of his eyes twitched, and he felt that this little kid's IQ was too worrying.

Ahem, okay, let's hurry up, the time is almost up. Su Yanmo couldn't see that his son was being bullied, and reminded him, but I have to say that his son is really worrying , I thought about running away from home at such a young age, but I just let it go, and I said it after thinking about it, and I also wanted to take out the smallest two, this IQ is really not enough.

Su Yanyi snorted coldly, turned around and left quite arrogantly, she didn't want to be as familiar as a child, and even if this little thing really ran away from home with those two in the future, she would I don't care, as long as her man is kept, as for the children, hurry up and take them away!

This time, the full moon banquet had too many and complicated guests, so the venue was set in a resort owned by the Su family, which would be much more convenient than at home, and the Su family and their party soon arrived at the resort. .

The resort has now completely closed its business to the public, and only accepts guests with invitations. In fact, the resort closed its business three days ago, and all the guests it receives are friends and partners from other places.

It is mid-March now, and the weather is still a bit cold, but the environment of the resort is very good. The Su family has also prepared a very spacious venue, some indoors and some outdoors. When the Su family arrived, some guests had already arrived. Busy entertaining up.

The Su family has actually come very early, but they are helpless because some guests are more active than them, especially the guests who live here, they wake up early in the morning and wait to see their children, and then guests arrive one after another Now, the Su family has been busy. Mother Su and Qin Jiran are holding a fat baby and are responsible for receiving the guests who enter the room, while Father Su is taking Su Yanmo to receive the guests outside. As for the old man, he sits with little Su Nuo. In the main seat, I chatted with a few old men and old ladies who were also very old.

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