Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 587 Overbearing Rice Balls (6)

Chapter 587 Overbearing Rice Balls (6)

While talking, Mother Su shook the small wooden stick and approached the two fat dolls. The fat dolls didn't know if they understood her words, but they finally stretched out their small hands to grab them.

The one who stretched out his hand first was Brother Wanzi. He was relatively close to the small wooden sticks, and he was about to touch one of them, but the moment he was about to grab it, the other little hand stretched out, very overbearing. He snatched the small wooden stick from his hand, then slapped his little hand aside and laughed, not knowing whether it was because he was happy or because he was happy.

Seeing this scene, the elders were a little speechless, and then looked at Su Yanyi in unison, as if they were saying, look at your girl, she really looks like you, she is so domineering, even bullying her brother.

Look at what I do, I didn't teach her! Su Yanyi explained helplessly, although she thought her daughter did well, but she didn't teach it, she hasn't had time to teach it yet, okay?

Ah, like a mother like a daughter, like a mother, like a daughter, see the big from the small, poor Wanzi, don't let your sister bully you too badly in the future. Mother Su's words were clearly teasing Su Yanyi Yes, but the domineering spirit of the granddaughter is really similar to Yan Yi's childhood.

Ahem, let's take a look at the name chosen by the glutinous rice balls. The baby is still young, so maybe it was an accident. As a father, Qin Jiran came out to smooth things over, but when he thought of his son's appearance of being bullied by his daughter in the future, he felt a little bit Not very comfortable.

Poor meatball, you won't really be bullied by a glutinous rice ball in the future, will you? You all eat, don't lose your momentum!

Mother Su wanted to take away the small wooden stick in Tangyuan's hand, but Tangyuan's little hand held it very tightly, and she didn't intend to let go at all. Tell the other party that this is hers, and you are not allowed to grab it. That domineering appearance makes people feel cute and headache at the same time.

This child is so domineering in just a few days, what should he do in the days to come!

Hehe, this child's body is really good. He has become so strong in just a few days. He didn't grow so fat for nothing. Father Su twitched his lips and smiled, but these words didn't sound like a compliment at all. Baby.

In the end, it was Qin Jiran who held Xiaotangyuan's hand, grabbed the little stick and saw the two words on it.

Su Qin. Qin Jiran muttered softly, which also meant that the two children officially had their own names.

The eldest son was called Qin Su after Qin Jiran's surname, and the youngest daughter was called Su Qin after Su Yanyi's surname. So far, the problem of the names of the two children has been completely resolved.

Later, Mother Su also announced the names of the two children on Qin Jiran and Su Yanyi's Weibo. Many fans said that although these two names are simple, they are very meaningful and worthy of praise, but more People are still used to calling the two little guys Brother Wanzi and Sister Tangyuan, and both the Internet and major media have also made reports on the twins. The photo of the two fat dolls smiling brightly is also It was reported by major media.

Although the two fat dolls were born less than ten days ago, after this report, they have obviously become little celebrities. They are more famous than many unknown artists, and their fan base has also taken off at an extremely fast speed. It took only a few days to come out, and the number of fans exceeded one million. It is really a very sturdy existence, which makes many artists who want to be famous look jealous.

But even if it is red-eyed, there is no way. Who made the parents of these two fat dolls so powerful? In the entertainment industry, or in the media circle, these two fat dolls are like princes and princesses. What's more, with the support of the terrifying dark forces of the Su family, these two little things, even if they are not powerful, will not succeed.

And even without the support of family power, the looks of the two fat dolls alone are extremely pleasing, especially in the published photo, the two fat dolls are smiling brightly, just looking at them, it seems There is a heart-warming feeling that makes people want to laugh together involuntarily. Many people have saved this photo, saying that when they are in a bad mood, they will immediately feel better after taking a look at it.


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