Chapter 558: Magical Box (2)

I have to say that the rendering power of this dance is extremely strong, especially at the end of the dance, Tang Ya's usual cold expression is a little different, it seems that with a joyful expression, she turned around very gorgeously. Circle after circle, the audience who turned to the scene were dazzled and applauded for a long time, and then barely stopped.

At the end of the scoring, this dance got two full marks, one is Professor Wang Kaiyun, and the other is actress Fan Linger, one of them is rational and the other is emotional, but they also agree from both aspects Tang Ya's performance, also sent Tang Ya to the first place.

Congratulations to Tang Ya for winning the first place, and congratulations to our second place Wu Xing, Leng Yue and Li Tianchao who tied for third place, and fifth place Xun Wenle, you are all the best, and now invite five contestants to come on stage Xu Qingyun invited the top five to the stage. After so many competitions and training, these five people already have a bit of star temperament. Whether it is walking or standing on the stage, they are very It has aura.

Five, you are the top five in this competition, but this competition is not over yet, you will become representatives to compete with foreign players, how about it, do you still have the confidence to make it to the end? The domestic competition ended Then came the international competition. In fact, Qin Jiran originally wanted to compete together, but there were also many foreign players. After all, he was a little surprised by the national conditions and culture, and finally decided to divide them into two regional competitions.

Do my best. As the number one, Tang Ya was the first to speak. She didn't say that she would definitely win, but she said four words that made people feel more at ease.

I will do my best, and I won't let everyone down. Several people expressed their confidence in themselves.

Haha, I believe that the viewers who have been following our show must also believe in you, so now we are about to enter the winner's section, and everyone must know that the top five of you can make a reasonable request, you can It can be proposed to the program group, or it can be proposed to the eight judges present, now, five, start exercising your power. This can be regarded as one of the small highlights of the program, and no preparations have been made beforehand. It is to see what these five people mean.

I admire the soul composer Mr. Yao Ge very much. I wonder if I can ask him to write a song for me. Xun Wenle was the first to make the request, looking at Yao Ge with some expectation.

Of course, it's my honor. Yao Ge also readily agreed. Although it was a bit troublesome, it was also a kind of recognition for him, and he was very happy.

Thank you, Teacher Yao! I will definitely sing seriously! Xun Wenle was also very happy, bowing to Yao Ge excitedly.

Then it was the turn of the two tied for third place, Leng Yue said first: I want a signed photo of President Su.

... The audience was silent for three seconds, and then there were countless boos! And they all turned their eyes to Qin Jiran in unison.

Qin Jiran sat there expressionless, as if he didn't react at all, as if he had nothing to do with him, while Fan Linger and the others beside him laughed happily, as if they were watching a play.

Ahem, that, Teacher Qin, look at this request... Seeing that Qin Jiran didn't intend to speak, Xu Qingyun could only ask on behalf of everyone present.

Qin Jiran glanced over coldly, Xu Qingyun immediately shut up, and smiled awkwardly, it's not easy for him to be a host.

I'll talk to President Su! Qin Jiran said with a cold face, while speaking, he glanced at Leng Yue, why didn't he see that this man still had such thoughts, wanting a photo of his wife? Wait!

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