Chapter 550 Sharp comments (6)

After hesitating, Li Tianchao gritted his teeth and finally chose Qin Jiran.

I'm an actor, and I don't have a deep understanding of musical instruments and dance. I'm not as good as you in these two points, so the principle of my vote is not to see whether your professional performance is really professional. What I see is Which of you two is more suitable for the development of the entertainment industry, at least the current you. Qin Jiran began to express his thoughts with a cold face, but these words seemed to have different meanings when they were heard by different people.

Li Tianchao didn't seem to understand what Qin Jiran meant, he frowned and asked, Mr. Qin, what do you mean by that, can you explain it in detail, you mean I'm not suitable for developing in the entertainment industry?

Li Tianchao was puzzled and at the same time a little unconvinced. Du Wen, the gold medal agent, came to him to sign a contract. How could Qin Jiran say that he is not suitable for development in the entertainment industry!

If you can't even understand the words, maybe you really aren't suitable for developing in the entertainment industry. Qin Jiran seemed to have no intention of explaining at all, but retorted sharply with a cold face.

Ahem, please allow me to explain what Qin Yingdi means. Qin Yingdi's words just now should mean that the current Tianchao is not as good as the current Leng Yue, and he is more suitable to develop in the entertainment industry, but this is a comparative question in itself, not to say Tianchao, you are not suitable to develop in the entertainment industry, Tianchao, do you understand what Qin Yingdi means? Xu Qingyun explained from the side, as a senior figure in the host world, his understanding ability is quite strong.

Qin Jiran nodded his head, which seemed to approve of Xu Qingyun's explanation.

Then why am I not as good as Leng Yue? Teacher Qin, can you tell me? Li Tianchao was still not so convinced. He had never felt that he was worse than Leng Yue. How could he just admit defeat willingly? Woolen cloth.

Leng Yue has his own position, he knows what he is good at, what he is not good at, and when he should and should not do something. So, what about you? Do you think you know everything? Qin Jiran commented on Leng Yue, Instead, he asked Li Tianchao.

Li Tianchao is talented, which Qin Jiran also recognizes, but there are many talented people in this world, but not all of them can be stars or entertainers. This also has something to do with everyone's personality. Leng Yue is calm and humble Very firm, but Li Tianchao is a little impetuous, and is too proud and confident!

Excessive self-confidence is arrogance, and this is an absolutely unacceptable attitude. If Li Tianchao can't change his character, then no matter how talented he is, Qin Jiran will not value him.

And this, Qin Jiran saw it, and the other judges could also see it, so this is why the judges voted for Li Tianchao so little.

The competition for the top ten came to an end soon. Wu Xing and Tang Ya successfully entered the ranks of the top ten without a doubt. Although Li Tianchao lost to Leng Yue in the competition, in the resurgence match, the judges were shocked. It was very face-saving to vote him for resurrection, making him the last player to enter the top ten.

Afterwards, netizens carefully analyzed Qin Jiran's comment on Li Tianchao on the Internet.

[Actor Qin obviously means that Li Tianchao’s position on himself is not clear enough, I don’t think so, once he said it, it’s true, Li Tianchao seems to be very proud, and he’s not so polite when speaking to Actor Qin. Very sharp. 】

[This is personality, proud boy, it's all like this. 】

【Actor Qin has a very high opinion of Leng Yue, is this the rhythm of the exposure of the first place? 】

[I've always liked Leng Yue. Although I don't talk too much, and I don't over-act, every performance is very serious, which makes people feel very exciting. 】

【Yeah, Leng Yue is very good, he has been working hard silently, he loves Leng Yue...】

[Tianchao, my sister actually likes you very much and knows that you are very talented, but you have to work hard, don't be too proud, the actor's words are still very pertinent. 】

Many netizens who have been paying attention to I'm the Best have left messages one after another. The direction of the wind is completely based on Qin Jiran's comments. It has to be said that Qin Yingdi's influence is really very deep. Just a comment is enough. It can change the image and status of two people in the eyes of fans, and this is the influence of idols, or the influence of authority.


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