Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 492 He is not someone else (6)

Chapter 492 He is not someone else (6)

around? Hearing this number, Qin Jiran and Su Yanyi's expressions changed slightly.

Su Yanyi pretended to be calm with a cold face, she had already made such preparations before she came. It is estimated that there are not many women who know that they are pregnant at the very beginning of pregnancy, and the self who tells such things impulsively is probably the only stupid one in this life.

And Qin Jiran felt it was incredible, four weeks? At that time, he seemed to have just found out that he was going to be a father! Based on this calculation, wouldn't it mean that Yan Yi knew she was pregnant when she was just pregnant?

The way Qin Jiran looked at Su Yanyi became a little weird. Su Yanyi felt it, but ignored it directly. Anyway, she didn't mean to explain.

That... Qin Jiran hesitated and opened his mouth, not knowing what he wanted to say, because he was interrupted by Su Yanyi just after he said two words.

The inspection is over, let's go to the company, there is a meeting to be held in the afternoon. Su Yanyi stood up after speaking, as if preparing to leave.

Wait a minute, let me ask the doctor something that needs attention, okay? Qin Jiran held Su Yanyi's hand, a little amused in his heart, although Yan Yi's evasive attitude was not obvious, but he still noticed it Well, it seems that it is better for him not to ask the question of the child's existence time.

Then you can ask. As long as you don't ask her why she knew the news of her pregnancy so early, she has no objection to what Qin Jiran wants to ask.

The smile on Qin Jiran's face became more obvious. Although Yan Yi in this appearance seemed to have some secret that he didn't want to tell him, it still made him feel very cute.

Qin Jiran chatted with the doctor for nearly half an hour, asking many questions that need attention. The doctor also understood the mentality of such a father, and said many important things. Su Yanyi listened quietly. I listened to it for a while, but I felt a little boring after listening to it. After the system was updated, the assisted parenting system that comes with it contains very detailed and various things that need to be paid attention to about pregnancy. Now, according to the doctor, There is no need.

After being bored for a while, she accidentally saw Qin Jiran's serious attitude, but suddenly felt that this kind of thing didn't seem so boring, at least looking at Qin Jiran like this, she felt, listening to these words It's also interesting.

After asking about the things that need to be paid attention to, the two left. Qin Jiran has been carefully protecting Su Yanyi's surroundings, for fear that Su Yanyi will fall or touch him.

On the way Qin Jiran sent Su Yanyi to the company, Su's mother called, meaning to ask about going to the hospital for an examination, and Su Yanyi answered the call.

Everything is fine, don't worry.

Then how long have you been pregnant? Has the doctor estimated the due date?

... Cough, it's been about a month, I'm almost at the company, I don't want to chat anymore. After hanging up the phone, Su Yanyi sighed in her heart, people should not be impulsive, once impulsive, you have to pay for it countless times.

Qin Jiran snickered while driving, he knew that Yan Yi really avoided this question.

If someone asks a child a question, you should know how to answer it. Su Yanyi just put down the phone when she saw Qin Jiran suppressing a smile and said in a cold voice.

Understood, it won't cause trouble, don't worry. Qin Jiran was also smart, and knew Su Yanyi well enough, so he replied very clearly.

Su Yanyi paused, looked at Qin Jiran, hesitation flashed across his expression, the man's answer obviously understood something, but he didn't ask anything, instead he actively cooperated with her, originally she I wasn't going to explain anything, but suddenly I felt a little bit of guilt.

You don't want to ask? Su Yanyi felt that she was looking for trouble, but she just wanted to ask, and wanted to know what this man thought.

If you don't want to say it, I won't ask. If you want to say it, I won't ask you to say it. Qin Jiran felt that this answer was too simple. He had seen it many times in the script, let alone him. That's what he thinks in his heart now, and Yan Yi's cold but evasive look also makes him feel very interesting, even if he doesn't know, he is happy.

I have to say that Qin Yingdi is actually a bit dark-bellied.

...I will tell you when I have a chance in the future. Su Yanyi thought for a while, and said something very cautiously, which can be regarded as a kind of promise she made to Qin Jiran.

Regarding the existence of the system and the secrets of her previous life, although she was not prepared to reveal them, she also did not plan to keep them hidden for the rest of her life. Perhaps one day in the future, she would reveal them naturally.


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