Chapter 43 Meteorite Beetle

[Drawing for upgrade rewards, the host will stop if he says so! 】

Su Yanyi's mind was a little messed up by a lot of system sounds, but she heard the last sentence clearly, said stop calmly in her heart, and looked at the virtual panel expectantly.

What will the system reward be?

[Congratulations to the host for getting a cute pet golden tortoise. The shell of the golden tortoise is golden yellow and extremely hard. It can block bullets, can be used as a brick, and can be cute to make the host laugh. I hope the host likes it! 】

[…] Su Yanyi felt that she shouldn't expect anything, she really doesn't like pets very much!

[Can you go back? 】Su Yanyi asked with a cold face.

[This is not allowed, the system rewards are mandatory, master, the golden turtle has been sent to the garden behind the villa, you have to remember to look for it. ] Ling Lingyi popped up again at this time, blinking his starry eyes.

[Then let it be there. 】Can't go back, but can always fend for itself.

【Master, the golden tortoise needs to be fed. If you starve to death, or die in an accident, you will be deducted points and go back to level one. So, master, please take good care of the golden tortoise. 】

【Are you sure this is the system's reward for me? 】Why does she feel that it is more like punishment!

[Of course, master, the meteorite tortoise is very cute, just go and see it. 】Zero Zero One tried his best to promote the products that came with the system, which made Su Yanyi feel that these were defective and shoddy products.

After the wonderful breakfast, Qin Jiran went to work in good spirits, while Su Yanyi called to postpone her work time, and went to the small garden behind the villa with air-conditioning, and started her turtle-hunting journey.

The small garden at the back of the villa is not big, it is mainly a small gazebo, it is early winter, the surrounding flowers are all withered, Su Yanyi seldom comes here, and the servants are not there, it feels a bit desolate.

Su Yanyi looked around but didn't see a turtle-like creature, so she asked Ling Lingyi with some doubts.

[Where is that turtle? 】

【Master, it's a golden tortoise. It's as golden as a piece of gold. It's easy to find. You can look for it again. 】I don’t know why, but Ling Lingyi who said this felt like drooling, so I heard Su Yanyi ask: Then is it delicious?


At the same time, a small beetle the size of a palm shook its whole body and fell from the tree. It looked like it was about to fall on Su Yanyi's head, but Su Yanyi was agile and moved back very cleverly. He took a step, and then the little beetle fell to the ground very pitifully, with his limbs facing the sky, revealing the same golden plastron, that is, his belly.

The corners of Su Yanyi's eyes twitched, and she kicked the little beetle with her toes, but she was a bit vicious and didn't help the little beetle turn over.

Is this stupid turtle a reward? This sentence was obviously asking Ling Lingyi.

With a flattering smile, he explained.

[Master, isn't there a popular word called stupid cute now? Look at this golden beetle. In fact, it is very convenient to raise a tortoise. If you raise it, it may become smarter. Look at me, since I followed you, I feel that I have become much smarter! 】Linglingyi blinked her small eyes, indescribably flattering.

Su Yanyi almost laughed out of anger, but she kicked the Meteorite Beetle with her toe again, and helped the Meteorite Beetle turn over.

The meteorite turtle finally turned over, but it seemed to be a little dazed, it turned around several times before stopping, looking up at Su Yanyi with its small head, it looked a little silly.

I'll call you Xiaomeng from now on, be obedient, or I'll stew you and eat you. Su Yanyi didn't care if the little beetle could understand people's words, turned around and left after speaking, anyway, this is her home, If the little beetle doesn't know how to follow her, just stay here for a long time. It's good to eat and sleep in the open.

It has to be said that this meteoric tortoise from who knows where it came from is still very smart. Although it sprints slowly, it still tries hard to follow Su Yanyi step by step. Slowed down, one person and one tortoise went back to the villa one by one. Sister Wang was tidying up the living room. When she saw Su Yanyi coming in, she said hello. Su Yanyi introduced the little beetle to Sister Wang, and let Wang After taking good care of her, she changed her clothes and went to the company.

Su Yanyi's new personal assistant, Pan Yan, has been reporting for several days. Today is the last day for Pan Yan and Sun Minyi to hand over work, which also means Sun Minyi's official resignation.

Sun Minyi was naturally unwilling, and didn't understand why she was dismissed. She wanted to talk to Su Yanyi, but she was directly rejected. In the end, she left Brilliant Entertainment full of anger and resentment. Yan Yi's first step in dealing with Sun Minyi is nothing more than her first step. She will make Sun Minyi lose everything. Not only will her reputation be ruined, but her life will be worse than death!

Su Yanyi stood in front of the office window, her eyes were full of ruthlessness and misery, she would never let anyone who betrayed her go, she had already bought a lot of shares in Star King Entertainment from the Wang family, and now she added her brother's If she joins, she can use more funds to fully acquire various businesses of the Wang family, and she will not only make the Wang family lose the company, but also destroy the Wang family, so that those people can also taste the feeling of losing everything when she was lying on the bed!

In the afternoon of that day, the media suddenly broke the news that Su Yanmo, the eldest son of Su, and Wang Zhirou, the eldest son of Wang, were divorced in a flash. The reason was suspected to be a business issue.

The reports of the mainstream media still make the masses feel more trustworthy, and the common people are quite interested in this kind of grievances and grievances of the wealthy families. For a while, the Su family and the Wang family became a topic that everyone talked about, especially the reason for the divorce. The discussion is full of colorful hype.

And at this time, two news broke out suddenly on the Internet, one was that Wang Zhirou stole the Su family's business information to benefit the Wang family, and the other was that Wang Zhirou was not good enough, and Su Yanmo was finally angered. Divorced Wang Zhirou.

These two revelations are based on evidence, pictures, and the truth. They even mentioned a few business cooperations between the Su family and the Wang family. Among them, the Wang family is indeed more advantageous, and the photos of Wang Zhirou and different men together are also true. There were a lot of rumors that made everyone stand on Su Yanmo's side in an instant, denouncing Wang Zhirou and the Wang family's sinister intentions together.

Su Yanyi listened to Kang Zhong's report in the office and nodded her head in satisfaction. She was sure that it was her elder brother who acted decisively. Now that she knew the sinister intentions of the Wang family and Wang Zhirou, she would not fight again. Wang Zhirou thought it was a snake, but this also exposed the Su family's intention to deal with the Wang family in advance, which saved her a lot of advantage.

But even so, the Wang family is still in the urn, and she will destroy the Wang family step by step!


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