Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 402 Corey's Challenge (1)

Chapter 402 Corey's Challenge (1)

Amidst the cheers and shouts of the crowd, the competition on the ring was finally over. One stood staggeringly, but was covered in blood, while the other lay motionless on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. But obviously no one cared about his life or death, only the medical staff came up in a hurry and carried away the lying one, leaving the standing one behind.

The end of a competition also means the start of another competition. The winner is eligible to defend the competition and meet the next challenger who has registered, but he can also give up voluntarily. After all, those who come here to participate in the competition Most of them are freelancers, and the organizers don't want every contestant to be carried down.

At this time, the winner who was standing on the field also wisely chose to give up the fight. With his scars, he probably had to give up if he didn't want to die, so he stepped down after receiving the bonus. The bonus was a bank card without a password. , with one million dollars in it.

One million dollars is really nothing to those who can come here to participate in the feast, but it is quite a huge income for the bodyguards around these people and some specially invited people, so it is also Only then will someone be willing to participate in the competition on stage, and at the same time become the object of gambling for many audiences.

There are quite a few people who participated in the competition registration. The two people who took the stage again are not rabbits. One of them is yellow and the other is white. After the two appear on the stage, the audience can participate in the gambling below, and the gambling There are three minutes of time, which is also the time for the players to prepare.

Three minutes soon passed, and the two rushed towards each other almost at the same time. The fists were fierce, which was very entertaining. The audience below also screamed excitedly. The white man was obviously stronger, and his code name was Lao K, and the fighting skills of the yellow race seem to be more domineering. The code name is Black Tiger, and the audience is also calling for the person who supports their bet, but it is mixed with languages ​​​​of various countries. Let Su Yanyi listen, just I feel a little funny.

Does it look like a United Nations meeting? People from more than 100 countries can probably be gathered on the Feast now. Su Yanyi said playfully.

Qin Jiran didn't speak, just looked at the two people fighting on the stage with a cold face, the shouts in his ears made him feel very strange, and at the same time made him feel that these people were more like lunatics, they should really be brought back The family took medicine.

Why, don't you like it? Still not used to it? Su Yanyi noticed the man's face and asked curiously.

Don't like it or get used to it? This kind of question is really meaningful. It may be difficult to turn dislike into like, but it seems to be much easier if you turn unaccustomed into habit. Just like the audience present, who has the assets in their hands? Nine and tens of figures, they may not be used to such a scene at first, but after watching and experiencing a lot, they become used to it.

And this is a kind of degradation of human nature. Of course, it can also be said to be the super adaptability of human beings. No environment can really make humans fear, because human beings will eventually use their most special adaptability to conquer any situation. environment!

I just don't think it's meaningful. Qin Jiran also looked at Su Yanyi at this time, as if he was observing her face, and at the same time, he was also thinking about the words and expressing his thoughts. He didn't want to make Yanyi Yi felt that he was rejecting this place. He felt that this place might belong to the Su family, or even belong to Yan Yi's world. What he should do is to better integrate into this place.

It's meaningless to you, but it is very meaningful to these people. The people who compete on the field may be for money, maybe for honor, or like rabbits, just for competition, but they always have something that belongs to them. Some of these people off the field are for excitement, some are for money, but they always have their own ideas, don’t you think so?” Su Yanyi said a long sentence in a flat voice, and finally He also asked Qin Jiran a question.

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