Chapter 309 Sorry (1)

When Qin Jiran hurried home, he saw that Su Yanyi was sitting in the living room drinking tea, his whole body didn't look like he was injured, and the heart that he had been holding was slowly let go, and then he I thought of that sentence: If you are well, I will have sunny days!

Walking to Yan Yi and sitting down, holding Yan Yi's hand tightly, Qin Jiran felt that this moment was extremely beautiful.

Scared? Su Yanyi looked at the man's expression, and seemed to feel the man's nervous and worried mood.

I thought something really happened to you. When Jiang Xiaobin said that Yan Yi was attacked, he panicked, as if the whole world trembled violently at that moment, making him a little unsteady. .

I'm fine, don't worry. Su Yanyi took Qin Jiran's hand back, and comforted him again. This time, it seemed that this man was really scared, and his face changed a little. If he knew it, he should have told him in advance.

Su Yanyi is also used to doing things arbitrarily, so there is no habit of reporting to others. If it is not necessary for special personnel to find Su Yanmo, even Su Yanmo may not know about it, but for his own habit , Su Yanyi feels a little guilty now, she doesn't like to see men worrying about her so much.

Well, what exactly happened, can you tell me? Knowing that Yan Yi is fine, Qin Jiran's thinking also began to sharpen, no one would suddenly attack Yan Yi, there must be something wrong!

Thinking of this, Qin Jiran's face turned cold again, and there was a hint of killing intent in his breath. If he knew who was trying to hurt Yan Yi, he would definitely not let that person go!

Su Yanyi hesitated for a moment, she doubted very much, if she told the truth, would this man who has been so honest and temperless in front of her, be really angry!

Of course, this kind of hesitation was only a momentary thing, Su Yanyi still told the truth, which even included that she asked Wang Zhilin to be released from the police station on bail, and then seduced Wang Zhilin step by step After doing something to murder her, Qin Jiran frowned more and more when he heard it, and looked at Su Yanyi with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

And after hearing the whole thing, Qin Jiran didn't know how to evaluate it for a moment.

To say that Su Yanyi is just looking for trouble? Is it even self-inflicted? Qin Jiran thought about it, and felt that it was still difficult to say such a thing, he really didn't have the courage.

Yan Yi, does this matter have to be so complicated? Qin Jiran thought for a while, and finally chose a more tactful way to ask, with a very tangled expression.

Seeing Qin Jiran like this, Su Yanyi burst out laughing all of a sudden, raised her eyebrows and asked Qin Jiran, Why, do you think I did something wrong?

Qin Jiran hesitated for a moment before saying: This is not a question of right or wrong. No matter what you do, you have your reasons, but you also have to think about your own safety. If anything happens today, you will be injured. If so, what should I do?

Qin Jiran's tone was a bit heavy, but he could also feel the feeling of extreme restraint. He knew that Yan Yi had always been assertive and capable, but he was still worried, and more importantly, what would happen if Yan Yi got injured? !

I asked my elder brother to arrange bodyguards. Su Yanyi reluctantly explained that she was not actually denying Qin Jiran's words. In case such a thing happened, it was very possible, although she had already made a lot of preparations.

Qin Jiran sighed slightly in his heart, alas, this kind of reason can't make him feel at ease at all, okay!

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