Chapter 289 Snow Romance (7)

So when this scene ended and Guo Zekai yelled happily, these people secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but Su Yanyi pursed her thin lips tightly, but she didn't look happy at all. She followed the crew members Went to the place where Qin Jiran's last roll stopped, and his footsteps were unusually hurried.

At this time, Qin Jiran had already got up, and walked towards Su Yanyi's direction, ignoring the snow all over his body. He wanted Yan Yi to know that he really had nothing to do. Rest assured.

Both of them were approaching each other, and soon they got together, Su Yanyi looked Qin Jiran up and down, and finally felt relieved.

Qin Jiran hugged Su Yanyi lightly, he didn't use too much force considering that he was covered in snow, and then smiled softly, which seemed to comfort Su Yanyi.

Although the next few scenes were not so easy to shoot, there were no too dangerous shots. Su Yanyi watched quietly, not interfering with anything, but her face was not so good-looking, which made the surrounding Everyone stays far away, very afraid of being implicated.

And when the filming ended, Su Yanyi immediately walked towards Qin Jiran, without saying anything, took Qin Jiran's hand and walked back.

Qin Jiran naturally wouldn't resist, as long as Yan Yi cared about himself, while walking, he was thinking about what to eat for Yan Yi at night, but when he returned to the temporary small house, he found that imagination and reality were different. There are some gaps.

Su Yanyi pressed Qin Jiran on the kang, and said in a cold voice, Take off your clothes.

Qin Jiran's face turned red in an instant, and he stared at Su Yanyi as if he was looking at an alien!

What are you looking at, I told you to take off your clothes, hurry up, don't you want your cold to get worse! Su Yanyi's tone was a little more impatient, but the meaning of concern was obvious, Qin Jiran also knew that he was supercilious, so I'm sorry She smiled and began to undress.

Seeing Qin Jiran take off his clothes obediently, Su Yanyi turned around and went to the kitchen. Although the stove is usually used, the crew also has their own induction cooker. Su Yanyi still knows how to use this thing. It is in the system After searching for a while, I started to operate.

Ginger, sugar, sliced, poured into the water, when Qin Jiran changed his clothes and came over, he saw Su Yanyi frowning and guarding the pot, it was an indescribably cute feeling.

What are you doing? Just tell me, I'll cook for you. Qin Jiran was surprised that Su Yanyi could also cook, but he was more worried. For those who have never cooked before, the kitchen is still a bit dangerous of.

You go back, I'll do it. Su Yanyi walked Qin Jiran around a lot, seeing that the man came out in only unlined clothes, she was very dissatisfied, frowned and said in a cold voice.

Qin Jiran was a little helpless, seeing Su Yanyi's insistence, he knew that he couldn't persuade him, but he was even more worried if he let Su Yanyi alone in the kitchen like this, it didn't matter whether the dinner was delicious or not, The most important thing is Yan Yi's personal safety!

I'm fine, I'll do it. Well, for dinner, it's very complicated... Qin Jiran tried his best to speak tactfully, so as not to hurt Su Yanyi too much.

Su Yanyi curled her lips, how could she not understand what Qin Jiran meant, if it wasn't for the help of the system, she would not have done such a thing.

Seeing that the ginger soup was almost ready, Su Yanyi stopped talking nonsense with Qin Jiran, pulled Qin Jiran back to the bedroom, and then very forcefully stuffed Qin Jiran into the quilt.

Don't come out, understand? Su Yanyi looked at Qin Jiran very seriously and said.

Qin Jiran was speechless and helpless, he could only nod his head, he really had no room to refuse Su Yanyi like this.

The ginger soup was ready soon, Su Yanyi carefully brought it in, Qin Jiran wanted to step forward to help, but was stared coldly by Su Yanyi, and he didn't dare to move further.

Drink. Put the ginger soup in front of Qin Jiran, Qin Jiran immediately took it, smelling the strong smell of ginger, Qin Jiran's eyes were slightly red, he knew that Yan Yi already liked him a little, and he also knew that Yan Yi cared He himself, but never thought that Yan Yi would do such a thing for himself, and he would cook ginger soup for him, which really touched him.



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