Chapter 287 Snowy Romance (5)

But even so, after filming the plot in the snow for many days in a row, many crew members still caught colds, and even several important actors fell ill, including Qin Jiran.

Qin Jiran is the protagonist, the role of the scene is very important, and he has to participate in the filming, as part of the director's work, the pressure is even greater, and on the third day after Su Yanyi left, Qin Jiran woke up early in the morning. I felt my head was a little heavy, and my body was a little hot. I didn't need to ask him to know that I must be sick.

It may be because of discomfort, Qin Jiran got up a little early, Su Yanyi was still sleeping, still in the position she was used to, half lying in his arms, her hair messily scattered on the bed and his arms, sleeping Very sweet.

Although it was a bit uncomfortable, Qin Jiran was reluctant to wake up Yan Yi like this. He just looked at Yan Yi quietly, thinking about every bit of being together with Yan Yi, it was so beautiful and so beautiful. unreal.

When he was very young, he would be greedy, hoping that he could also have a father, a mother, and the care of his elders, but after he gradually became more sensible, his greed disappeared, because he gradually understood that even if he had Having lost his father and mother is not the kind of relationship he wants, and it is even more not the relationship he needs, because he has really grown up.

Then, when he met Yan Yi, his greed that had disappeared for a long time emerged in an instant, completely occupying all his thoughts and thoughts, leaving him with only Su Yan in his heart and eyes. Love alone, and the uncontrollable greed and extravagant desire for her.

It was a feeling that couldn't be fully described in words, it was as hot as fire, and it seemed that he was so excited that he couldn't control it. It seemed that he didn't need any reason, and he gave all his feelings to Yan Yi.

I hope she will take a look at me, I hope she can smile happily, I hope she can stay by my side, I hope I can be with her forever... Countless hopes are only because of Yan Yi, countless heartbeats are just It exists for the sake of color.

He has thought countless times that even at the end of the chase, he still can't get Yan Yi's affection, and he is willing to give up everything, just stay not far away from her and silently guard her. He loves her deeply, deeply, and unforgettable His love is not just love, she is a kind of sustenance to him, he pins all his feelings and hopes on her, it cannot be transferred, it cannot disappear, it will only become stronger and stronger , until the end of life.

He can give everything for her, not because he has anything, but because once he loses her, he will have nothing!

Watching it every day, isn't it enough? Before Su Yanyi woke up, she felt the gaze on her face very keenly. It was hot and full of emotion, and it was impossible to ignore.

I don't know what's so good about her face that hasn't been washed just after waking up.

Where is it enough to see enough? It's not enough to see for a lifetime. Qin Jiran hugged Su Yanyi's arm tightly and said in a hoarse voice.

The truth like sweet words is what Su Yanyi likes to hear the most, but the man's voice is weird, but it was Su Yanyi who discovered it at the first time.

Looking up, she looked at the man's slightly reddened face, and touched the man's exposed neck very naturally. The somewhat high temperature made Su Yanyi immediately understand that the man seemed to be sick.

You are sick. This is a conclusion, not a question.

A little fever, but it shouldn't be a big problem. Qin Jiran wanted to get up as soon as he said that. For actors like them, when filming, as long as they are not sick and really can't get up, they will definitely choose to climb up. get up!

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