Chapter 277 I miss you too (1)

After another two days without loving breakfast or loving dinner, Su Yanyi finally decided to visit Qin Jiran's class, and because of the Wang family and Qin family's affairs, Su Yanyi left Kang Zhong to Su Yan. Mo as an assistant, only took Pan Yan to the place where Qin Jiran was filming.

Before going there, Su Yanyi also made some preparations. Thinking that the place was very remote, she would probably lack basic necessities, food, housing and transportation, so she asked Pan Yan to prepare all these daily necessities, and also brought a lot of cooked food and fruits, full of After getting a car, he set foot on the road to visit the class.

Pan Yan's driving skills are very good. It has to be said that this is also an important condition for choosing an assistant at the beginning. Su Yanyi didn't feel any discomfort along the way, but when the car drove outside the remote mountain village in the afternoon, the road conditions became worse. It was extremely bad, not only uneven, but also worse, slippery and difficult to drive, so Pan Yan had to carefully reduce the speed of the car, and Su Yanyi's brows became more and more wrinkled.

President Su, according to the map Kang Zhong gave me, I can reach Mr. Qin's place in about 20 minutes. Don't you want to inform Mr. Qin in advance? I have to say that Pan Yan is really good, and it's her first time here , You can find the place just by relying on the map. Of course, this is also because the information collected by Kang Zhong is detailed enough.

Su Yanyi hesitated for a moment, looking at the vast expanse of whiteness outside, this is different from the snow scene in City A, driving for nearly a day has already destroyed the province, the winter here is obviously colder than City A, I don’t know What happened to Qin Jiran? Because she was thinking of the word surprise, she didn't inform Qin Jiran that she would come. Now that they have come here, naturally there is no need to notify Qin Jiran in advance.

No need. Su Yanyi wanted to give Qin Jiran a surprise, but also didn't want to disturb Qin Jiran's work. If Qin Jiran was filming, if she notified her now, it would only disturb their filming schedule. She was very sure that as long as it was Knowing that she is coming, Qin Jiran will definitely greet her immediately. For that man, she is more important than work!

From this point of view, although Su Yanyi is domineering and powerful, she is also an extremely sensible or sensible person, just like the promise Su Yanyi once made, since she was reborn, she will protect Qin Jiran is this man's whole life, and her protection may not be gentle and considerate, but it is absolutely realistic and powerful, because she will use her best ability to make this man develop in his career, and this may belong to Su Su. Yan Yi's feelings.

The mood of loving someone may be very similar, but there are many ways to love someone. Su Yanyi may not love meticulously, but love is generous enough.

Of course, Su Yanyi at this time is not so sure that she is in love with Qin Jiran, but her every move has already told everyone who knows her that she has fallen in love with this man, and even loves him more and more. Deep, otherwise, why would I come all the way to visit a class like this.

Pan Yan didn't say anything more, and drove the car more seriously. Small snowflakes were floating outside the car, and the shadow of the car on the road became more and more hazy.

Ka, Yu Tao, you are the boss of the underworld, your expression should be fierce, do you know how fierce, don't shrink back, even if it is cold, you can't show it, start again! Guo Zekai pierced his heart with a loudspeaker He shouted, It's not that he doesn't know that everyone is cold, but the job of an actor is like this, and the cold has to be endured. Even if it is cold to death, as long as it is not cold as required by the film, it will not be able to show it at all!

But in fact, more than 50 people present were cold, their trembling lips were a little purple, and their exposed ears were even red from the cold. Many girls were about to cry from the cold, but these people no longer It's cold, but no one complains about it, who makes someone worse than them!

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