Rebirth of the Film Emperor’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 147 Intimate comfort (5)

Chapter 147 Intimate comfort (5)

You are hurting people maliciously. If the police come, I don't know if they will arrest you. When she said the words arrest, Su Yanyi had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly there was another He came up with a good idea, looking at Wang Zhilin's eyes full of danger, which made Wang Zhilin's whole body shudder!

Hmph, so what if the police come. If you really dare to arrest me, you won't be able to. Let me tell you, I will never let you go. You'd better walk carefully in the future. I will make you regret that you dare to treat me like this! Although Wang Zhilin's words are full of vicious tone, in fact, she has not really wanted to deal with Su Yanyi for the time being. She has always wanted Su Yanyi to look good, but it is because of the problem of IQ. Didn't really do anything.

Here I have to mention a previous life. In the previous life, Wang Zhilin plotted against Su Yanyi, but it was because of Qin Jiran's indifference that aroused the deepest resentment in her heart. At that time, Qin Jiran and Su Yanyi obviously divorced. Abandoned by Su Yanyi, but still obsessed with Su Yanyi, Wang Zhilin chased Su Yanyi hard for a year, but there was no result. In a rage, she planned the car accident, thinking that Su Yanyi was dead, Qin Jiran would not miss her anymore, but he did not expect that Su Yanyi would become a vegetable, giving Qin Jiran a reason to return to her again, and making Wang Zhilin happy and angry at the same time.

After Su Yanyi became a vegetative, the reason why Wang Zhilin didn't act immediately was because she felt that Qin Jiran couldn't last long. How could a normal person put all his feelings on a vegetative? But after two years, Wang Zhilin After all, she couldn't hold on any longer, Qin Jiran's infatuation was the greatest irony to her, and made her do it recklessly!

As for the consequences of doing it? Who can be sure that Wang Zhilin can get away with it this time, maybe the Wang family was exposed because of her stupid behavior, and became the target of Qin Jiran and the Su family's revenge.

It's just that it's already the story of the previous life, and even Su Yanyi doesn't know about it, so there's no need to tell it.

I can at least be careful when I walk, but you can't even walk. Wait until you stand up before you speak harshly. Miss Wang, this wheelchair is very suitable for you. It seems that when Su Yanyi talked the most, it was When she satirizes people, the nature of her poisonous tongue is also revealed.

When the people around heard Su Yanyi's words, some of them couldn't help but laughed immediately, and the look in Wang Zhilin's eyes became more and more strange.

This man looks familiar, who is it? The scene being staged here is not the original partner of the third fight, right? Discussions also came from the surrounding crowd.

Oh my God, you don't even know who this man is. This is the actor Qin Jiran. How could you not even know him? You are so ignorant! Star-eyed, definitely a fan of Qin Jiran.

Actor? Ah, I see, I said, why does it look familiar, ah, then the one next to her is the president of that company? It really is a talented woman, really beautiful. The woman showed a look of sudden realization, obviously knowing something news.

At this time, someone beside him said in a very teasing tone: Then do you know who is the one in the wheelchair?

I don't know, could it be a mistress? But it's all mixed up like this. It's ridiculous to want to be a mistress. It's just wishful thinking. At this time, Wang Zhilin was really embarrassed, except that she was sitting in a wheelchair. His face also became very ugly due to injury and resentment, and his disheveled hair looked like a ghost, no wonder he was despised by passers-by.

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