Chapter 127: This Is Like (6)

That's why, when she was just reborn, she would say don't divorce for the time being instead of not getting divorced. If it wasn't for the later getting along, which made her feel comfortable with this man, she might still choose to divorce.

Su Yanyi has never been a person who will force herself, there are many ways to repay her kindness, and she does not have to promise her with her body, so it can also be said that she likes this man more or less.

But now, she is willing to be in contact with this man, likes this man's embrace, also likes such an intimate kiss, and even begins to like this man's breath, she thinks, maybe this is the so-called liking, no, she should be very For sure, this is what I like!

Jiran... Su Yanyi also imitated Qin Jiran, calling his name in his ear, and then seeing Qin Jiran's ears turning red little by little, this man was shy again.

En? Qin Ji then backed away a little, and looked at Su Yanyi inquiringly, as if asking what's wrong.

With a slight smile on the corner of Su Yanyi's mouth, she said seriously, From now on, let's live a good life.

Su Yanyi once said that she would try to be together, and even said that she should work hard to be a good wife, but the meaning of the promise at that time is very different from the meaning of this sentence now. At that time, it was responsibility and a promise to life , but now this sentence is her recognition of her emotions.

It can be said that if Su Yanyi used to mean to live a good life, then the extended meaning of this sentence now is to live a good life with love and love.

Qin Jiran's eyes are full of tenderness. Although he doesn't know that the hidden meaning in Su Yanyi's words is his liking for him, but he also loves words such as living a good life. He and Yan Yi are living a good life together. Such simple words are also the words that can touch his heart the most.

Okay, let's live a good life! Qin Jiran nodded solemnly, and with his hands, he hugged Su Yanyi even tighter. The woman in his arms is a woman who is more important to him than his life. He will cherish it and cherish it forever. Stand by this woman's side.

After soaking in the sweet hot spring, it was about dinner time. When they returned to the crew, the studio had been dismantled and replaced with some barbecue utensils. The crew was also busy preparing dinner. Although the weather It was a bit cold, but everyone was in high spirits, with joy and anticipation on their faces.

Qin Jiran and Su Yanyi walked over to Guo Kaize's side. Here was a small dining table specially prepared for their bosses. Some food had already been placed on it. Guo Kaize and Fan Linger were drooling over the food.

You guys are finally here, hurry up and eat, we're waiting for you two. Guo Zekai greeted the two with a feeling of urgency, because if they didn't come, he was too embarrassed to start eating.

Qin Jiran and Su Yanyi were not too polite, they started to eat after sitting down, soaking in the hot spring was also very exhausting, and the two of them were really hungry.

Su Yanyi likes to eat chicken wings and roast beef, Qin Jiran helped her pick them up while eating, and when he saw that there was not much on the plate, he started roasting it himself.

Many people in the film crew saw this scene, and they became more and more sure that the relationship between the two is really good, especially the women, who envied Su Yanyi even more. They were also looking forward to being taken care of by such a handsome man. ah.

Among them, there are not a few people who take pictures secretly, and Su Yanyi doesn't care. She is now known by more and more people through Qin Jiran's fame, and there are many more stories about her on the Internet and in newspapers and magazines. Although she has always kept a low profile, as long as these reports are positive, she doesn't care too much.

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