Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1761: : A Mixture of Fish and Dragons (2)

Bai Chen knew how terrifying the strength of the night of the gods was, but this could not be an obstacle to his revenge on Haotian.

Destroying Luo Xi first, and then capturing Haotian, this was his goal set long ago.

Therefore, he was also afraid that Mengyao would always dissuade him, so he looked at Lin Mengyao seriously: "Silly girl, I stood at the peak of the entire Starland Continent, and I must return to the peak in this life, so revenge on Haotian. Not only for you, but for myself! Understand?"

Without defeating the night of the gods, how can you prove that you are the strongest in the mainland?

In order to regain the title of being the strongest, even if Haotian has already left, he will eventually fight against the night of the gods.

Beautiful eyes stared at Bai Chen's concentrated and tough face, Lin Mengyao looked down sadly: "Since I can't persuade you, then I will always be by your side, just like Kexin back then, fighting side by side with you! "

Speaking of the words, Lin Mengyao suddenly changed his words: "No! I am stronger than Kexin back then, and then I will protect you and never let you be attacked again!"

"Hahaha, I have already suffered a loss once, and I will never eat a second time."

Bai Chen patted Lin Mengyao's head and opened the door with a big laugh.

However, in the lobby on the first floor at this time, in addition to the four women in Xingchen Pavilion sitting around a table, there was actually a group of men in white clothes sitting at two tables.

When did so many people come again?

Bai Chen and Lin Mengyao looked at each other solemnly, feeling that these people suddenly appeared at Zhanyue Inn, something must be happening!

Bai Chen and the other two looked curiously, and those who were eating below also looked at Bai Chen and Lin Mengyao with puzzlement.

Especially when seeing Lin Mengyao's beautiful beauty that seemed like a heavenly beauty, the men in white clothes suddenly lost their eyes and even their throats were rolling wildly.

Qiu Luoxue's presence here already made those people feel seductive, but because of her identity, these people didn't dare to look more.

And now, a woman who was more beautiful than Qiu Luoxue came out from the upper floor. This shocked them, and they all aimed their gazes in Lin Mengyao's direction without blocking.

From when Bai Chen and Lin Mengyao appeared on the second-floor promenade, to when they walked down the stairs, the eyes of the white-clothed men never looked away from Lin Mengyao.

Especially the young man who looked relatively young, but was guarded by the stars in the middle, looked at Lin Mengyao, completely unkind.

"Young Sect Master, I really didn't expect that in such a remote place, it is really surprising to see such a worldly beauty~" a monkey race face beside the white-clothed youth said with a frivolous smile.

Hearing this, the man called the Young Sovereign grinned and said with a grin, "It's a pity to follow a poor boy who is not well-known, with a majestic appearance and an alluring country."

! !

Unexpectedly, as soon as these people met each other, before they knew the details of each other, they would dare to ridicule in public, and Lin Mengyao's face suddenly became cold.

She was about to step forward to teach this group of people, but was stopped by Bai Chen.

Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile, looked directly at Lin Mengyao, and smiled faintly: "Did you forget what I said yesterday?"

Keep a low profile...

Lin Mengyao clenched his fist, suddenly smiled, and grabbed Bai Chen's arm: "Since Big Brother Bai doesn't like to be like a mad dog, then I don't care."


The man with the monkey face suddenly slapped the table angrily, and was furious: "Who are you scolding!"

The sudden conflict made Qiu Luoxue and others wait and see curiously.

Hua Sanniang was walking out of the kitchen with a plate of dishes. Seeing this scene, she hurriedly walked up with a smile: "Oh, please don’t get angry, our little shop can’t stand up to you fairies fighting here~ "

Monkey Sai's face turned coldly, glaring at Hua Sanniang, and roared: "It's nothing to do with you, get out of here!"

"Yes, I'll get out of here!" Hua Sanniang smiled stiffly, and hurried back to the kitchen.

The monkey Sai face proudly came to Bai Chen, blocking his way: "Boy, the girl just pointed at Sang Huai, should you settle this account?"

"Yes, I should count it."

Bai Chen signaled Mengyao not to act rashly, and then politely held a fist at Monkey Sai's face and smiled: "I don't know how your Excellency wants to count?"

"Hey, it's easy, as long as you hand over that woman, I can spare you not to die!"

"Oh, it turned out to be the woman who fell in love with me~" Bai Chen reluctantly rolled his sleeves, and looked at the person in front of him with some sympathy: "I, I really want to keep a low profile..."

"Huh?" The monkey smiled when he heard the face, "Hahaha, don't, you must not keep a low profile with me, I like high-profile..."

"as you wish!"

Bai Chen condensed his eyes, slapped his backhand directly, and slammed the face of Monkey Sai's face fiercely.

With a crisp "pop", the monkey's face suddenly protruded, and he rotated a dozen times in the air, and finally flew out, smashing the inn door to pieces along the way.


The group of people in white who were arrogant and arrogant before saw the seemingly gentle young man in front of him, and his shot was so overbearing that his face stiffened on the spot.

"Boy, you dare to fight against my Immortal King Zong, are you impatient to live!"

The young man called the Young Sect Master suddenly drew his sword and pointed in Bai Chen's direction.

Immortal King Sect? !

Bai Chen suddenly narrowed his eyes.

The Immortal King Sect among the three ancient sects, I didn't expect to encounter it here!

Next to the white-clothed young man, a gray-haired old man also got up angrily and indifferently shouted: "This is my Immortal King Sect Young Master, Gu Xiaotian! If your Excellency does not kneel down and apologize today, I'm afraid this will happen. It's not over!"

"Apologize?" Lin Mengyao glanced at Gu Xiaotian faintly, her elegant little face, and a moving scornful smile appeared: "Only you, I don't even have the qualifications to lift shoes for Big Brother Bai!"

"what did you say!"

The old man suddenly jumped into a rage: "Little girl, you are so rampant, you are simply looking for death!"

As the old man shouted down, a tyrannical aura of chaos realm broke out.

The vast spiritual power fluctuations caused the entire Zhanyue Inn to shake violently. After feeling the strength of the old man, Lin Mengyao was also shocked.

However, Bai Chen was unmoved. He didn't even have the interest to draw the sword. Instead, he showed a touch of joking: "Two-star Chaos Realm dare to come out and pretend to be uncle, your Immortal King Sect really wants to be in the Star Pavilion. In front of the young pavilion master, is it reconciled to lose face?"

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