Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4513: Shizu comes on stage

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Chapter 4513: Master Patriarch Comes on the Field

"It is also true that this True Dragon Divine Monarch is likely to become the second eternal realm strong in the Heaven of Heaven, so even if it kills some ants, it does not matter."

"Hey... When will these days pass, and let this dragon become eternal!"


Many people feel the same, but they are helpless.

"Come! You will have to seize the opportunity for a while, and you can only show it once." The Heaven Eater looked at the sky, and his lips showed expectations.


The golden dragon roared, and the whole world was shaking.

The heavenly holy city is shaking.

The huge dragon claws have been overwhelmingly suppressed, and the goal is exactly the direction of Zhao Yuande and them.

Dragon claws are overwhelming, and they are thousands of miles in size.

After this suppression, I am afraid that the urban areas of thousands of miles will be turned into powder at once.

It is not known how many practitioners will become fly ash.

What's more important is this claw, which covers the thirty-five real dragon guards and thousands of dragon riders.

This is no scruples. In order to crush the Heaven Eater, even his own real dragon guards must be killed together.


The only real dragon guard who was able to move was scared pale and sat on the ground.

"Fine! Prepared, I said start right away!" Tianchi Taoist nodded to Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande's face was dignified, but he was not as calm as the Taoist, and his heart fluttered and fluttered, as if to burst out of his throat.


The real dragon guard and the thousands of dragon riders turned into powder under this claw.


Tian Chi Dao Ren sipped.

Zhao Yuande hurriedly changed his palms in the void according to the way he had eaten Taoists the day before.


A large purple bell oscillated slightly in the void.

"Yes! Sure enough, he has a powerful talent!" Tianchi Taoist saw a big purple seed, and he couldn't help showing a gratifying smile on his face.

"But..." Zhao Yuande wanted to say, how could this big clock resist the terrifying dragon claw.

But he hadn't finished his words yet, and Heaven Eater Daoist Void pointed at the purple clock.


Suddenly the big bell roared and the world vibrated.

Layers of ripples spread like water waves in the void.

Zhao Yuande felt the big clock that he had evolved, and it seemed that he had come alive.

He can clearly feel the power of Heaven Eater Taoist.

The infusion of that kind of power has a very special frequency, so it makes the large array vibrate and the ripples ripple.

"What a terrible magical power!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but shake his heart, but it was also extremely joyful.

He knew that this was the master ancestors preaching to him, otherwise he would not feel those at all, and they would all be hidden.


The dreaded dragon claw suddenly suppressed on the big purple clock.

The big bell thundered.

At the same time, Zhao Yuande also felt an unparalleled force to suppress it, which almost caused him to smash into blood mist on the spot.

But at the most dangerous moment, the celestial priests around him released a hazy light that enveloped themselves, so that they did not directly explode.

However, a powerful force that could almost tear him was passed on in a broken way. This is a critical point.

Not only will he not be killed, but he will also be subjected to terror pressure and sharpen his body.

"Feel this power! You are now lacking in sharpening! Only under strong pressure can you grow up quickly." The voice of Tianchi Taoist came into his ears.

Zhao Yuande closed his eyes and silently endured, instantly reaching a point of ecstasy.

He felt the horror strength of the ancestor, and felt the vast power of the other party like the Cangyu, so he was very relieved.

He knew that his ancestor's strength might be stronger than that of the true dragon and goddess. Standing beside him was like a firefly facing a blazing divine sun.

However, he has never been in contact with it, and has even felt the eternal realm of power, and does not know whether Shizu has entered this state.

Anyway, he now let go of his mind and sat down cross-legged on the spot to start practicing.

The terrifying dragon claws are constantly fighting against the purple clock, and the two can't stand still, and no one can help anyone.

Moreover, Zhong Bo entered the rippling waves and completely blocked the horror shock wave of the impact. The countless buildings below and countless practitioners were not affected.

Everyone looked up at the sky, and they saw layers of water ripples spreading overhead.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Many cultivators showed ecstatic faces.

Neither of them is a fool, and naturally knows who saved themselves.

They all rushed in the direction of the restaurant, all grateful in their eyes.

"True Dragon Sovereign is really too much! Dare to ignore the life and death of hundreds of millions of cultivators, he is going to provoke the anger!"

"We are going to help them, we will do our best if we have a little strength, anyway, we are all people who have died once!"


Countless people glared at the dragon claw in the sky.

Of course, more of them are fearers. They escaped a small life in this catastrophe, but don’t want to die here.

So they fled to death and wanted to find a safe place to hide.

For example, next to a super large family.

"God eat old man! You really irritated me!" The voice of the real dragon **** is full of anger!

He naturally felt that the other party was pulling his own strength to help Zhao Yuande cultivate.

It was a humiliation to him!

"Then come up with your real means!" Heaven Eater Taoist was not surprised, looking at the huge golden dragon in the sky, "It's just an incarnation or don't take it out and be ashamed!"

"Okay! Okay! Okay!" True Dragon Sovereign growled, "Then let you see what is the real power!"

A golden dragon is not huge, but it exudes infinite power.

I don't know when it appeared above the restaurant.

"Let's go! Fight outside the dimension." The Tianchi Taoist looked at the golden dragon, and the corners of his mouth curled up. "It's time for the world to see my strength in the sky! Some people in the province don't care kindness!"

A purple light burst out of his body, a body shrouded in purple light.

This body is hazy, it doesn't seem to be seems to be an incarnation.

"You are humiliating me!" True Dragon Divine King suddenly angry when he saw the purple figure.

"You will know after the battle!" Heaven Eater Taoist said coldly, showing a disdainful corner of his mouth.

The purple figure soared into the sky, and disappeared into the vast sky in an instant.


The True Dragon Divine Monarch roared and glared fiercely at the Heaven Eater Daoist below, still rising into the sky.

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