Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4506: It tastes better

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Chapter 4506 tastes more delicious

"Uncle Lin! He went there? Why didn't you kill you!"

He could not have imagined that a power-breaking strongman would actually die in the hands of Zhao Yuande.

Is Uncle Lin led away by the stronger!

This is the only thought in his mind.

"Small things, come here!" The **** dog suddenly screamed when he saw the boy appear.


The child only felt that the body was trembling, and his legs and feet were soft, and he directly fell off the stairs.

"Ah! No! The young man saves his life!" The boy screamed in shock.

"Hey! Food, no need to resist." The **** dog rushed up and swallowed it in his mouth.

"Wait! This is the old guy's site. Don't mess around here." Zhao Yuande warned.


The **** dog bit the little boy and bit him up.

Although there was a sound of broken bones, there was no blood splattering. Obviously it shattered the child's bones directly, without being too bloody.

"What the **** happened!" The white man upstairs heard the child's scream and suddenly changed color. "You go down and see, what is Uncle Lin doing?"

Two young men came out of the darkness behind him in white and walked downstairs without expression.

"Son Ao, I still have something to do today. I have to go first!" The woman with the peerless face opposite turned back slightly to the young man in white and had to turn around and leave.

"Miss Qin, please stay away. There may be something bad happening downstairs. Wait until they have finished dealing with it, and you will not be too late!" The young man in white kept.

"This... this is good!" The exquisite girl Qin nodded slightly.

"What!" The young man in white soon heard the mournful cry from below.

He didn't care, and even the soul was too lazy to explore.

He believes that Xueshawei can certainly be solved. Even if Xueshawei can't be solved, Lin Zheng, as a power-breaker, can always solve it as his guardian!

But when he glanced down at the soul, he saw the hall of blood-scared death, and saw his own child caught in the mouth by a dog.

But Lin Zheng lost his trace at this time.

He felt he was going to explode at this moment!

He Huo Ran got up.

"Girl Qin, please wait, I will go back as soon as I go." The young man in white nodded slightly at the peerless girl.

Qin girl nodded, a strange look on her face.

Because her spirit had just swept the two bloodsavers to happen.

That didn't seem surprising, and the cultivator who only had Chaos dominating the pinnacle actually shocked the two into blood mist at the same time.

That kind of strength is not something that ordinary cultivators can do, but it has reached an incredible level.

If the other party does not hide his cultivation, it is a peerless genius comparable to the saint.

She pays no such strength, and the son Ao who invited herself to come here also has no such strength.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look forward to it.

Who is this person?

Why dare to kill Ao's people with impunity?

More importantly, this is a delicious restaurant, and the owner of the restaurant is a mysterious strongman who must be courteous even to the sage.

The courage to kill people here is arrogant.

Ao Gongzi was in a very bad mood at this time. Today, he spent a lot of money and used all his manpower and material resources to wrap up the restaurant, just to come and talk with Qin girl.

As a result, Qin girl's attitude was surprisingly firm, and she did not answer his request.

Moreover, his men were killed bizarrely, and Lin Zheng disappeared without knowing how. The child Ao Tian, ​​who had been with him since childhood, was even given a dog in his mouth.

But he still maintained his demeanor and slowly walked downstairs.

"Who are you? Why do you want to make trouble here!" Ao Gongzi glanced at everyone, and finally set his eyes on the **** dog, looking at the soft collapsed body of the child, his eyes became colder.

"We just came to find someone, and we didn't want to make trouble, as for everything that happened before, I was passively fighting back!" Zhao Yuande said lightly.

"I don't care about you, let Ao Tian go first!" Ao Gongzi looked cold and said coldly.

There is a high command tone in his words, which makes people feel very annoying when they hear it.

"Why did you let him go." At this moment, the **** dog looked at Ao Gongzi's eyes with red fruit, even more because the child was holding his mouth, and the saliva at the corner of his mouth could not stop at all, it was almost turned into a stream. , "If you come over, I think your bloodline is more pure, I am afraid it will be more delicious."

"Bold!" Ao Gongzi can no longer keep himself calm at this time, pointing at the **** dog, his eyes almost burst into flames.

What kind of identity is he?

His grandfather was the second strongest man in the heaven of Huntian, the real dragon **** known as the dragon god!

At that time, the real dragon prince and the heavenly prince competed for chance, and they almost succeeded.

But in the end, he lost his mindset. The Heavenly King broke through and became eternal, becoming the occasional King of Chaos, but the True Dragon King was helpless.

However, Huntian Shengjun is an atmospheric person. After taking charge of Huntian God Realm, he invited True Dragon Sovereign to become the first **** of Huntian God Realm.

In the entire Huntian Divine Realm, except the Huntian Saint Monarch, the most powerful and powerful is the True Dragon Divine Monarch.

Even more holy heavenly princes have been retreating recently, and the soul travels through the infinite universe, regardless of world events.

The authority of the true dragon **** is even heavier.

Moreover, it has recently been rumored that the greatest innovation since hundreds of millions of years will come to life.

A mysterious light from the endless universe is the greatest hope for the eternal advancement of the power breaking world.

Legend has it that the chaotic holy lotus had such a mysterious light in the early days of its birth.

So it will stand out in the chaotic lotus pond and achieve eternal success.

The other Qinglian and Honglian can only become his foil, and now he is with him.

All the old monsters in this world who have reached the third small realm of the Dao realm are selfless, all waiting for the mysterious light.

Legend has it that the light may come when the universe is broken.

There is also a legend that it was because of the advent of that light that it caused the era of great destruction.

Anyway, the birth of eternal realm is accompanied by the destruction of countless dimensions.

I don't know who will have this chance in the end, seize that light, get the greatest chance, and achieve eternity!

Some people have made statistics, the four great gods, several powerful dimensions, less than a hundred old monsters without a realm, the real dragon **** can be ranked in the top three, and the chance of getting that light is also very high.

Especially since the real dragon has been lobbying around recently, persuading some old monsters to support themselves.

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