Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4500: Identity leaked

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From there rumbling rushed out a terrifying finger mountain.

Refers to the vast mountains, the whole broken sky is shaking.

An invisible terror pressure came down, and everyone on the scene felt as if it had been crushed by the mountain.

Dongfang Ming and the old man were the most unlucky, and his legs were shaking and puffed and sat on the ground.

Man Heng and Qing Lan are solemnly manipulating their strength to resist this pressure and barely withstand it.

Youhai was hit by thunder just now, and her body is still stiff.

Na Zhi Shan Hao was suppressing his head, how could he bear it.


Zhishan suppressed it and pressed him directly under the mountain. His body could not move, only a head was exposed.

A pair of eyes looked at Zhao Yuande in horror, which revealed an incredible light.

Zhao Yuande's shocking Tianzhi actually smashed the void directly and descended from it.

This is no longer what ordinary cultivators can do.

In the cognition of all people of origin, only when they reach the state of breaking the Dao Realm can they break the void.

And Zhao Yuande just smashed the void to suppress it, not only suppressing the sea from strength, but also defeating the opponent directly from the heart.

"You... who the **** are you! You are not the chaotic dominance... you are the old guy posing! You are too shameless... I will not let you go in the dark cave!" You Hai has lost her calmness at this time, issued Almost hysterical screams.

"No need to be wordy! Come in for me!" Zhao Yuande suddenly sent the suppressed, immobile sea into the main world.

Only there is his own territory, the most indestructible prison.

" are too strong! You showed mercy to my men before!" Man Heng came over with a complex face. "If you use this trick at the beginning, I will lose!"

"Hehe! This trick is also sentimental, just considered extraordinary play." Zhao Yuande smiled.

"Brother Zhao, it's so deep you hide!" Qing Lan also came over, her beautiful eyes flickering, and the smile on her face was more beautiful and moving.

"Mother! I knew this guy was such a monster. I wouldn't dare to fight him!" Dongfang Ming panicked at this moment.

Only he knows that Zhao Yuande is definitely the cultivation practice of Chaos Dominating the Peak.

Because there are very strict regulations in the magic refining city, it is impossible for a strong man with a half-step breaking path to enter it.

Chaos dominates the pinnacle of cultivation, and it can exert the power of breaking the road... This monster has never been heard, not seen!

This is the case compared to the shattered saints of those years!

"Let's go! Go back! The fighting here is a bit big, and I'm afraid it will attract other strong men in a moment." Zhao Yuande nodded to several people.

They soon returned to the veins of Xuanzhi God Bird.

Since there are no competitors, and there are still permanent, people like Qing Lan follow, people who are the mysterious bird of the Xuanchi can't regret it at all.

The fourth silver sword was also started.

The silver sword merged in his body, and the four handles merged into one, becoming more and more transparent and transparent, as if polished by jade.

However, Xiaojian still seems to have some shortcomings, especially at the edge of the blade. The dense serrations make people feel a bit unbalanced.

He knew there must be a silver sword, but it should be gone in the destruction of God Realm.

"Two, I'm going to the Heaven of Huntian God. I don't know what the two have plans?" Zhao Yuande looked at Manheng and Qinglan.

"I naturally went with Brother Zhao." Qing Lan smiled and stepped forward to pull Zhao Yuande's arm, showing intimacy and tenderness.

"I...I'm going too! There's nothing interesting here, no opponents! I'm going to harm the genius of the Heavenly God Realm." Man Heng ignored the warning from Qing Lan's eyes and took Zhao Yuande's arm on the other side. "I won't leave until one day I feel that I can't surpass your brother!"

"Two! You made me goose bumps!" Zhao Yuande hurriedly shook the hands of the two.

"Seriously, Brother Zhao, how are you going to treat that quiet sea?" Qing Lan looked at Zhao Yuande.

"Don't you dare to enter my inner world, let's examine You Hai together?" Zhao Yuande looked at them.

"Why don't you dare! Brother Zhao is arbitrary." Man Heng didn't care at all, and gave up any resistance directly.

"Okay!" Qing Lan hesitated for a while, then took a breath and nodded in agreement.

Zhao Yuande didn't say much, and the big sleeves swept the two into the main world.

At this time, the sea in the main world is being entangled by a vine that is protruding from the void, no matter how hard he struggles.

He had just wanted to sacrifice a powerful treasure and cut off this vine, but after his treasure was sacrificed, he was taken away directly by a large hand protruding from the void.

He wanted to release the dark gas, but the dark gas was quickly absorbed by the vines.

The gloomy air seemed to be a tonic. After being absorbed by the vines, the vines became thicker and more powerful, which caused him a huge pain.

"You Hai, you don't have to struggle with five people. This is my world. I am the master here. You can't escape my palm no matter what you do." Zhao Yuande appeared with Qing Lan and Man Heng in You In front of the sea.

"Who...who are you! Why do you want to do this! Qing Lan, quite constant! What do you want to do? Who gave you the courage!" You Hai cold eyes, staring at Zhao Yuande, "I am dark God's heirs are descendants. If something happens to me, he will never let you go!"

"Okay! Don't act! You Hai, your identity of the dark traitor has been revealed!" Zhao Yuande smiled lightly.

Qing Lan knew before that she didn't think there was anything, but Man Heng's eyes widened at this time, and she stared at You Hai inexplicably.

"No wonder... No wonder... Brother Zhao, you must have been invited back by the Holy King, and that's right!" Manheng didn't know what he thought of, and looked at Zhao Yuande's eyes.

"What are you talking nonsense! I don't know what the dark dimension is!" Even if You Hai calmed down and heard that her identity was revealed by someone, she showed some anomalies.

For the people present, the package seems to be thick and nerves, and they are all human spirits. They can see the abnormality of the sea at a glance.

It is true that he is a dark traitor!

"Don't cover it up, we know all your details! For example, you are not a blood relative of the Dark God, such as the Great Dark Mita Magical Power of the Dark Dimension you cultivated, like you..." Zhao Yuande one by one, one A little bit of the information identified by the identification technique.

Youhai still wanted to admit her death, but Zhao Yuande said the more he was shocked.

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