Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4422: Back to the Xuanhuang Realm

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Chapter 4422 returns to Xuanhuang Realm

They dived for a dozen breaths, and suddenly saw a light flashing in the darkness below.

As they approached, they discovered that it was a flashing light door. Obviously those aliens entered the light door to make the **** dog feel that they disappeared.

"Do you want to enter?" The **** dog hesitated.

In case they entered the base camp of the aliens, they might be captured directly.

If they don't go in, they've been reconciled for so long.

"Let's try it out first." Zhao Yuande looked at the **** dog.

"I knew you were playing Ben Sheng's idea." The **** dog plucked a handful of dog hair, opened his mouth, and turned into a black puppy.

The black puppy was extremely clever and cute, and suddenly entered the light door.

"It's okay, there's no danger." The **** dog's face showed a bit of doubt.

"What can you see?" Zhao Yuande asked.

"I can't see anything. The transmission distance of this light gate is extremely far away. I can only feel that my avatar is still there. I don't know anything else." The **** dog shook his head.

"Extremely far away!" Zhao Yuande frowned and seemed to have a bad hunch in his heart, "Go in and see!"

He could not care so much, and rushed directly into the light door.

"Wang! Maniac." The **** dog scolded and rushed into it helplessly.

But before going in, he left a handful of dog hair in place.


When Zhao Yuande walked out of the light gate, they found themselves on an ancient altar.

There is no one around this altar, and this altar sits on a barren star.

"This is... this is..." The **** dog's voice shivered at the moment.

"Here are other dimensions, no... here should be the Xuanhuang dimension!" Zhao Yuande's voice is full of dignity, "I didn't expect that the alien attack on the Holy Lotus domain is false, and the attack on the Xuanhuang Realm is true! As long as they capture the Xuanhuang Realm, I am afraid that the world around you will gradually be nibbled by it."

"This trick is much smarter than the dimension of the light!" Big Black Dog couldn't help but say.

"It's really smart! And I guess there must be the participation of the Hailong clan prince, and even the Hailong clan prince personally planned it! And I think even the dragon king must be an insider! Because the weak seabed is bound to be It's under the control of the Dragon Clan, and why don't you know as the Dragon King!" Zhao Yuande's face is getting ugly.

"Then they are... will they be okay?" Big Black Dog could not help anxiously.

"It shouldn't be a problem. He said that he is also a descendant of the tortoise. The tortoise has a high status among the Hailong tribes. It should not be difficult to keep them." Zhao Yuande analyzed.

"What should we do now?" The **** dog looked at the ancient altar. "This altar is obviously a one-way teleport. We are afraid we can't go back!"

"Either wait for the Nether of the Origin Strong, or look for the Dao Realm to penetrate the Void Barrier! Or there is a way to go to the Dark Dimension and enter the Origin through the Void Crack of the Dark Dimension!" Zhao Yuande said.

"This... I'm afraid these conditions are very difficult! I'm afraid I can't meet them for a year and a half!" The **** dog's expression was somewhat decadent.

"No matter! Let's see if the Dark Dimension has captured the Xuanhuang Realm." Zhao Yuande packed his mood and opened the void channel.

He had left the void coordinates in Central City before, and now he can directly enter them.

The Central City is considered to be the center of the entire Xuanhuang Realm. Many powerful existences are gathered here. There is even a mysterious strongman living on a silent street. I heard that it is impacting the Dadao Realm.

When they appeared in the Central City, the location of the original Jinlong Pagoda, they suddenly felt a tense atmosphere in the air.

Many people have sorrows in their faces, and some even look sad.

Many treasure shops are full, most of them are buying immortality treasures.

Seeing this, Zhao Yuande knew that Xuanhuang Realm had really ushered in war.

And the war is about to burn to Central City!

Zhao Yuande with the **** dog soon appeared in Quan's house.

"" The owner of the Quan family couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw Zhao Yuande. He couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

"Master Quan, let's talk about the situation of Xuanhuang Realm now!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand, releasing a strong breath, and suddenly calmed the other party down.

"Is it good to meet friends?" Lord Quan stared at Zhao Yuande with a bit of expectation in his voice.

"He is very good, and I jointly run a chamber of commerce in a big city of origin!" Zhao Yuande said, "Homeowner Quan, now is not the time to say this, let's talk about the invasion of the dark dimension first!"

Hearing Zhao Yuande's affirmative answer, the head of the Quan family took a breath.

He finally calmed down his mood and began to tell Zhao Yuande what happened.

Zhao Yuande really guessed right, the attack of the dark dimension started just over a year ago.

It was exactly the time when the two world wars began.

The army of Dark Dimension is like a sky fall, instantly blocking several exits of the Xuanhuang Realm, and arbitrarily arranged the Great Circle of Sealing Realm.

Now the whole Xuanhuang Realm is like a huge cake, covered in a cover. Only the strong players of the dark dimension inside are eligible to taste.

However, although the strength of the Dark Dimension is very strong, it has not been invaded by the powerful Dao Realm, and the appearance of the descendants of the old Xuanhuang only made the Xuanhuang Realm not quickly destroyed.

Even after a year has passed, both the East Emperor Xinghai and the North Emperor Xinghai have been captured, and only the central Xinghai remains in the entire Xuanhuang Realm.

At this time, the central Xinghai has been besieged by the infinite army of dark dimension, and sooner or later it will be destroyed.

"Such!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He is relieved that there is no strong man in the breaking ground, and it is not difficult to break out of the siege according to the strength of him and the **** dog.

"How many strong players are there in the central Xinghai now?" Zhao Yuande said.

"There are only three and a half steps to break the Dao Realm, and everyone else is fighting to death!" Patriarch Quan said bitterly, "And the other side has more than a dozen steps to break the Dao Realm, which is not what we can fight! But the other side seems to be Playing cats or mice, or waiting for opportunities."

"Well! I know!" Zhao Yuande looked at the other party, "The Quan family mainly don't want me to take you away?"

"Take me away!" In the eyes of Family Master Quan, a light suddenly flashed, but then gradually dimmed, "I am the Family Master of Quan, what should I do if I leave my clan?"

"You can take them all." Zhao Yuande said, "But it is best to take away only important people, otherwise it will attract the attention of other heads of the family. I am afraid that many things will happen out of thin air. I can only give you an hour."

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