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Yuanwan slowly pulled the pardon of the forgiveness and gently pulled it.

Immediately forgive God released an endless golden light, the golden light reflected the whole world into a piece of gold, and the endless chaotic mist began to gradually roll backwards under this golden light.

"Follow my footsteps!" With a forgive purpose, Yuanwan walked towards the chaotic mist.

The chaotic mist around them all retreated, and they quickly entered a dark space.

This should have been a huge medicine field, but I don't know why it was shrouded by this chaotic mist.

The medicine fields are all kinds of elixir that have been transformed into decayed mud, and a strong stench wafts around in this space.

Occasionally, there are one or two strangely shaped plants in these decayed muds, but all of them are monstrous and weird, and it seems that they are not elixir but poisonous poisons!

"Okay, you can put away this treasure!" Zhao Yuande looked round, his face showing a touch of gratitude.

The forgiveness of the forgiveness was put away round and round, and the chaotic mist suddenly enveloped the sky again, and they fell into darkness.

"Master, we have entered the field of medicine. Where are you?" Zhao Yuande passed the secret technique to the elderly Tianshi.

"I'm in a quagmire. There is a withered old tree here..." The old man who ate the food passed the message, and there seemed to be some excitement in his voice.

"Can you make some sounds?" Zhao Yuande passed the message. "I have a friend here with special magical powers, as long as you make a little noise, it's all right!"

"Okay! I'll try!" The old man who eats the sky seems to have some difficulty speaking.

"Brother Dongfang, listen carefully." Zhao Yuande looked at Dongfang Bridge.

"There seems to be sound in that direction!" Dongfangqiao looked up in one direction.

"Go!" Zhao Yuande first walked in the direction of Dongfang Bridge.

It's muddy here, and it's not that there is a terrible poisonous gas, they don't dare to go too fast.

After walking for a full hour, about a thousand miles away, they finally saw a vast black swamp.

In the center of the swamp, there is a huge old tree, but the old tree has withered without a sound.

"It's under that old tree!" Dongfangqiao pointed at the old tree, eyes bright.

"You guys are waiting here, don't make any disturbances, I will go in!" Zhao Yuande was worried about something terrible in the swamp, so he decided to go alone.

"You have to be careful, this swamp is brewed by the decayed elixir that has accumulated hundreds of millions of years, and its medicinal properties have all turned into terrible poisonous gas."

"I know." Zhao Yuande nodded and stepped into the mud.

"Ziz!" The shoes on his feet made a corroding sound, and the next moment he already felt the burning pain coming from his feet.

"What a powerful corrosive force!" Zhao Yuande was shocked.

The shoes on his feet, but the Sipinhua Xianbao, is a strong man from the Holy Realm, but he did not expect it to be directly corroded into sludge by the mud.

"The power of the undead turns me! The power of the world protects me!" He madly operated the power of the undead and enveloped the infinite power of the world on his feet, forming a pair of shoes condensed by the power of the world. .

"Fortunately!" Zhao Yuande felt that this kind of corrosive power could not corrode the power of the intangible and immaterial world.

But he can also imagine that without the guardian of the power of the world, it would be very difficult for the elderly to eat here to survive.

His footsteps accelerated, and a few ups and downs came to the old withered tree.

"" A faint voice came from the ancient tree.

Zhao Yuande saw that the trunk of the ancient tree was hollow, and a dry old man sat cross-legged.

The old man's breath was so weak that he could hardly find it. At this time, he lifted his eyelids hard and looked at him.

"Master!" Zhao Yuande looked at the old man with a slight trembling in his voice, "The children are coming!"

"Okay...Okay..." Tears of the heaven-eating old man's dry eyes rolled down.

He has only two disciples in his life, and the most esteemed disciple, Shen Buyi, forced him into this Jedi for his inheritance.

But he didn't expect that the seed that had been accidentally lost at the beginning brought him another disciple!

This disciple who has never met before actually came here to save him from the trap!

At this moment he had mixed feelings in his heart, and a moving emotion was rushing.

"Master, I will nourish the body for you!" Zhao Yuande stepped forward and poured a trace of immortal power into the body of the old man who ate heaven, slowly helping him to restore the vitality and strength of the body.

He didn't dare to infuse too much at all, otherwise he might be able to instantaneously eat the old meridians of the old man and explode the sea of ​​blood.

"Brother Dongfang, I have found the Master, you are waiting for me in place." Zhao Yuande did not forget to leave a word for Dongfang Bridge.

With the instillation of undead power, Zhao Yuande discovered that the body of the old man who had eaten the sky was basically completely eroded by a toxin.

If there is not a strong vitality flowing in the blood sea, I am afraid that the old man of heaven will have fallen here long ago!

"Good apprentice! Good apprentice!" At this time, Tianci old man, his eyes were already wet, and his voice was a little choked.

"Okay Master, you need to restore your experience first, and I will take you out!" Zhao Yuande felt that the other party's vitality had stabilized and various functions in the body were recovering, which was wrapped in the power of the world and quickly brought The old man who ate the sky rushed out of the swamp.

"Brother Zhao!" Dongfangqiao saw the appearance of Zhao Yuande's figure, and their eyes were full of joy.

"Are we going to use the pardon of forgiveness again?" Looking roundly at Zhao Yuande, and the elderly Tianci who closed his eyes and was recovering.

"No... don't have to be so troublesome!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand and looked at the round, "You all enter my inner world! I will take you out!"

"This..." There was a trace of hesitation on Yuanwan's face, but he nodded quickly, "Well! I believe Brother Zhao!"

Entering the internal world of others is equivalent to entering the control of others. It is impossible to do so without absolute trust.

However, through this period of contact, Yuanyuan also knew about Zhao Yuande, he would definitely not be that kind of person.

"Master, you also enter my inner world!" Zhao Yuande whispered.

"Good!" Tianchi old man nodded slightly.

He did not have any doubts. A disciple who risked his life to save himself did not trust who he could trust!

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