Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3290: Hell Demon

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Chapter 3290th Hell Demon

"You... who... who are you?" The voice of this grimace mask shuddered a little, and the strange atmosphere just created disappeared at once, as if it were a client who was exposed.

The shock in his heart can no longer be added. He has been secretly appearing in the face of the strong man of the evil ghost sect, using the identity of the evil ghost sect to make many outrageous activities.

No one knows his identity, and no one can recognize his true identity.

This time he happened to be hunting the mysterious beast among the ruins of the mysterious dynasty, and just received a secret order from the Saint Alliance to come and intercept Zhao Yuande and several of them.

The intelligence of the Saint Alliance is very good, knowing that there are many people with special identities beside Zhao Yuande.

If you kill them as a strong in the Saint Alliance, I am afraid that you will not be good in the future, just as the evil ghost sect!

But he never dreamed that the other party even shouted his name.

"Oh! Don't you already know my identity?" Zhao Yuande smiled coldly, "I am the ascender of the lower realm, the disciple of the old man who eats the sky, Zhao Yuande, the heir of the emperor Zhou! Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you , I also have a name called Galaxy!"

" turned out to be a galaxy! A disciple who eats the old man, a descendant of the emperor Zhou..." Shen Bushi's body shocked, and his eyes showed incredible colors, " are so insidious! "

"Can you squint now?" Zhao Yuande's mouth slightly tilted.

At this time, two black rays of light had penetrated the head of Shen Bushi silently, piercing out of his eyebrows.

"I... hate..." Shen Bushi made a final voice unwillingly, and then his head exploded, even the chance of reincarnation was ruthlessly deprived.

Zhao Yuande took one move, and Shen Bushi's body flew over.

He was very skillful in sweeping away all the valuables on the other side, and then the ruins.

The endless dark void in front of them also shattered at this time, and they appeared before an ancient ruin.

Seeing that Shen Bushi was directly beheaded by Zhao Yuande, everyone opened his mouth wide and stood in a daze for a long time.

"Brother Zhao...good means!" Dongfangqiao was the first to respond and gave thumbs up to Zhao Yuande.

"Ok... so powerful! The move just now was silent, even if I was afraid to die, the treasures on my body were too late to excite, and my head couldn't react!" Yuan Yuande's gaze changed even more. Excitement.

"Brother Zhao... You still let us chase you!" Fairy Bai Feng lost a bit in her voice.

The higher the cultivation base is, the more she can feel the power and horror of Zhao Yuande's talent, and she can only be further and further away in the future.

"It's not such an exaggeration!" Zhao Yuande smiled and shook his head. "I just used his identity to shock him, and then took advantage of his trance to kill him, so that other people can do it."

"But after all, the identities that Brother Zhao said just now are true!" Excitement flashed in his round eyes.

They also have intelligence trading in the Qiantong Chamber of Commerce. Each of the three identities mentioned by Zhao Yuande is important, and each of them can cause waves in the chemical industry.

It seems that the guy at Dongfangqiao did not lie to himself. Being able to cooperate with this kind of person at this stage will definitely increase his status in the Qiantong Chamber of Commerce.

"Oh! Of course it is true!" Zhao Yuande turned his gaze to the last Jiatong standing, "Do you mean Jiatong?"

"Ah! Yes!" Jia Tong didn't expect Zhao Yuande to ask himself at this time, he couldn't help but stunned.

"Jia Tong, this news of Shen Buyi is yours!" Zhao Yuande's voice was a little cold at the next moment.

"Brother Zhao, what are you talking about, how can I pass the news out?" Jia Tong's face changed slightly.

Others heard Zhao Yuande say this, and his face changed slightly, as if he had thought of something, all his eyes were focused on Jia Tong.

"It wasn't you passing it out? Was it me?" Zhao Yuande sneered. "Without a definite location, how could this Shen Bushi simply trap us in battle? Is it just a coincidence?"

"Coincidence! It must be a coincidence! How can I do this, and what good is it for me, you said, the treasurer!" Jia Tong turned his attention to help.

"Brother Zhao didn't say that I really didn't expect that we were really counted, and only you among the five of us are doubtful!" Yuanwan quickly backed away and distanced Jiatong from a little distance, a pair of eyes swept over the other party Come and go.

"Why is my suspicion the most, aren't they all doubtful?" Jia Tong looked ugly and pointed his fingers at Dongfangqiao and Baifeng Fairy. "Maybe they sold the intelligence to the Saint Alliance for the one billion bounty! "

"Billion! Hey! Even if you give them 100 billion, they won't betray me. You kind of eat inside and out, you don't understand what a real friend is!" Zhao Yuande sneered.

"In this case, you will die for me!" Jia Tong's face suddenly showed a fierce color, and a black token in his hand lit a black light.

The black light enveloped the void, and a huge black shadow slowly stepped out of the void.

This huge black shadow has no entity, just a phantom shadow, but the power of breath has reached the pinnacle of the Holy Realm, powerful and incredible.

Even Zhao Yuande felt tremendous pressure at this time. He knew that he might not be the opponent of this shadow, so he was ready to escape!

"Hell Demon!" Seeing this huge black shadow round and round, he couldn't help but change his face into a pig liver color, "Dare you dare to take this thing to deal with me! Damn...damn! This was what I did The Treasury will give you a treasure to protect you. How dare you deal with me..."

"The money dispensers, this is also helpless." Jia Tong's face showed a terrible color. "I don't want to make things like this. The dry trade chamber is a very good umbrella. Unfortunately, you are rolling...too stupid! "

"I'm **** you..." Burning in rage, and a vicious look on a rolling face, "I hate others to say that I am stupid! No one who says that I am stupid can live in this world! Don’t think that you can deal with me with a **** demon, you don’t even know how deep I am in the Chamber of Commerce, you don’t even know..."

The round palm turned, and a villain with gold armor appeared in his hand.

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