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He couldn't resist for a while, he was directly pulled into the mouth by Snake Three and swallowed!

"Damn it!" Jin Wei was shocked when she saw this scene, raising her hand to a storm formed by the blade of the void towards the black monster.


A thunder shot from Zhao Yuande's wrist turned into a thunder sword and shredded the Void Blade Storm.

"Hey! Boy of the Black Fire Clan, are you planning to abandon this treasure to attract my attention? You succeeded!" Ancient rhinoceros' powerful soul focused into the void gourd and wanted to take the opportunity to refine it.

But at this time, an invisible edge of the gourd mouth flew out, and directly cut through the neck of the ancient rhinoceros.

Gu Xi's head flew, and one of his one-eyed heads opened, as if he could not believe what was happening in front of him.


Lei Yuan cut off the Void Blade Storm with a sword, and split a terror of thunder, striking the head of the ancient rhinoceros.

The power of the horror thunder directly shattered this huge head at the next moment.

A black ray rushed out of the shattered head, and as a result, before escaping, he was attracted by a terrible force and flew towards the reincarnation disk of the distant sky.

"Save me..." Gu Xi uttered a scream, but no one would save him.

At this time, Shan Kui saw that Zhao Yuande's fist had come to him. The fist that was originally slow and silent, suddenly gave him a feeling of terrifying and unreachable at this moment.

"not good!"

Shan Kui knew that he had despised the punch and his body went backwards.

But Zhao Yuande's punch has locked him. Instead of pulling away, his retreat is getting closer and closer.

"I don't believe it!" Shan Kui's face was extremely dignified, his body shaking into a huge pangolin.

The huge scales that shone with divine light on the body of the pangolin were like a piece of divine armor, giving people a sense of indestructibility.


Zhao Yuande struck with all his strength and directly bombarded a scale-sized scale on the pangolin's chest.

The huge body of the pangolin made a muffled sound, and then flew out directly, falling towards the rolling Huangquan River.

"help me!"

The pangolin uttered a scream, and the huge body made a muffled noise.

The rotten pieces covering him were broken apart, and almost all the flesh and blood in the body was smashed into a paste by the power of terror.

At this time, all its bones were broken, and only an empty shell was left. There was no trace of power at all, and there was no ability to escape the fate of falling into the Huangquan River.

However, at this time, there was no one to rescue him at all. Jin Wei was trapped by the recovered Lei Yuan. Although he had the upper hand, he had no time to rescue him.

Long Hao had been sucked into the black snake's mouth at this time. At this time, he seemed to have gone into another void, and it was impossible to save him.


Shan Kui's body fell into the Huangquan River. Before he could scream, he was directly corroded.

All this happened too fast, only three breathing time, Shan Kui and Gu Xi have been beheaded by Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande held the Void Gourd and looked at Jin Wei, who was fighting Lei Yuan, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

"Give you three breathing time, do you want to grab your hand and catch or die!" Zhao Yuande's breath kept rising, and the endless power of reincarnation poured into his body, and the ghost of the face of reincarnation appeared behind him.

"That's...the wheel of reincarnation! You... you can actually absorb the power of reincarnation, and have the phantom of the wheel of reincarnation!" Jin Wei's face changed drastically, looking at Zhao Yuande's eyes full of horror.

"You have some vision, but there is only one breath left! Life or death!" Zhao Yuande came to Jin Wei in one step.

"I... surrendered!" Jin Wei's eyes appeared horrified, and there was a frustration on his face.

"Then don't resist!" Zhao Yuande pointed directly at Jin Wei's eyebrows.

Jin Wei's eyes flickered, and she seemed to weigh how much she could kill Zhao Yuande at this moment, but in the end she gave up!

Although her strength is very strong, but most of them are reflected in the spirit of the gods.

Here, her spirit was suppressed and she couldn't even exert half of her strength.

Facing Zhao Yuande, she felt that she couldn't hold a breath.

Zhao Yuande's finger was a bit on Jin Wei's eyebrows, and a powerful power of the soul instantly blocked the other's knowledge of the sea, and the other party instantly lost the ability to resist!

Zhao Yuande grabbed her and threw her directly into one of his own real worlds and imprisoned him.

Only six breathing hours have passed.

"Snake III! I have solved these three. You can release Long Howl!" Zhao Yuande looked at Snake III, who turned into a black monster.

"I'm going to throw him in the Huangquan River!" The strange snake's mouth made a sound.

The monster snake swam and came to the Huangquan River, spitting it out.

A figure flew out of his mouth and fell towards the Huangquan River.


Zhao Yuande knew that Long Hao would never be killed in this way, so he hurried away at this opportunity.

He grabbed the strange snake and flew thousands of miles with a few flashes of his body.

Long Hao was sucked into a mysterious space at once, in which his strength was suppressed by a strange power, and he could not exert his strength at all.

However, he was also constantly fighting, and his powerful flesh kept punching against the void, gradually cracking the void around him.

But just when there was a crack in the void, and he was about to tear the void, and rushed out, he felt the void open in front of him again, and pushed him out of the space with a strong push.

However, as soon as he appeared, he found himself in the air, and the descendant turned out to be Taoquan's Huangquan River!

"not good!"

He rose from the sky and fell towards the shore.

Long Hao looked at the blood on the ground, and his three companions disappeared in just a few breaths. Obviously they should have been killed by the guy of the Black Fire clan!

"You can't run!" Long Howe's heart rose with endless anger.

His feet landed, and there was no yellow spring water sticking to it.

Looking at the place where Zhao Yuande's figure disappeared, a blazing flame erupted from his eyes.

These three partners were all carefully selected by him, each with their own talents. The four of them united into the chemical industry and have successfully plundered a large number of resources for three consecutive times.

Moreover, Jin Wei was the woman he had already appointed. Although Jin Wei seemed to be detached from him on the surface, the relationship between the two was basically settled.

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