Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3227: Ghost car

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"Yes, Master Black Forest, this last treasure is a treasure that the Devil Crown Chamber of Commerce obtained from the creation world. The ancestors could not distinguish its true use, but the power contained therein is extremely amazing." The powerful demon who has been waiting around has spoken.

"Oh... even the Black Stone Ancestor couldn't recognize it!" Zhao Yuande suddenly became interested. "Then stay and take a look."

"The next is our last treasure in this auction, everyone please see!" Heishifeng took out a slap-sized bronze man from the storage ring.

The Tongren is a powerful presence with three heads and six arms. A strong breath suddenly swept from the body of the bronze person. Countless strong men felt this breath, and all stood up in shock.

"This... what a treasure!" The demon wolf ancestor stood up at this moment, his face showing incredible color.

Even if he is a powerful existence as the pinnacle of a god's realm, at this time, he can't help being shocked by the breath of the bronze man.

"What a powerful treasure! What...what is it!" A thick voice came from the upper box.

At the same time, many boxes above opened the window at the same time, and a pair of eyes fixed on the bronze man, his face either uncertain or ecstatic, or full of greed.

"This is what my ancestors got from the endless void in an accidental opportunity. According to the ancestors' guess, this should be a treasure of the chemical world, because there is a text of the chemical world on it." It is said that the black stone peak here is a bronze statue. The soles of the feet are shown to everyone.

Zhao Yuande saw at a glance that the two characters were made!

"Sure enough, it is a treasure in the chemical world. The word "chemical" is engraved on it!"

"Yes, this is the word "chemical". It seems that it is indeed a treasure in the chemical industry!"

"Treasure in the chemical world? This does not seem like a weapon, is it a **** used to worship?"

"Who is going to worship the slap-sized idol? Is there a villain in the chemical industry?"

"The breath of this bronze man is comparable to the powerful existence of the Demon Realm, and it is definitely not a mortal..."

"I want to take a picture and study it carefully, maybe I can..."


Soon the eyes of some strong men gradually light up, and they start to stare at the bronze statue.

But Zhao Yuande looked at this bronze man a little stunned.

He didn't have much interest in this thing at first, but when his soul swept on it, he couldn't help but stunned.

"This... turned out to be just a token of the Archaic Sect Gate, called the Order of the Ancient Copper Man! Holding the Order of the Architectural Copper Man could enter this Archaic Sect Gate and become a disciple of the Archaic Sect Gate." Zhao Yuande had been coming back for a long time.

"Chaos Sect! I've heard this name before." Zhao Yuande couldn't help frowning.

"Lei Yuan, do you know the Chaos Sect?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but contact Lei Yuan to get an answer from him.

"Chaos Sect? Never heard of it." Lei Yuan shook his head simply.

"This..." Lei Yuan is an old antique. Tuan Thunder's origin has been refined into a peerless treasure. I don't know how long it has been.

Now he doesn't know... who to ask?

A ray of his soul entered his own inner world, and found Gu Aoyue and Lin Qingyu.

"Do you know the Chaos Sect?" Zhao Yuande asked the two, "Or is it a legend about the Chaos Sect?"

"Chaos Sect? There seems to be no such sect in the chemical industry. I have never heard of it." Gu Aoyue shook his head slightly after thinking for a moment.

"I... I don't know!" Lin Qingyu seemed a little afraid of Zhao Yuande, and saw a nervous stutter.

"Oh! This..." Zhao Yuande couldn't help being slightly disappointed.

"Hey, when will you let us go?" Gu Aoyue finally saw Zhao Yuande at this time and couldn't help asking.

"I'm still in hell, but I should be leaving soon." Zhao Yuande said, "I will let you go as soon as I return to the chemical industry."

"Okay..." Gu Aoyue could only ask, here she couldn't do anything, even cultivation!

Zhao Yuande's realm is the same as hers. The inner world is full of Zhao Yuande's Taoism. If he comprehends these Taoist practices, he may soon get mad.

Zhao Yuande left the inner world and frowned.

He now has some doubts about whether this so-called Chaos Sect is the sect of the chemical world, does it have other high planes besides the chemical world and the Tai Cang world in the vast void?

However, suspicion turned into suspicion. Zhao Yuande felt that this treasure was too important, and he wanted to win it.

He has a feeling that if he does not win this bronze man today, he may regret it in the future!

"The starting price of this treasure copper man in the chemical industry is 30 billion yuan, you can bid at will!" Heishifeng said the price at this time.

Suddenly, many people's faces showed disappointment, this price is too expensive!

Thirty billion yuan to buy a treasure that does not know its role is really a luxury.

Suddenly, many strong strong people are about to give up at this time.

But after all, there are powerful people with rich money, and soon prices continue to rise.

Prices have risen all the way, from 30 billion to 36 billion.

"Four billion!" This time, the soft voice of the female voice came again.

"Hey, I also feel a little strange about this thing. I have 41 billion!" Devil Wolf Ancestor smiled and joined in.

"Five billion yuan, I want this ghost car!" At this time, a figure suddenly appeared next to the ghost capital, a gloomy face, and the demons were 90% similar to the ghost.

"Father..." Guidu shook a little in his voice.

He didn't expect that his father had appeared beside him shortly after he sent a message, and he thought that he hadn't completed his father's task, and he couldn't help showing a little panic on his face.

"You sit down honestly, and I'll ask you to settle the account later!" The sound of ghost car ice cold is full of murderous opportunities.


Ghosts no longer arrogant and arrogant, just sat back in the seat, panic-stricken.

"Old ghost car, you are finally here in person." Devil Wolf ancestors frowned slightly when he heard the sound of the ghost car, and there was a look of fear on his face.

"Magic wolf, I haven't seen you for thousands of years. You haven't grown a bit. I'm afraid you will run out of life if you don't advance!" The ghost car sneered.

"Ghost this the attitude towards old friends?" Devil Wolf Ancestor froze, but he didn't expect the other party to say that.

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