Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2649: The way of creation

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"It shattered the small world before, and saw us pass through the void of the void, but did not deal with us, it... it would not be wanted..." Zhao Yuande thought of a problem, his face became very solemn.

"Good! You guessed it right, he just wanted to take advantage of you through the teleportation array, tearing the void and invading the fourth star field!" Elder Beard sighed helplessly, "But this is no way, I You can only go one step at a time!"

"Has it been so serious?" Zhao Yuande could not set the channel. "Senior you are so powerful, can't you suppress it yet?"

"Hey! It's my child, although I can suppress him, but I don't want to do it... But really at the end of life and death, I will not let him continue to go crazy. The big deal is that I will die with him and let the third Samsung domain Completely annihilated." Elder Beard shook his head, a sad look on his face.

"Okay!" Zhao Yuande can also feel the pain in the heart of the elder beard, "I don't know what tasks the seniors have for us?"

"The task is not in a hurry. You will rest here and rest. When the people who enter the Jupiter are all here, I will notify you together." Elder Elder Beard waved his hand and turned into the void.

"..." Zhao Yuande actually wanted to stop the other party, saying that he was a descendant of the Emperor Zhou, but he finally refrained.

"Let's find a place to practice for a while!" Han Yu looked at Zhao Yuande.

"it is good!"

The two soon found a huge crack near the tree trunk. The space in this gap was huge, but if it was placed on the Tiandao tree, it might be just an insignificant small gap.

"You are here to practice first! I let a doppelganger protect you next to me, and I want to go back and look at it. I'm really not at ease." Zhao Yuande summoned Zhao XIV from the other side of the world to help protect Han. jade.

He took Zhao Liu back to Qinglong City through the void.

"Little fellow, you are not easy! Cultivating to the peak of the fifth step so quickly, is the agreement between us..." The old man in red saw Zhao Yuande appearing, he was surprised for a while, but then he grinned. .

"Senior, what we originally agreed was not necessarily my own. My avatar is now in the venerable realm, and I should be able to go into cultivation!" Zhao Yuande smiled and summoned Zhao Liu.

"Your kid...really!" The old man in red was stunned, and then a smile appeared on his face. "But you are right. Your doppelganger can indeed go in to practice. Who asked you to help me get angry!"

"Then thank you seniors!" Zhao Yuande hurriedly bowed and thanked.

"Okay! This is a promise, I love you." The old man in red waved his hand.


Farewell to the old man in red, Zhao Yuande returned to Xinghezong.

It was learned from Tuntian that there was no major event in the Void Realm recently, and it was only a heart that was put down.

The beautiful woman in white did not set off a **** storm in the void world, which shows that there is really a force restricting those powerful Dao Zun, so that they can't do whatever they want.

He was worried about the safety of Hanyu, and he quickly shuttled back to the Void Channel to return to the Jupiter.

When he returned, Han Yu was still practicing.

There was Zhao Shishi who didn't worry about the cultivation being disturbed, so he took out the core of the whirling tree and began to practice.

"Little fellow! Where did you come from this whirling tree core?" Zhao Yuande had not entered the state of cultivation, and the voice of the Elder Beard rang in his ears.

"Seniors are interested in the whirling tree core?" Zhao Yuande opened his eyes and looked at the elder bearded man who appeared in front of him. There was a doubt in his eyes.

It stands to reason that this whirling tree core contains endless vitality, but compared to this tree of heaven, it is simply fireflies and Haoyue!

"This tree core contains a kind of heavenly principle, which is different from the vitality of our wood **** star field, but has a peculiar power..." Elder Beard's hand moved the whirling tree The core ingested into his hand, and suddenly there was a look of ecstasy on his face.

"Senior..." Zhao Yuande whispered softly.

"I know... This is the way of nature! It is the way of nature..." Elder Beard's eyes widened at once, and he looked at the core of the whirling tree in disbelief.

The power of creation!

Zhao Yuande suddenly thought of those red flame demon monkeys, who were only radiated by the power of this whirling tree core to be able to continuously improve their strength, and their physical bodies would undergo tremendous changes.

If it is just the power of life, it is impossible to achieve!

Correct! Is the way of creation!

Suddenly, his eyes lighted up, and the channel in the sea he knew together with the chemical world still exists, still continually absorbing the transmitted power of chemical transformation.

These forging powers were transmitted and not used, but were stored in his blood sea and coexist with the power of the fairy spirit.

The power of creation is invaluable in this world. He now accumulates them, which can urge the treasure of creation and release the true power of the treasure of creation.

And now he uses the power of creation in his body and the power in the core of the whirling tree to have similarities.

As the other party said, this may really be a way of creation.

No wonder he just woke up the ancient tree after he took out the whirling tree core on the star, and it was going to chase himself crazy, it turned out that the other party also sensed the way of fortune.

But at this time, he was very worried, and now the whirling tree core was taken away by the elder longbeard, will the other party...

"Don't worry! This whirling tree core is still yours." Although the old man with a long beard was reluctant, he still handed the whirling tree core back to Zhao Yuande. "Although it is very precious, I also want to study it. But it's your thing, and I will open my terms and exchange with you!"

"Thank you, Senior!" Zhao Yuande looked at the Elder Beard and sighed.

This is the way of creation!

The whirling giant tree didn't know how to control a trace of creation, and thus realized the way of creation, but was controlled by the group of red flame demon monkeys.

If other powerful people know that they can comprehend the way of creation from the core of this whirling tree, I am afraid they will take it from Zhao Yuande without hesitation.

That would be like a long-bearded elder, who would offer conditions and exchange with himself.

Elder Longbeard was transformed by the wooden heaven in the body of Emperor Zhou, from which it was known what kind of character the original Emperor Zhou was.

Only talents of this character will sacrifice themselves to create a road to heaven for the world of the void.

"No matter how the whirling tree core, you must not take it out in other stars or other star fields, otherwise it will bring you the disaster of extinction!" Elder Elder Beard solemnly asked.

"Seniors don't talk about your terms of exchange?" Zhao Yuande looked at Elder Beard with a smile in his eyes.

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