Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

"It's all fake! It must be an illusion!" Zhao Yuande shook his head, "With identification techniques, these things will be able to show their original shape!"

At this time, there was a towering big tree in front of him blocking the way. The big tree towered into the clouds, and the crown was covered by a tens of miles. Numerous vines fell from the crown. If you listen carefully, you can hear the crown. The sounds of beasts.

His soul explored the past to identify a large tree.

"The whirling **** tree, the soul of the gods is comparable to the eternal peak strongman, can release the illusion, trap people into it and find no way out..."

"What's going on? Is it true?" Zhao Yuande looked weird, walking towards the big tree in disbelief.

His soul is also the eternal peak powerhouse at this time, if it is really like identification, he should not have to fear.

He was about a hundred feet away from the big tree. The thick red liquid under his feet made him struggle. Every step took a lot of power.

"No! How powerful I am now, I can crush a star with one foot, how can I be stuck with a little thing, this is absolutely unreasonable!" Only after two steps, he felt something was wrong. .


He was the holy thunder body at the beginning of this time, especially the scene of the birth of the cyan dragon, and the feeling he had just felt in the thunder swamp just now. Zhao Yuande had a new feeling about the power of the thunder.

A cyan thunder poured out from between his fingers and shot towards the whirling **** tree in front.

This is the power of the thunder flowing in his body, not the transformation of the power of the fairy, so it is more pure, and the power is even more powerful.

Cyan Thunder focused on the Whirling God Tree in an instant, but it did not have the scene that Zhao Yuande imagined, but penetrated the Whirling God Tree without any obstacles.


With a scream, the scenery in front of Zhao Yuande turned into a mist again. The path was still winding in the mist, and there was no viscous liquid on the ground. Everything was just an illusion just now!

"This... this is a bit weird!" Although this situation was beyond his expectation, it was reasonable, but the error of the identification technique made him a little unacceptable.

"Could it be that there is really such a whirling **** tree in this mist, what I just saw is not illusory, but a projection...the projection of whirling **** tree..." Zhao Yuande's bold vision, I feel that there should be no mistakes in this theory. This is the only correct explanation.

"But who sent that scream just now? Is it also the whirling **** tree?"

He stepped forward along the path step by step, walking in the mist.

Under the mountain, he saw the path winding up to the top of the mountain, so he felt that as long as he walked along the path, he would definitely get out of this fog.

As he walked farther and farther, the path in front of him became narrower and narrower, sandwiched by some huge trees, and roots were raised from the ground, as if all the dragons exposed their backs.


One of the roots didn't know where it came from, and he pulled towards his leg.

Zhao Yuande's physical body is now extremely powerful. He simply can't avoid it, and he uses his legs to resist.

But at the next moment, the hair seemed to be just a shadow, passing over Zhao Yuande's leg, there was no harm at all.

Sure enough, it was another illusion, and it must be the ghost of the whirling **** tree. Zhao Yuande's footsteps were firmer, and he walked step by step toward the depths of the mist.


A vine did not know when it appeared above his head. A bright red **** flower bloomed on the vine, and there seemed to be a scarlet liquid flowing out of the big flower.

"Huh?" Zhao Yuan Demin Ru felt a little wrong, this vine seems to have a different kind of greed and killing.

A sword light directly hit the big flower. ,


A screaming scream came out, and this big flower actually existed, and wanted to attack Zhao Yuande through the cover of many environments.

"This is the second time! This is the second time! You dare to hurt me twice, I want to drain your juice...I want you to die..." There was a bitter voice in the depths of the mist.

This voice flickered from place to place, and could not tell the difference from the place above.

"Huh! No matter what you are, you have to uncover your real veil!" Zhao Yuande's footsteps were steady, stepping on the road step by step, as if nothing could shake his mind.

"Hey! Next, you will know what is fear, what is despair, you will beg me..." The voice sneered in a somber voice, this moment seems to be a demon from hell.

"Although you can use it anyway!" Youtan Dagger circling around his body, can appear anywhere in his soul at any time.

There was silence in the mist, and there was no more sound, as if falling into eternal silence.

Walking along, Zhao Yuande suddenly felt something was not right, and it suddenly became too quiet here, so quiet that he felt fear, and I don’t know when the path in front of him disappeared, and the fog around him gradually disappeared. Afterwards, he found himself in a dark void.

The void has no end, no starting point, and his footsteps stop.

He has a strange feeling that if he continues to walk, he will probably enter a void that will never have a day.

He could feel that there was no passage of time in this void, no matter how much time was spent here, the time outside was just a moment past.

"Is this your way?" Zhao Yuande's lips turned slightly, want to use this eternal loneliness to collapse his confidence?

He's really awesome!

He is too short of time. If there is a lot of time, his primal rejuvenation will inevitably reach the apex. As long as the primal rejuvenation is raised to the tenth level, his soul can be comparable to the supreme peak power!

This static time and space is obviously constructed by the other party's powerful soul and some kind of mysterious treasure.

If you want to maintain it, you will need a lot of power from the gods and souls. What he hopes most now is that the opponent’s souls can persist for a while, and he can practice a lot.

He simply sat cross-legged and began to practice Yuanshen Resurrection.

His soul was shattered and reborn, and shattered again after rebirth, so he fell into an endless cycle.

Just when his soul was broken and respawned 9,900 times, suddenly the void suddenly shattered.

Zhao Yuande appeared in the middle of the path at this time, and a thick vine protruded from under the ground, and pulled directly towards Zhao Yuande.

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