Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2041: Regain the Wa Palace

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"Zhao Yuande! You survived!" The horn saw a happy smile on Zhao Yuande's face, "I know you are not so easy to die! How did you come in, that guy..."

"Mo is dead! Now you are in control of the Wa Palace, and you can fight for me later!" Zhao Yuande pressed the golden seed directly into the horn of the eyebrow.

"I... really can control the Wa Palace!" As soon as the golden seed entered his eyebrows, the corner suddenly called out in surprise.

"Oh! You are familiar with the Wa Wa Palace first! I have other things to do." Zhao Yuande nodded to him. "If the materials needed for the Wa Wa Palace restoration are open to me, I will help you find it. of!"

"Okay! I will definitely manage the Wa Palace, and live up to the emperor's efforts, and live up to your trust in me!" Jiao nodded excitedly.

"Okay! Let's get acquainted first!" Zhao Yuande left Wa Palace, but was not excited by Wa Palace.

Although the Wa Palace is good, it is estimated that it should be Jiu Pin Xian Bao after the complete restoration, but its effect on him is not very great.

His physical strength is now stronger than the attack of the Wa Palace.

He is considering who to give this treasure to play his greatest power and effect.

But now it is not time to think about it. He feels that he should go to the Purgatory Channel as early as possible to wait for Zhang Fan, maybe the other party has already arrived.

At this time, Tun Tian and Jiang Hengxue were in Zhao Yuande's inner world, and he tore the void directly towards the purgatory channel.


On a huge battleship, a middle-aged man suddenly fell out of the void, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Who is that person? Why kill me!" The middle-aged man touched the blood at the corner of his mouth, his face all dignified.

"What's wrong with the main hall? How did you get hurt?" The figure of a bearded old man appeared in front of the middle-aged man, asking with concern.

"Yang'er is dead! I didn't save the last trace of his soul when I went!" There was a hint of hatred on the middle-aged man's face.

"What young master is dead!" The bearded old man opened his mouth incredulously. "Who is so bold, is it something shameless in the fairy world?"

"No!'s a young man, very young!" The middle-aged man recalled Zhao Yuande's appearance and Zhao Yuande's breath at the time. "He should not be more than thirty years old!"

"'s impossible! It's impossible to hurt the hallmaster's soul under the age of's absolutely impossible!" The bearded old man was stunned and couldn't believe it.

"This matter needs to be reported to the ancestor! If this person intervenes in our battle with the two realms of immortal demon, I am afraid our plan will change!" The middle-aged man frowned deeply. "Just a fan alone We have a headache, and now this young man appears again, it seems that this time the plan may be..."

"Don't worry, the strength of several ancestors has exceeded the limit of this session. The elders will take action. I believe that even ten or eight more Zhang Fans are all right!" The bearded old man comforted.

"Afraid of fear that the old guy of the East Emperor will be spoiled. Are you sure that it has been introduced into the mysterious realms?" the middle-aged man asked.

"I'm sure! Although the old guy is very powerful, but his heart is close to the lower bound, his weakness is too obvious!" The bearded old man said.

"Okay...Go see some ancestors now!"


Zhao Yuande shuttled continuously in the void, and soon appeared in front of two vast continents.

Zhao Yuande knew that these two boundless continents were the fairy world Xifengzhou and the demon world.

"This..." Zhao Yuande saw that the purgatory channel that originally connected the two continents had disappeared, and was replaced by a huge stone bridge connecting the heavens and the earth.

Above the stone bridge there was a mighty army of demons moving towards the other direction of the stone bridge.

At that time, a large number of strong powers in the fairy world had appeared on the Xifengzhou side, but Zhao Yuande did not feel the feeling of being drawn on both sides.

"This is?" Zhao Yuande was slightly surprised, but in an instant he understood what was going on. "It must be the Pantheon attacking the fairy realm, otherwise the two demons will not join forces!"

"Who are you? Why did you appear here?" One of the powerful horns among the Devil's Army found Zhao Yuande and shouted at him.

"Humph!" Zhao Yuande snorted coldly.

Although Demon Realm was an ally with Immortal Realm in the face of the Pantheon, he and his companions fought against the Demon Race at first. After watching countless immortal disciples fall into the hands of the Demon Realm, they still feel a bit angry when they think of it.

A demon in the other party dares to yell at himself, it is strange that he can give him a good look.

Zhao Yuande is now the strong man of the late Emperor Emperor, and this cold hum is angry and angry, which is like a thunder that directly blasted in the ear of the Demon Strong.

Let this Demon Clan only be in the late stage of the fairyland, that can withstand this terrible power, his face pale and bloodless for a moment, his body trembling in the void and fell directly.

The countless demonic forces on the huge stone bridge below were also affected by this cold hum. The strong man who was repaired shook his body, his face was pale, and the weaker one was the mouth that spewed out blood, and the spirit was depressed. The monsters can't bear this terrible sound wave, and they will burst into blood mist.

Countless demons looked at Zhao Yuande standing in the fright, his body shivering.

"Where the Daoist friends came to my demon world, really come to discuss a statement!" A tall body appeared on the earth of the demon world. This body is full of feet, three heads and six arms and eight feet. Ghosts, like a reincarnation of gods and gods.

"Master Devil Emperor!"

"Master Devil Emperor!"

Countless demons all bowed down to salute, all showing fanaticism and worship.

Zhao Yuande saw this powerful Devil Emperor, but he did not show unexpected colors, just looked at each other quietly.

Zhang Fan is a disciple of Zhenyi Mohuang. He wants to see what Zhenyi Mohuang has.

"Who is Daoyou?" Zhen Yi Dehuang looked at Zhao Yuande's face very dignified. Although he saw that the other's cultivation practice was only the late stage of the fairy emperor, the other side always gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

"Senior Demon Emperor doesn't know me yet?" Zhao Yuande looked at the other side and said lightly.

"You are..." Zhen Yi Dehuang looked at Zhao Yuande more and more familiar, but couldn't remember where he saw each other.

And the other party called himself senior... who is he?

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