Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1269: Heritage Jade Rune

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The two quickly returned to Wanxiang Building, and under Sun Yang's arrangement, they moved into the most luxurious room.

Zhao Yuande simply lay down and began to fall asleep.

By the time Zhao Yuande woke up again, Sun Yang had already prepared a sumptuous table.

"Brother Sun, how long have I slept?" Zhao Yuande asked while eating.

"Three days!" Sun Yang said strangely, "I received the news from Xuanji Zongfang City that Shen Tu dreamed of going to the food court, and the men who responded to my orders made her return with disappointment. . Isn't it cruel to say that I did this?

"What is cruel, this is a strategy! You don't want to hurt her, you want to marry her, even if she knows the truth, you will be touched by you." Zhao Yuande corrected his mistake.

"Oh!" Sun Yang nodded inexplicably.

After all, he was a Maotou boy who had never experienced this kind of love. He didn't know anything about this kind of thing. What Zhao Yuande said was what it was!

"That's right! Mrs. Tian sent someone to give a gift and said it was a guilt." Sun Yang thought of something and took a box from the storage ring and pushed it in front of Zhao Yuande. "This is for you, I didn't read it."

"Well!" Zhao Yuande opened the box and saw a white jade symbol in it.

Yufu looks a little bit older, even a little yellow under the erosion of years.

Carved on it is a very old rune, these runes seem to be a handle of **** spear, exuding a sharp breath.

"Inheritance of Yufu, it contains a kind of avenue inheritance..."

"It turned out to be this kind of thing!"

Zhao Yuande was slightly surprised, this thing is older than the piece of inheritance jade he obtained at the Xianbao Conference, and it is estimated that the inheritance should be stronger.

This thing is at least worth more than 10 million!

"This thing is very valuable. Brother Zhao, you scared her a lot!"

At this time, Sun Yang really admired Zhao Yuande, and he was able to turn a group of powerful bluffs in the fairyland.

"Let's take a look at what kind of exercises are recorded in it!" Zhao Yuande's soul was injected into the jade symbol.


A clear sound rang, and a picture appeared in front of the two.

A tall, unrecognizable figure stood holding a spear, and he speared it out, and the world changed color and the universe was dark! Another spear, everything germinates in the clear world, and the third spear pierces everything to recover!

"This is..." Zhao Yuande stood up all of a sudden, and even when he saw this spear method, he felt a little weird at this moment!

"This kind of spear is already a supernatural power! Even if there are more than two supernatural powers that can match it in my Sun's family!" Sun Yang also changed his face, and the other party's gift was too heavy, "If this is available on the market The auction should be able to shoot a sky-high price of more than 50 million! It is almost equivalent to a sixth-grade fairy!"

"What exactly does she want to do?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help frowning. He felt that the other party was not trying to make a guilt, and he still wanted to please himself. What did she do?

"Forget it, I don't care! I'll talk about it first!" Zhao Yuande moved.

This thing seemed to have its own will in heaven. He wanted to remove the spear of the ape king on the wall of Baidi City. Someone even sent a spear method comparable to supernatural powers to him.

Anyway, they are cheated, don’t learn in vain!

As long as she returned to Xuanji Zongfang City, even if she had the abilities, she would not dare to find her own troubles. The identity of her **** chef is the best protection umbrella.

Moreover, the Sun family also pointed at themselves as earning immortal jade for them, and even sheltered themselves.

"Brother Sun, you too!" Zhao Yuande gestured to Sun Yang.

"I... can also understand?" Sun Yang looked at Zhao Yuande in disbelief.

"Hey! Of course!" Zhao Yuande focused on his head.

"Huh..." Sun Yang often exhaled suddenly, bent down to Zhao Yuande, "I thank Zhao Houhou for all the Sun family!"

"Okay, even these red tapes, we are friends, good brothers!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

"Huh!" Sun Yang's excited eyes were red.

The two simply stopped eating, and began to enlighten the spear technique that was cast again and again in the jade rune.

Not knowing how long it took, Zhao Yuande got up, and he felt a sharp sharp edge in his hands that seemed to hold him.

He left Wanxianglou as soon as he flashed.

It happened to be late at night and the street was quiet.

A few flashes of his figure appeared in front of the city gate. At this time, the gate was closed, and several powerful guards were chatting under the gate.

Each of these guards is a strong man above the Divine Emperor Realm!

They saw Zhao Yuande at a glance, and weird colors appeared in their eyes.

"Little guy, are you going out of town?" A tall middle-aged man looked at Zhao Yuande.

"Yes! A few seniors, I just got a little bit of practice in a restaurant and can't perform it in the city, so I want to go out and practice in the city!" Zhao Yuande held his fists respectfully.

"Oh! Being able to comprehend in practice is also not easy. You go!" The middle-aged man nodded, looking at Zhao Yuande's eyes with a slight appreciation.

This young man is still practicing in the middle of the night, and it shows how much work he has, even if the other party is very low, he will achieve something in the future.

The middle-aged man pulled the palm of his hand into the void, and the door opened a gap that just let people pass, waving at Zhao Yuande.

"Thank you Senior!" Zhao Yuande was delighted, and his body flashed out of the door.

Looking for an empty place outside the city, he began to practice the kind of spear he got from inheriting the jade.

Although he has no spear in his hand, he uses his hand as a spear.

The sharp Han Mang swallowed from his hand, and the place that was dozens of feet away was instantly annihilated by the terrible Han Mang.

"What a powerful trick!"

Zhao Yuande looked at the dying land around him, and he couldn't help but reveal a surprised look in his eyes.

The strength of one move is far beyond his imagination. This is still only a little bit of his understanding of the first move. If he can fully comprehend it, how far will he go?

If there is a spear in hand, how powerful is it?

Thinking of this, he looked involuntarily towards the city wall.

At this time, although there was a cloud in the sky and there was no star in the sky, there was a little cold flash on the wall.

"This is... the light radiated by the spear of the ape king!" Zhao Yuande murmured. "It's better to take advantage of tonight, I will go up and explore!"

Zhao Yuande moved his mind and immediately used Yin-Yang Zhao Tian Jing to hide his figure.

He flew up and flew towards the spear of the king of the apes flashing coldly above the wall.


Suddenly a flash of electricity flashed across the sky.

The heavy rain was like a sky river pouring down directly, and the rain curtain covered everything.

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