Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1258: Monkey crown

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"You said earlier! You have learned what rules to listen to!" Zhao Yuande asked.

"There are five elements and five types, and the rule of thunder is under you. You know, the last two of you realized the wind, and I realized the thunder!" Sun Yang said.

"Okay, let me see if there is any material." Zhao Yuande started searching for his storage space.

"There is a horn of the frost dragon here, which can let you understand the rules of ice. There is a small section of hurricane vines, which can let you understand the rules of the wind. And the bones of the Void Beast... This space is a bit difficult, and the materials consumed are really Too many." Zhao Yuande checked the materials in his space and found that three main materials could make Sun Yang feel.

"Space... This is good! Is it very difficult?" Sun Yang's eyes lit up as soon as he heard the space.

Although Zhao Yuande felt a bit of a pain in his heart, he also picked up the bones of the Void Beast, otherwise the price would be at least one million.

But Sun Yang is really good to him, one million is one million, otherwise he can earn another 10 million by relying on the bone of this void animal.

"But it's not difficult. If you choose this, we need to go out and buy materials. We need to know that we want to understand the rules of space, but it's not simple. It needs a lot of accessories!" Zhao Yuande laughed.

"What are you waiting for, let's go right away!" Sun Yang laughed when he heard that he was going out to buy materials. As long as it could be solved by Xianyu, it wouldn't be a problem. They are now more Xianyu.

Zhao Yuande earned just 45.5 million in just these days, and he was almost able to buy an ordinary six-grade Xianbao!

The Sun family also earned 20 million, which surprised many of Sun Yang and the Sun family.

Both of them changed their appearances and spent a long time in Fangshi City. Finally, they still lacked a spirit grass.

"Brother Zhao, why not?" Sun Yang didn't want to delay Zhao Yuande too much time.

"Wait, now I should be the most idle. There is a kind of spirit grass. Do you know where it can be?" Zhao Yuande looked at Sun Yang.

"I think, if there must be something, it should be Baidi City, the city to which Baidi Palace belongs, that is the largest city in Baihezhou, and the most prosperous city!" Sun Yang also said that Baidi City came a bit. Yearning.

"Then let's go!" Zhao Yuande also wants to see what this largest city in Baihezhou looks like.

"That's good! I haven't been to Baidi City for more than a year. Today we will go over and see what good materials might be found." Sun Yang nodded, his eyes showing an eager look, "Go! Teleport."

Baidi City is endlessly far away from Xuanji Sect. I don't know how many billions of miles.

But with the teleportation array, everything was easy to handle. The two of them spent nearly 100,000 high-grade fairy jade before they were teleported to Baidi City.

The teleportation array was outside the Baidi City. When they came out of the teleportation array, they all felt a little dizzy and dizzy, especially Sun Yang, who almost fell directly to the ground.

The distance of transmission is too far. The two people transmitted a full two hours, as if awakening a void journey.

If not both of them are strong physiques, I am afraid that they might be exhausted in the teleportation array and die directly.

No wonder the strong men in the teleport hall heard that they were going to the White Emperor City, and they couldn't help but look at the two strangely. It turned out that this was the case!

"Brother Zhao, I forgot that the transmission distance is too far, and I have requirements on the body. I almost became the first Master Sun to die in the transmission array!" Sun Yang looked at Zhao Yuande's ass, and he seemed to be drunk. Like Han, he could not help laughing at himself.

"Let's find a place to rest first!" Zhao Yuande helped Sun Yang and walked out of the hall.

Not far away, the dark walls were towering, and countless practitioners came from all directions, either flying, or riding a huge building boat.

They all fell honestly in front of the Baidi City and lined up in front of a long queue.

Fortunately, the city gates are as wide as a hundred feet wide, with more than a dozen sentry posts inspected.

Although there are many people coming and going, they are quickly digested.

"Brother Zhao, have you heard of the legend of Baidi City?" Sun Yang looked at the majestic Baidi City and couldn't help but express emotion in his eyes.

"What legend?" Zhao Yuande wondered.

"It is said that the construction of the White Emperor City and the age of ancient mythology, countless powerful innate gods came across the domain. One of the innate gods called the White Emperor built the White Emperor City here, and now the White Emperor Palace is this. The inheritance left by the White Emperor."

Sun Yang continued: "The White Emperor City was passed down to the ancient times. The Great Ape King swept the world. Numerous innate gods came to the White Emperor City to hide the pursuit of the Great Ape King! When he came to Baidi City, he attacked for ten days and ten nights without taking it, and finally forced the big ape king to withdraw his troops. That was also the only frustration of the big ape king!"

"It happened?" Zhao Yuande looked up and down again at the black city wall almost as high as the sky.

Sure enough, the palm marks on it were mottled, with huge palm marks on the forehead, a torn mark of the soldier's blade, and even a giant spear with a length of 100 feet inserted in the city wall thousands of feet high.

His spirit was not close to the giant spear, and he felt a terrifying killing air rushing towards him.

With Zhao Yuande's heart, he felt a burst of liver and gallbladder.

But he felt a familiar breath in this spear, and a faint call.

"What a powerful spear!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but take a breath.

"That war spear is called the ape king spear. It is said that it was the weapon of the great ape king! It wanted a spear to collapse the city walls, but it did not expect that instead of unsuccessful, it left the ape king spear here." Sun saw Zhao Yuande Looking at the spear, he couldn't help explaining.

"No matter how thick the wall is, it should not be able to resist the attack of the Great Ape King!" Zhao Yuande was obviously not convinced.

"Yes, but this Baidi city also has the anti-celestial formation method left by the ancient **** Baidi!" Sun Yang explained, "Baidi is a great master of formation, and has placed ten in the Baidi city. The two twelve positive and negative yin and yang groups are said to be able to lively destroy an ancient god, not to mention the twelve large groups launched at the same time, even the great ape king can only return with a feather!"

"It turns out so!" Zhao Yuande looked up at the giant spear, feeling the familiar breath from above, as well as the kind of incompetent summoning power.

The refining sect once obtained a drop of essence blood of the Great Ape King, and used this drop of blood to help Zhao Yuande cast the stick of killing gods.

The breath of this giant spear is obviously somewhat similar to the breath of the killing stick.

If you can pull it out for your own use... Zhao Yuande can't help but feel a little heartbeat!

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