Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 1230: Comprehension rules

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"Well! It takes only one hundred thousand top grade immortal jade to open a rule secret, and it is still the ordinary five-element rule. If it is other such as wind, thunder, ice, time, space... this special rule needs fifty to one hundred. Never wait!" Zhong Wuliang mentioned the price and felt a little startled.

"One hundred thousand! It's not expensive. I'm going to check it out there!" Zhao Yuande's eyes lit up when he heard the price.

"In the Rift Valley! But I want to remind you that 100,000 only has ten breaths! As far as I know, no matter how talented disciples are in the secret realm, it takes fifty breaths to comprehend an ordinary five-element rule. One hundred percent, even two hundred percent is possible!"

If Zhong Wuliang did, almost scared Zhao Yuande to death. If it took a hundred breaths to comprehend the rules of time, wouldn't it take 10 million? This can be equivalent to the price of a Sipin Xianbao!

But what Zhao Yuande doesn't know is that if 10 million people can really understand the rules of time, there will definitely be a large number of people rushing.

If you're afraid, even 10 or 10 million won't work!

"Okay! I'm going to take a look at what I say. I can't promote the world through just three or five rules. That would be of no benefit to future practice." Zhao Yuande firmly said.

"Well! Not bad, not bad!" Zhong Wuliang nodded with satisfaction, and handed out a storage ring to Zhao Yuande, "This is the master's intention, you can take it for enlightenment!"

"Thank you, Master!" Zhao Yuande was not hypocritical, and took the storage ring and saw five million top-grade spirit jade in it.

Although the elixir is rich, five million is also a great asset for Zhong Wuliang.

"Go!" Zhong Wuliang waved his hand.

"The disciple quits." Zhao Yuande turned and left the third branch hall.

As soon as he stepped into the Valley of Secrets, Zhao Yuande felt as if it were a chaotic space.

Walking out of the teleportation array, he saw a narrow valley stretching for hundreds of miles.

There are many colored light gates on both sides of the valley, and the light gates are arranged neatly, and various rules and even the breath of laws are emitted.

"Little fellow, what are you doing here in Secret Valley?" While Zhao Yuande was observing Secret Valley, a voice rang in his ear, and an old man in a gray robe and rickets didn't know when to appear in front of him.

"Seniors and juniors have heard that immortal jade can be consumed in the Valley of the Realm to understand the rules. The juniors are at the pinnacle of the realm of the realm, so they want to try their luck." Zhao Yuande felt the unpredictableness of the old man on the opposite side. Neglect.

"Well! Not bad! Not bad! You have a deep foundation. You are right. You now have two rules of fire and wind. It's not bad! Don't know what kind of rules you want to understand?" Looking at Zhao Yuande with interest, what he said really surprised Zhao Yuande.

Although he did not deliberately hide his practice, the old man could see at a glance which two rules he understood, which was absolutely appalling in his eyes.

In the future, you will still use the Yin and Yang shining mirrors to hide yourself, otherwise you may not be seen as your chaotic holy body, otherwise it will be bad.

"The juniors want to understand the rules of Jin first." Zhao Yuande intends to understand the rules of the five elements before going to understand the other rules.

"Okay! Presumably you also know the rules of the Valley of the Realm. Let's hand in one million top-grade fairy jade first!" The old man put his hand in front of Zhao Yuande without any politeness.

"Why one million, not one hundred thousand ten thousand interest?" Although Zhao Yuande was puzzled, he took out one million and sent it to the other party.

"Well! It's not a hundred thousand ten thousand breaths, but if you don't understand it within ten breaths, do I want to cut off your sentiment directly? This is just a safeguard to ensure you have the fairy jade to continue to understand." Old man Happy to add one million fairy jade into his storage ring.

"It turns out so!" Zhao Yuande nodded. The old man said well. If he interrupts his comprehension, he will start again next time.

"Go! The first golden door on the left is the secret realm of the golden rules. You can come out of it as soon as you understand it!" The old man pointed to a golden light door not far away, with a trace of anticipation on his face color.

As soon as Zhao Yuande stepped into the golden light door, he dared to feel the endless golden sword gas pouring down towards him, as if the rain was pouring, so that he could hide nothing.


A huge thunder pain came from all over the body, and these golden sword qi suddenly drilled into his body along his pores, and he seemed to be worn by Wan Jian at the moment.

"Concentrate on calmness, feel the metallic spirit, don't waste time!" Just when Zhao Yuande was so painful and almost mad, the old man's voice came suddenly from his ear.

Zhao Yuande just remembered that he was comprehending the rules of Jin!

But this method of enlightenment is really violent and straightforward enough!

He had understood the rules of gold originally in the lower realm. Although the rules of the gold in the fairy world are slightly different from those in the lower realm, but as the so-called one pass all the ways, he now only needs one line to connect them and reconnect Understand the rules of gold.

A little bit of time passed, and Zhao Yuande suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a little golden awn in his eyes.

It was only for an instant that the endless golden sword gas suddenly calmed down.

"Hua Jian!" Zhao Yuande drank gently.

Suddenly endless golden sword spirit turned into a golden giant sword!

"It's done!"

Zhao Yuande's face suddenly showed joy.

He no longer hesitated and stepped out of the secret realm of the Golden Rule.

"You... did you comprehend the rules of gold?" The old man looked at Zhao Yuande inconceivably, and his eyes were about to fall to the ground.

"Why? The time is too long? More than a hundred breaths?" Zhao Yuande didn't have a concept of time at all in his enlightenment, maybe a thousand years, or maybe just a few breaths.

"Thirteen Breaths! You... You are going to go against the sky!" Zhao Yuande, the old man, shook his fingers.

"Thirteen Breaths!" Even Zhao Yuande was a little shocked, but he immediately understood that the Chaos Eucharist had all the attributes, plus that he had realized it before, and it was normal for him to be able to realize 13 Breaths.

"What's your kid, what's your name? Who's disciple? I think you're better than Gongsun Ming's kid, and your qualifications are better." The old man looked at Zhao Yuande up and down again, and his eyes were twinkling, as if he wanted to see through everything in Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande hurriedly operated the Yin Yang mirror to cover his chaotic holy body, but this old guy could not see his reality.

"Younger Zhao Yuande, Elder Zhong Wuliang is my master." The other party's powerful breath was exposed, making Zhao Yuande feel that the other party should be a powerful existence in the realm of a fairy monarch.

A fairy monarch does not do it because of the good elders, why would he guard the Valley of Secrets here? Zhao Yuande also felt a little curious.

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