The surroundings are still bustling with hustle and bustle. People who come and go wear masks and cannot see their faces, so it is not easy to be sure whether they are people here or something else.

The screaming of the hawkers continued to flow, Ye Yunxi looked around subconsciously, and he still couldn't see Di Junxie and Qi Lin.

This place is full of weirdness no matter how you look at it.

Ye Yunxi became more cautious until she saw a group of people.

The group of people also wore masks, but the weapons they carried on their backs were very special. The swords were taller than others, and the blades were very wide. If you remember correctly, they were the weapons of the Baidao Club Night Wolf.

Are you from the Baidaohui?

Ye Yunxi walked over subconsciously, but before they even touched him, these people instantly disappeared without a trace.

What agency is this? ?

It feels inexplicably similar to that crying, people also suddenly appear, and then suddenly disappear!

Subconsciously looked around, a high platform was built not far away, and the platform was full of people, which seemed to be bidding, and the goods placed on the platform were people!

Ye Lang struggled for a long time, but couldn't get rid of the binding ropes, and couldn't help shouting: "What the hell, let go of Lao Tzu, tell you, in this world, murder is worth your life. Fuck, let go of Lao Tzu!"

The night wolf struggled, but the "people" onlookers looked very excited and couldn't help but talk loudly.

"this is not bad!"

"Well, full of energy, I can eat for a few more days if I buy it back!"

"But I prefer women's meat, I think the one next to it is good."

These masked "people" looked at Qingyue one after another.

Qingyue's face was pale, she was a professional alien capturer, but she did not expect that she would be auctioned here by a group of inhuman things!

Good, terrible!

In the midst of the discussion, Ye Yunxi also squeezed in. After identifying them one by one, she saw Jiang Yichen's face among these familiar faces.

Why is he here? The people of the Hundred Dao Society were right in front of you just now, why were they suddenly tied here again?

The ghost market is really weird!

Ye Yunxi frowned and leaned forward subconsciously.

"Beauty, it's dangerous to go too far."

Next to him, there was a playful male voice, Ye Yunxi watched over, only to see the tall head, and the white jaw line exposed under the rabbit mask.

There is a dark night above the man's head, there is no moon, and even the stars are invisible.

The lights of the night market are intertwined into a gorgeous sea of ​​stars, and the sky and the earth seem to be completely reversed here.

Is this person human or inhuman?

Ye Yunxi ignored him and continued to move forward, not knowing what he was stepping on, a two-meter-high flame suddenly burst on the ground, instantly burning the corners of her clothes that were too late to take back into ashes.

This group of inhumans followed the commotion, panicking.

"Fuck, sister paper, pay attention to your feet, do you want to kill us all?"

"Don't know that there are ground fire protection in such places?"

"That's right, have you made a mistake, be careful!"

Ye Yunxi frowned, retracted his feet calmly, and looked at Jiang Yichen on the high platform from behind the mask.

"How much?"

She lowered her voice.

The hawker laughed when he saw it, and leaned in and said, "Little beauty, which one do you like? You definitely won't want this woman, and the man? This back knife has good physical strength and can definitely satisfy you. Consider consider?"

There was lascivious laughter around, and even many of the sights that came over were full of wretchedness, and Ye Yunxi only responded with a loud slap to the hawker.


The whole place was quiet.

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