Rebirth of South America as King

Chapter 302: Female immigration

The storm that raged all night gradually stopped, and more than thirty ships of different sizes sailed south along the coast of Somalia while the weather became fine.

The deck of the transport fleet was crowded with Chinese people who were ventilated. A sea breeze blew through, and most of the stench that pervaded the deck was blown away. Only in the center of the crowd could they smell strange.

Drifting on the sea for nearly three months, being able to get out of the deck and breathe fresh air is a cherished thing. Usually, ordinary Chinese can only stay at the bottom of the cabin and suffer from bumps, but the deck and upper deck are left to Foshan Shipping. The general and the Han sailors who are supervised by the ship only live in the early, middle, and late months of the month. Ordinary Chinese have the opportunity to come to the deck for three breaths and rest.

The owner of the transport fleet is not the Han Guo Ocean Shipping Company, but belongs to the Foshan Shipping Federation, which is composed of more than ten small and powerful small companies in the Guangdong and Guangxi regions. After the Opium War, the opportunities in the southern coastal areas opened up. These places set off a wave of going abroad to earn a living, and the Chinese in Nanyang, the United States, Australia, Brazil, Peru and other places are all over.

Increasingly large numbers of overseas immigrants have driven the development of related industries. Guangzhou, Foshan, Shantou, Fuzhou and Xiamen in Fujian and Guangdong have emerged a number of industries engaged in maritime shipping, overseas employment agencies, and even population abduction and trading.

In the rural areas of Guangdong and Fujian, traffickers will buy their daughters from poor farmers for less than $ 5, or about 7.5 won, and then these traffickers will sell the little girls they bought. When they went to coastal ports such as Guangzhou and Fuzhou, the little girls who had changed hands were sold to comprador groups colluding with foreigners and the government. The comprador groups bribed the customs officers for a sum of money, and the poor Chinese girls were treated like The goods were delivered to the South Ocean and the Americas, and they were reduced to tools used by brothels or private slaves in rich people's homes.

Smuggling and selling Chinese girls is a very profitable business. After arriving in the Americas, on average, every Chinese girl can sell for $ 200 to $ 500 in San Francisco, and a beautiful girl can even sell for a high price of $ 1,000.

Not only did Chinese women who became prostitutes suffer physical harm, but serious racial discrimination in American society also caused Chinese women to lose their last dignity. A smallpox epidemic occurred in San Francisco in the United States in 1862. Although the proportion of Chinese who became ill was less than 5%, But the US government-led investigative committee still blames smallpox on Chinatown brothels, and American publicity has declared that "the laboratory of infectious diseases is in the heart of our city, which emits deadly toxins day and night, polluting our rich and intelligent streets and must be uprooted Except this Chinese tumor. "

Even the scientific, rigorous, and benevolent self-proclaimed American medical community has shamelessly slandered the arrival of Chinese prostitutes, which triggered the syphilis epidemic, because "Chinese women grow sideways."

The dignity of overseas Chinese was trampled into the soil. At this time, the Manchu government did not care about the situation of his nominal people. Instead, he accepted the conditions of the US government and recognized a series of insulting laws made by the US government. On the one hand, we have formulated a response plan to evacuate the Chinese Americans when they fall out with the United States. On the one hand, they start from the source and use means such as incentives and purchases to support the interest groups that are dependent on the Han country. Chinese American women.

The Foshan Shipping Association is still essentially a member of the comprador class, but because their employer is a South American Han country, the Chinese people are treated slightly better on the transport ship. Of course, it is similar to the comprador class that generally serves foreign companies. Compared with that, the treatment of the Chinese people is a little higher, but compared with the Han Guo Ocean Shipping Company under the command of the government, the treatment of the Chinese immigrants is still much worse.

The Han government allocates a certain amount of funds to ocean shipping companies every year. Within the limited scope of expenditure, the company's senior management must pay the salaries and salaries of crew members and sailors on time and complete the immigration task targets set by the government. Therefore, in order to Save money. After removing the company's operating expenses, the senior executives of the ocean shipping company divided the remaining immigration expenses into two, part of which was used to transport the immigration expenses of the shipping company itself, and part of it was outsourced to the intermediaries in the south of the mainland, and they were responsible for it. The migrants will be transported to transit stations such as Nanyang and Kismayo, and finally transported by ocean shipping companies back to their homeland.

The outsourced transportation tasks retain the most basic guarantee requirements. Ocean Shipping Company only dispatches five to ten supervisors and one to two Langs on each transport fleet. As for other aspects, the outsourcing transportation company is responsible .

The Foshan General Chamber of Commerce was the last batch of migrants transported before the war in Argentina. However, due to sea storms, the transport fleet was delayed for one month in areas such as Nanyang and the Bay of Bengal, so that the fleet did not arrive in Somalia until early July. Near the sea.

A total of more than 13,000 Chinese immigrants were carried on more than 30 ocean-going transport vessels. Because of the imbalance between the **** ratio of men and women in South America and South Korea, the profit of transporting young Chinese women is higher. Therefore, in addition to the 4,000 young and strong in the transport fleet, Most of the remaining 9,000 men and women are Chinese women ranging in age from 12 to 35.

The space for transport ships is limited. In order to carry more immigrants, the fleet did not implement strict regulations on the separation of men and women. More than 1,400 younger men and women and Chinese were assigned to three medium transport ships. In order to prepare for the possible confusion on board, five supervisors and more than 20 sailors followed the owners of the Foshan Shipping Chamber of Commerce to board three ships for inspection.

He will soon arrive at the transfer station of Kismayo, and hand over more than 10,000 immigrants from the transport fleet to the person in charge of the transfer station of Kismayo. Even if the owner Liu He completed the transport task.

With more than twenty sailors behind him to patrol the shipping vessel, Liu He's eyes swept from the deck of one vessel after another.

Most of the Chinese immigrants on the deck came from the coastal areas of Guangdong and Guangxi, and a small part of them fled from other places ~ ~ Unshaven and thin-skinned are common characteristics of all Chinese immigrants, and among the densely populated people, from time to time Seeing half a person tall, he walked up and down the deck.

Liu He was able to easily identify the minor identities. Most of them were orphans whose parents died, and a large part of them were poor girls abandoned by their parents because of poor families.

In the late Qing Dynasty, natural disasters and human disasters continued. Many times, children aged seven or eight or eight or nine did not want to sell even if they were sold. In order to keep the main labor in the family, those girls who could not sell were first abandoned by their parents and left to live outside. Self-destruction.

The merchant is not profitable. The reason why the younger girls are allowed to take the boat is because the Han Guo Shipping Company paid Foshan Shipping Federation at the price of 5 won per person as the price. Liu He will never find his conscience to carry them on board without charge.

"Sir, there is another **** the boat who hasn't supported her death."

In the medical cabin in the middle of the cabin, Lang Zhong was humane to the Han Supervisor in charge of the inspection.

"This is the 97th."

The other side sighed and said, "Doctor Sun, the fleet will be able to reach Kismayo in one day. You and Dr. Li of the fleet should think about ways to keep as many sick girls as possible."

"The dolls are young and can't stand the sea bumps for a few months. Doctor Li and I can only do our best. Whether we can keep the lives of the remaining fifty sick girls can only depend on God's heart."

"Can keep one is one. If these girls are not brought back home, they will starve to death and freeze to death in the wilderness, the original land of the Central Plains is broken to the ground. What I and other overseas survivors can do is only to save as many as possible. Human lives are left to the nation and the nation. "

. Wonderful book house

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