Rebirth of Shadow Ultraman

Chapter 636 The hope brought by light

Severe panting sounded among the low plants, and a middle-aged man in ragged clothes who looked a little thin was running forward with all his strength.

On the ground beneath my feet, the gravel was constantly jumping as if it had a life of its own. The sparse trees on both sides were swaying, and the ground was shaking violently.

The man took advantage of the opportunity to escape and glanced back. A behemoth tens of meters tall was catching up behind him. There are a pair of horns that curve upward on both sides of the monster's head, and there is also a slightly curved small horn on the nose.

The forelimbs are extremely short compared to the body, and the rough skin on the abdomen is completely different from the smooth skin elsewhere. A huge tail trailed behind, swaying in pursuit.

The monster was already close in front of him, but his physical strength was almost exhausted and he had no energy to continue running away.

What's more, even if one can run, how can a person match the speed of a monster? Every time it takes a step, it is a distance that humans need to run for a long time to cross.

The light above the head was suddenly covered by shadow, and a huge foot stepped down.

I don't want to die! I don't want to die! ! !

He only had this thought in his heart, and his strong desire to survive squeezed out a trace of his already exhausted physical strength again. He threw forward with all his strength to avoid the monster's feet.

But when his strength was exhausted, his legs softened and he fell to the ground, unable to get up anymore. The great fear made him subconsciously close his eyes, waiting for death to come.

The expected weight of pain and terror did not appear on his body. The man opened his eyes in confusion, and a red and blue giant with silver parts on his body appeared not far away.

The monster that was already close at hand was now more than ten meters away from him, leaving two deep ravines on the ground, which looked like traces left by the giant pushing him back.

"Giant, giant?"

When he subconsciously uttered these words, the man realized that his voice was trembling. The sudden relief of escaping from death made his whole body soften, and he lay flat on the ground and took a big breath of air.

I survived, I really survived!

This thought kept repeating in my mind, with a strong sense of unreality. Everyone has been here like this for more than ten years. How could a giant suddenly appear to protect mankind?

The miracle that had never happened made him almost think that he was in a fantasy before death, but when he just fell to the ground, the pain from the blood marks on his arms and legs kept coming, telling him that everything was real.

Dyna turned several times to the right, directing Gomora's eyes away from the direction of the middle-aged man.

His hands and forearms were raised parallel, the crystal light on his forehead bloomed, a large area of ​​red covered the body surface, and even the outline of the muscles on his body became much clearer.

He originally wanted to overthrow the Gomora that was attacking humans, but the opponent's power was beyond his expectation. Although it's not to the point where the Shining Form can't handle it, if you want to fight this guy, it's better to be strong.

Gomora bent down and pointed what seemed to be his nose at Dyna, and the sharp horns rushed straight towards his abdomen.

Dyna rushed forward without fear, placing his hands on the corners on both sides of Gomora, and stopped the huge creature in front of him.

The energy was transmitted at high speed in the body, bringing more powerful physical strength. On one side of Dyna's body, he hugged Gomora's neck and threw it over his head, hitting the ground like a meteor hammer.

Boom! !

The ground trembled more violently, but it did make Gomora further away from the middle-aged man's location. Fortunately, the ground there was not cracked and there were no buildings around.

He just sat there blankly, his eyes reflecting the smoke and dust raised by the fight between the two behemoths.

Although he was hit hard to the ground, the thick-skinned Gomora got up as if he had not been hurt. On the way to get up, he turned around and whipped his thick tail towards Dyna with a sound of wind.

Dyna reached up with both hands, grabbed the tail tightly, and threw Gomora, who had just climbed up, flying out again and smashed it to the other side.

Gomora's short claws were waving, trying to find somewhere to support, but the power from its tail told it that the end of its tail was still held in the opponent's hand.

Dyna's left hand held Gomora's tail tightly, and his right hand was raised high. The constantly rotating light energy formed an eight-point light wheel and fell towards the tail in his hand.

There was a soft "chi" sound, and Gomora, who was trying to rush forward and wanted to break away from Dyna, suddenly lost the power to fight against it and crashed into the ruins of a building with only two and a half floors left.

Dyna casually threw out the half of the tail he was holding, and made fists with both hands in a fighting stance.

Gomora stood up unsteadily, and it seemed that the impact of repeated falls had not been eliminated, and perhaps the impact of losing its tail on its balance.

But none of this made Gomora retreat. It bent down again, and powerful energy was converging on the horn. Dyna quickly stepped forward, his right fist lighting up with a dazzling red light.

The already powerful power skyrocketed again with the addition of energy, and this punch exceeding a million tons landed on Gomora's face before its energy accumulation was completed.

The violent energy impact caused the super shock wave to gradually become chaotic and out of control. The short horn with an unknown nose was blown to pieces in an instant, and a punch with remaining strength fell on Gomora's face.

The convex face showed obvious collapse, and the crescent-shaped horn was also broken from the center. The destructive energy poured into it was constantly destroying the body tissue of its head.

The waving claws lost their strength and fell softly. The tens of thousands of tons of body fell to the ground in a slight shock, losing its vitality.

The red Dana turned around and faced the middle-aged man who was sitting there blankly. Under his uneasy gaze, he stretched out his right hand and gave a thumbs up.

Until this moment, he was completely relieved. He moved his body peacefully and leaned on a stone around him to calm his breathing.

Dyna confirmed again and again that Gomora on the ground was completely dead, and then stretched out his arms and flew into the sky. They only have one day, and even the Baxters may regret it at any time.

In this case, no minute can be wasted.

While absorbing the sun's rays to restore energy, he suddenly accelerated his flying speed and flew towards the territory of the next monster shrouded in telekinesis.

It was obvious that Dyna's figure had long since disappeared, but the figure who defeated the monster and pulled the man out of despair seemed to still be standing in front of him.


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