Chapter 96 Teaching

Although you have won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, it does not mean that you will receive medals and bonuses immediately.

According to normal circumstances, it will not be issued until 3 months later, around mid-June.

100,000 US dollars, converted into RMB, is only 683,000 yuan, which is not much!

But for Qin Yuanqing, no matter how small the mosquito meat is, it is still meat. As long as it is a bonus, he will not be too small.

What's more, winning the Wolf Prize in Mathematics is not about the amount of money, but the honor. With the Wolf Prize in hand, even if Qin Yuanqing claims to be the number one mathematician in China, no one will jump out and express dissatisfaction.

If you are not convinced, please first come up with an award comparable to the Wolf Prize in Mathematics.

Qin Yuanqing was reading advanced mathematics and thinking about how to be a good lecturer when he received a call from the Chinese Mathematical Society, which invited him to join the board of directors of the Chinese Mathematical Society and become the vice president. He also congratulated Qin Yuanqing for winning the Wolf Prize in Mathematics.

Qin Yuanqing felt a little confused, but he didn't object. This vice chairman of the Chinese Mathematical Society sounded like a high-ranking person.

As for inviting him to attend the CMO conference to present awards to this year's CMO gold medal winners, Qin Yuanqing declined. He might as well look at the points more while he had the time.

Four months have passed since he proved the twin prime conjecture, and he still hasn't been able to prove the hail conjecture, and he is feeling annoyed.

As for the competition at the high school level, what is there to participate in and join in the fun?

After flipping through several high-level mathematics books, Qin Yuanqing walked to the classroom with a pen in his shirt pocket and empty hands, humming happily. Arriving at the door of the classroom, Qin Yuanqing coughed twice, put his hands behind his back, and walked into the classroom.

"Good afternoon, classmates. Starting today, I will teach you advanced mathematics class!" Qin Yuanqing stood on the podium and said.

But the whole classroom was silent!

The classmates were all dumbfounded, what's going on! ? How could it be Qin Yuanqing?

It turns out that the class he took today was for his original class! When his classmates saw that Qin Yuanqing was going to teach them, they all felt dizzy and suffered 9999 critical strikes in an instant.

I thought that by expelling Qin Yuanqing from the class and removing Qin Yuanqing from the class QQ group, he would be free and at ease from now on and no longer need to suffer the torture of the big devil.

Unexpectedly, I was still too stupid and naive to escape the shadow of the big devil.

My classmate turned out to be my teacher!

"Holy shit, boss, did you go to the wrong place?" The little fat man was dumbfounded. This was the first time he saw Qin Yuanqing since the beginning of this semester.

Then I saw that I was a student and they were the teacher!

"Little fat man, your skin is itchy!" Qin Yuanqing glared at the little fat man, took out a piece of chalk from the powder box, flicked it out, and hit the little fat man accurately!

"Everyone, please pay attention. You can sleep and be absent from class. I will prepare the test papers for this year's exam. If you don't get 60 points, I'm sorry, but you only have the chance to retake it!" Qin Yuanqing coughed and explained everything clearly first.

Make-up exam? That is impossible!

Only rebuild!

Suddenly, as soon as Qin Yuanqing finished speaking, the 27 classmates in the class were trembling. With Qin Yuanqing's narrow-minded personality, why not take revenge on them?

"Boss, why didn't you bring your textbook?" Liu Feng asked stupidly.

"I need to bring textbooks to give you lectures? Are you kidding!" Qin Yuanqing said disdainfully: "For you rookies, doesn't bringing textbooks look down on you too much?"

Qin Yuanqing's words immediately aroused public anger, and everyone looked at Qin Yuanqing angrily. Who are you looking down on? Which one of us is not a top student in high school, and which one is not among the top 100 in science in the college entrance examination? Even if he was given a walk, he would also win the gold medal in the physics competition.

"Aren't you convinced? Come on, come on, I'll give you a question and see who of you can do it!" Qin Yuanqing sneered. These brats would be itchy if they haven't been beaten for a few days. Then he picked up the chalk and wrote on the blackboard. Next question: "The ellipsoid area S1 is formed by rotating the ellipse x^2/4+y^2/3=1 around the 4+y^2/3=1 is formed by rotating the tangent line around the X-axis. (1) Find the equations of S1 and S2; (2) Find the three-dimensional volume between S1 and S2."

As a result, except for a few people who had prepared for the postgraduate entrance examination early and were able to write the first question, the rest were completely wiped out. No one dared to go on stage to do the question.

"Hey, I don't want to do this kind of question since my senior year in high school. You are all college students and you still don't know how to do it. I feel really sad for you. You are still a top student? Genius? It's so funny!" Qin Yuanqing laughed, and then swished Under the question, draw the area 2 of the ellipsoid, the ellipsoid, and the cone, and then crackle, the answer is completed in less than three minutes.

Suddenly, everyone in the class was dejected. There was no reason why they had to be tortured by this big devil again.

First, he beat his classmates, and then Qin Yuanqing started to get down to the topic. He didn't say which page it was on, but he wrote a question at random, and then analyzed the question, explaining it from the simple to the deep, including the related topics. How formulas and formulas are derived.

One question takes a whole class to explain before the explanation is complete. In the second class, Qin Yuanqing asked everyone to do a similar question and then explained it in the last five minutes. Qin Yuanqing's after-school homework is a question.

After torturing these rookies, Qin Yuanqing returned to the office with satisfaction. It was still satisfying to torture the rookies.

There are 4 classes in the Department of Physics and 2 classes in the Department of Mathematics. They have 6 classes per week, which is almost one class a day on average. Qin Yuanqing is simply a tormentor, and he is very comfortable. But these rookies are not happy, all kinds of There are all kinds of cries on the forum.

For example, the little fat man asked in a forum: "How does it feel to have your roommate or classmate become your teacher?" Then I don't know when the little fat man secretly took photos of Qin Yuanqing's lecture. His question actually attracted a lot of attention. College students responded one after another.

Many people responded with sympathy and gave examples, saying that you consider him a brother but he wants to be your teacher, and you consider him a classmate but he wants to be your son-in-law.

Qin Yuanqing didn't see it either. If he had seen it, he would definitely like this comment and post Dong Ge's photo.

Qin Yuanqing went to class every day, went to the library to read books, and felt very uncomfortable. He also chatted with his girlfriend in the evening, and his life was full every day.

"What's going on? Someone actually wants to apply for my graduate program?" On this day, Qin Yuanqing received an application, but someone sent him an email asking him if he wanted to recruit graduate students this year.

Although Qin Yuanqing had a graduate tutor and a doctoral tutor, and could theoretically guide graduate students and even doctoral students, he had never thought about it.

It’s not that the level is not good enough, it’s that the age is wrong!

Which graduate student or doctoral student is not older than him, and often hangs out with someone older than him, while still being his own student? This is very awkward.

Qin Yuanqing looked at his resume and curled his lips. He was just such a bad guy. He looked like he was 30 years old. If he were accepted as a student, wouldn't he be unhappy every day and skip a bowl of food? If he was a beauty, he would be so-so. think about it.

Qin Yuanqing didn't even bother to reply and logged out of the mailbox.

Let’s talk about graduate students, doctoral students, etc. in a few years. Don’t think about that now!

"Shuimu is really stingy. His salary is 10,000 yuan a month, plus 200 yuan per class, it's only 14,800 yuan a month. It's really a scam!" Qin Yuanqing felt sick when he thought about Shuimu University's salary system.

How much is 10,000 yuan a month?

Not much, not much at all!

You must know that the salary of many associate professors and professors is not as good as that of Qin Yuanqing. After all, Qin Yuanqing is a professor in two majors, which means that part of his basic salary is six to seven thousand a month. Plus classes, it is estimated to be less than ten thousand.

And not every associate professor or professor has a scientific research project, which means that their investment in the school is about 100,000 yuan a year.

Qin Yuanqing also had to sigh. No wonder many college teachers are crazy about taking jobs from outside, such as running training courses or working as consultants for certain companies. The salary in the school is really too low.

Qin Yuanqing still remembered that in his previous life, a professor from Jimei opened a company outside and easily earned two to three million a year by relying on his connections and understanding of the industry.

And this kind of thing is contagious. Everyone wants to make more money, and they are impetuous. How can they think of teaching students well?

Qin Yuanqing sometimes feels that the salary of teachers in this university should be higher. Otherwise, they would not be able to afford a house. They would teach in school and be talked about by teachers when they go home. There are really very few people who can stick to their true intentions. Most teachers have to follow the crowd. , and then become impetuous.

However, there is a trend that is difficult to reverse. That is the continuous expansion of universities. Many students who were originally junior colleges are now upgraded to undergraduates, three to two, and two to one. Along with this, the number of professors increases crazily, and then the number of various professors Crazy remarks began to appear, causing the status and value of the professor to plummet.

Some professors have even become lackeys of capital, completely disregarding the interests of society and the country, telling lies, and making all kinds of remarks that make people's hearts skip a beat.

For example, those who advocate real estate as a pillar industry and those who advocate that high housing prices are conducive to the struggle of families and young people are all deceptive nonsense and typical lies with open eyes.

If it were them taking 5,000 to 6,000 yuan a month and facing the high housing prices of 5,000 to 6,000 yuan per square meter, let’s see what they think.

Qin Yuanqing sometimes thinks that this fucking world is really a mess, and just thinking about it makes people angry.

Outside, reports about Qin Yuanqing winning the Wolf Prize in Mathematics are still continuing. Many reports have even praised Qin Yuanqing as the first person in Chinese mathematics, claiming that even if he waits to die, he will not be able to escape the Fields Medal. Palm.

Yes, the domestic media are inflated. Qin Yuanqing has just won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics, and they have begun to imagine that Qin Yuanqing will win the Fields Medal, which is regarded by most people as the highest award in mathematics.

Some people are even thinking that Qin Yuanqing will win the Nobel Prize in Mathematics. They have no idea that the Nobel Prize does not have a mathematics award.

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