Chapter 93 Hotspots

Everyone in the live broadcast room covered their mouths with their hands, showing surprise and couldn't believe it!

They don't believe what Qin Yuanqing said, nor can they believe that Qin Yuanqing has invested in 53 properties in the past year, and they don't believe that today's high housing prices are far from the end, but just the starting point.

When I think that in a few years, the house prices in the urban areas of Beijing will be over 100,000 yuan, and I will be earning a salary of 5,000 to 6,000 yuan a month, I feel desperate!

Everyone, including Xiao Sa, looked solemn!

How can it be!

Doesn’t this mean that by then, one’s annual salary will not be able to afford two square meters?

"Is it incredible?" Qin Yuanqing asked and answered: "Yes, I think it is incredible too, but this is the fact!"

"Do you think I have so many properties? The more the house prices rise, the more profits I make, so I should be happy. Why are I worried about high house prices?" Qin Yuanqing sighed: "Because I am also a young man. This year I will I am only 20 years old, I love my motherland, I love this land deeply!"

"I have many ways to make money. For example, I can develop technology and collect patent fees!" Qin Yuanqing said with emotion: "You think making money from real estate is pleasant and comfortable, right? No, I will feel that I can't sleep, I will feel My hands are stained with blood and full of sin!"

At this point, Qin Yuanqing raised his hands: "When the time comes, this will be the hand of sin! The person who takes over will spend his whole life paying for it, and he will have no ideals or dreams in his life!"

"I believe that the party and the country trained me not to make me a sinful person, but to hope that I can walk on the road of rejuvenating China! Fight for the rejuvenation of China!" Qin Yuanqing took a deep breath.

"If you still don't believe that housing prices are far from reaching the end, then think about it. When real estate is linked to education, and children cannot go to school without a house, will you spend all your money to pay for the high housing prices? What if there was a house here? A good school, but this school has designated an area. You must have a house in this area. Will you try your best to buy a house in this area?" Qin Yuanqing's eyes suddenly turned cold: "Even if you think about it, real estate and medical care If you want to see a doctor in a hospital, you must have a house in the area designated by the hospital. Will you spend all your money to buy a house?"

"What I said is not based on imagination, but has already appeared in first-tier cities and some second-tier cities!" Qin Yuanqing said: "You will think that real estate developers will not do this. They have conscience and will not do this. This is a crazy thing, but I want to tell you, these businessmen are the most bottomless and evil-minded, they will never make 99 yuan if they can make 100 yuan!"

"You will think that if you can't afford a house, you can rent a house!" Qin Yuanqing smiled. He had thought this way in the last life, but the bloody lesson made him understand that I was still stupid and naive: "As housing prices rise, rents will definitely follow. If you are a boy, your girlfriend will tell you that you must own a house if you want to get married, and your girlfriend’s mother will tell you that if you want to marry her daughter, you must own a house. Do you still think about renting?”

Hearing what Qin Yuanqing said, the men turned pale. . . . . . . It's terrible, and the possibility of breaking up will be even greater by then.

Making money takes time. When you first graduate, it's not hard. If you can support yourself for a year, it's good. You don't have any savings. Even if you work for three years, you can only save tens of thousands of yuan.

This is only possible unless the family can support it!

But you must know that most people are from ordinary families. How can ordinary families spend hundreds of thousands or millions. And even if you make a down payment, you still have to repay thousands of dollars in loan every month. How can you live like this?

The more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes, the more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes!

They have always believed that house prices will fall to the level of 2008. But Qin Yuanqing's words simply shattered their hopes and made them realize that they were really stupid and naive.

In fact, for this group of people, reality will teach them what the cruelty of life is.

"With such high housing prices, do you have any dreams? Yes, maybe the dream will be to collect the down payment to buy a house and then be overjoyed to become a house slave!" Qin Yuanqing's words were full of cruelty, like a handful of The knife stabbed into everyone's heart.

Yes, this is the reality. A few years later, how many people will be very proud of successfully getting into a car and becoming a house slave. There is always a psychological advantage over those who have not bought a house.

This is a disease and it needs to be cured!

In his last life, he also maxed out his credit cards and borrowed money here and there. It took the two of them to get together the down payment, and then he felt tired. Every day he had to think about how to repay the credit cards and how to repay the loans.

There was also anger in his heart!

He was originally a person with a gentle personality, but as a result, he developed negative energy such as irritability, worry and so on. Sometimes he would be so stressed that he could not sleep at night. But there is no way, there is no way to get married without buying a house. In the cruel reality, women are more realistic than anything else. As for love, in modern cities, how many people who really love each other can reach the stage of marriage, and how many people who really get married are in love! ?

Qin Yuanqing has seen too many flash marriages. What kind of love can there be in flash marriages? ?

It's just that as you get older, your mother and father at home keep talking about life-long events, or even cry in front of you, and then find someone you don't hate in the mood.

Many people see that there are more and more divorces and the divorce rate is growing. The Zhuang family accuses young people of treating marriage as child's play, but they don't think that the root cause of this is high housing prices!

Under the high housing prices, except for the rich who have huge wealth, most other people actually have no happiness index to speak of. Even the rich will be distressed.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Defeng said that a big problem in modern Chinese society is that there is generally no spiritual security and no sense of happiness.

"If there are no restrictions on housing prices, then in the next 7 to 10 years, the most profitable industry will be investment in real estate!" Qin Yuanqing sighed helplessly: "In this case, instead of letting others make a lot of money, it is better for me to make it. Buy him another hundred houses!"

"Let me tell you a story. Maybe one day in the future there will be a scene like this: A foreigner brought 1 million U.S. dollars to China. He spent 2 million yuan to buy an apartment in the capital and raise a little girl. He spent 400 yuan in ten years. Ten thousand yuan, when the time comes, I will sell the house for more than 20 million yuan. I don’t have to do anything in China. I have played in vain for ten years and made more than one million US dollars!" Qin Yuanqing told a joke.

It's funny, but it could happen.

The audience at the scene and in front of the TV could not laugh, but felt depressed. They even shuddered when they thought about Qin Yuanqing's words.



Qin Yuanqing ended the conversation in the live broadcast room, but the influence of his words continued to ferment.

Some bricklayers rushed out and shouted that real estate is a pillar industry in China, driving the development of thousands of industries. Natural materials such as steel, cement, and sand, as well as millions or tens of millions of jobs, have enabled countless migrant workers to make money. How much profit and tax is paid brings funds to the local finance to build the city. Others say that real estate is a huge reservoir of RMB, which can store excess RMB without flowing into daily necessities, causing prices to rise significantly.

An expert from the Academy of Social Sciences even came out for an interview and said: "Low housing prices are not conducive to the struggle of families and young people, and it is also not conducive to industrial transformation."

But there were more objections. A personal representative stood up and agreed with Qin Yuanqing. After all, once the high housing prices reach that point, it will be a very big trouble.

Representatives from the manufacturing and retail industries also spoke out one by one, expressing their hope to regulate real estate development, prevent disorderly development of real estate, and limit high housing prices.

Just kidding, if all the money goes to real estate and people have no money to spend, how can they do business?

Those who can expand their business have a broad vision and are not short-sighted. They know very well that this kind of thing is definitely possible.

This is also why some companies started to buy houses or even abandoned their main business and started to enter real estate, because it is too easy to make money. As long as they get the land and have a model, they can start selling houses even before they start construction, that is, they use people's money to build houses. Even if the house is unfinished, the worst case scenario is that if you run away, you won't be able to make a loss.

The voice of the people is also very strong. After all, it is the people who bear the cost and pressure of high housing prices, and the rich have no influence at all. In particular, there has been a lot of criticism regarding the current phenomenon of real estate being tied to education.

Qin Yuanqing also continued his activities, hoping to win the support of more representatives.

Jingtian, on the other hand, complained that Qin Yuanqing had nothing to do but had enough to eat, so he got into this big trouble. There were huge beneficiaries, including them.

Qin Yuanqing naturally does not have the same level of experience as Jingtian. How can people with low consciousness see and understand his painstaking efforts.

He has no shortage of wealth, and he has no shortage of fame either!

After rebirth, Qin Yuanqing still hopes that it can play some role, otherwise it will really embarrass the majority of rebirths.

Which reborn person is not so majestic that he can decide the world with just one word and change the colors of mountains and rivers at the turn of his hand.

On March 5, the National People's Congress opened, marking China's entry into the Two Sessions period and becoming the focus of the world.

After all, China is now developing rapidly and is still the world's second largest economy, and its influence cannot be ignored.

Qin Yuanqing's proposals were passed one after another. Obviously, no one can ignore this influence.

As for how effective it will be in the end, Qin Yuanqing still doesn't know.

During the two sessions, various proposals and suggestions related to the national economy and people's livelihood continued to appear, arousing much heated discussion. And some proposals that made people laugh or cry were rejected.

With the arrival of the closing ceremony, it also announced the end of the two sessions.

The provincial delegations left Beijing one after another. It was naturally impossible for Qin Yuanqing to follow the Fujian delegation back to Fujian Province and stayed in the capital.

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