Chapter 89 Billionaire

Xinjing, FAW Group!

With a serious look on his face, Mr. Xu looked at the 18 brand-new engines in front of him, a total of three models, with 6 prototypes for each model.

Mr. Xu couldn't help but recall the scenes he had experienced at FAW since he started working. He became increasingly determined to strengthen FAW's reform. If FAW does not reform, there will be only a dead end.

When he started working, the pride of FAW, the Hongqi Sedan, was discontinued. This has always been a pain in the hearts of the old FAW people.

There are two authoritative reasons why Hongqi sedan was ordered to be discontinued:

First, because Hongqi sedans are not very reliable and often break down, cadres do not like to ride in them. When welcoming foreign guests, it even broke down halfway and the brakes failed, which had a bad international impact.

The second reason is that Hongqi was already far behind the times at that time. Compared with foreign imported cars with powerful power and trendy appearance, Hongqi looked very old. Moreover, only cadres were allowed to ride on Hongqi at that time. Instead, local cadres boarded the imported cars early. Therefore, due to the imbalance of certain factors, Hongqi was disbanded because of the concept of some cadres who wanted to ride in high-end cars before it could be upgraded and improved.

In short, the official reported reason for Hongqi's discontinuation was "due to high fuel consumption." After the suspension of production of Hongqi, imported cars represented by Toyota Crown rushed into China and became the cars of cadres.

From 1982 to 1986, a total of 173,400 cars were imported, more than twice the amount imported in the previous 32 years (a total of 73,800 cars were imported from 1950 to 1981), of which 106,000 cars were imported through formal channels in 1985, with a total cost of 2.95 billion. Dollar.

However, according to incomplete statistics, as many as 354,000 cars were actually officially and smuggled into China in 1985, of which Toyota accounted for one-third. This number has exceeded the total production of China's own automobiles (including all types of cars, trucks, buses, etc.). China's automobile industry is in danger due to dumping by foreign giants.

The foreign exchange spent on importing cars over the years alone was equivalent to twice China's total investment in the automobile industry over the past 30 years. It also almost emptied China's already depleted foreign exchange reserves, causing China's economy to enter an era of contraction.

Starting in 1987, recognizing the serious problem, the central government issued a fatal order not to allow the import of cars from Japan and other countries, and put the development of domestically produced joint venture cars on the agenda.

Mr. Xu personally experienced that era. He even personally participated in the rebranding of the Audi 100 and re-launched it on the market as the Hongqi sedan in 1995, reactivating the Hongqi brand.

This kind of red flag is also called a little red flag.

When reactivating the "Little Red Flag", two views also broke out in FAW's internal conflict. There is a belief that borrowing technology from foreign giants, as long as it is put on the Hongqi shell, it will still be a representative of China's famous cars. The other believes that research and development should be refocused. Although it is convenient and quick to use it, it is not a long-term solution. In the end, under the eagerness to revitalize Hongqi, the first view was recognized by the factory leadership. The key technologies came from the Audi 100's "Little Hongqi", which was being developed. It was different from the Audi 100 only in its outer shell.

President Xu has experienced the times. He has also experienced pain and resentment, but the tide of the times is coming and cannot be resisted by an individual.

But now, as he becomes the leader of FAW Group, he can express his ambition. He does not want FAW to become a foundry for foreign brands, but hopes that FAW Group can become an international giant and FAW's cars can be used in the streets at home and abroad. With.

Therefore, he is willing to issue a military order and produce a qualified prototype no matter what, and pass the verification of the expert group. Only in this way can the engine be settled in FAW.

Otherwise, once the country abandons FAW and chooses SAIC, FAW will only be able to lag behind SAIC from now on and be the second best for a thousand years.

"Mr. Xu, the leader has arrived with a team of experts!" the secretary whispered in Mr. Xu's ear.

During these nine days, Mr. Xu ate, drank, and had sex in the factory, and the workers also worked in three shifts. With the group leader personally in charge, the FAW workers did not dare to cheat.

"Let's go, let's go to FAW to greet you!" Mr. Xu said, and then led a group of senior executives to greet him at the door.

This time, the leader of the Ministry of Industry personally led the team. The experts first gathered in the capital, and then FAW flew to Xinjing.

This time it came earlier, and the leader went straight to the verification work without any nonsense.

Qin Yuanqing looked at each engine that was started, expressionless, and recorded the engine's vibration frequency, output horsepower and other parameters.

The engine is the heart of the car, providing power for the car to move, and is related to the car's power, economy, and environmental protection.

The three engines of Qin Yuanqing were all exchanged from the system. They are among the world's leading automotive engines, and their advanced nature is beyond doubt.

"It seems that FAW still has the technology!" Qin Yuanqing nodded repeatedly. Although the manufactured engine still had some flaws, the problem was no longer serious.

After 10 days of verification and raising some questions, all experts in the expert group signed, declaring that the engine prototype had passed the verification.

When summarizing the meeting, the leaders reviewed FAW's development history and affirmed FAW's contribution to China's automobile industry. At the same time, comparing the two verification meetings before and after, we hope that FAW can deepen reforms, strengthen management, and enhance corporate strength.

"Mr. Xu, the country believes in you. Let go and work bravely. I hope FAW can develop and grow in your hands!" Before leaving, the leader patted Mr. Xu on the shoulder and placed high hopes on him.

Then he returned to the capital. The leader of the verification meeting had to report to the superiors, and Qin Yuanqing also returned to the capital.

Within a few days, Qin Yuanqing received a call from his leader. For each engine produced by FAW in the future, Qin Yuanqing would be given 5% of the patent fee and a signature fee of 20 million yuan.

Qin Yuanqing had already made plans to hand over the technology to the state. He had never thought about patent fees. He did not expect that an engine now still has a 5% patent fee and a patent signature fee of 20 million yuan. This is not A small sum.

"Hahaha~~~I got rich~~~I got rich~~~" After Qin Yuanqing hung up the phone, he excitedly picked up Jingtian and spun him around three times.

"You're crazy, put me down quickly, I'm stunned!" Jingtian said angrily.

"Look, the 5% patent fee for an engine is worth hundreds of millions a year, and you can get a signing fee of 20 million yuan with just one signature. Haha, from now on, please call me a billionaire!" Qin Yuanqing said I took a sip of Jingtian and was extremely happy.

Just kidding, one of these three engines, even if they are mid- to low-end engines, is priced at 30,000 yuan. 5% is 1,500 yuan. If there are 1 million cars, it will be more than 100 million yuan!

Of course, the calculation is definitely not that way, and the details are still subject to SAIC's settlement. But no matter what, the annual patent fee will not be less than 100 million.

Moreover, there are more than 600 patents for the three engines. The country directly took the green channel and approved them. As long as they are still within the protection period, the patents are protected.

"Aren't scientists all poor? How can they make so much money?" Jingtian was dumbfounded after hearing Qin Yuanqing's calculations.

From the reports she had read, scientists all achieved great results with lofty ideals, noble moral character, poor families, and contributions to the motherland.

When she was a child, she never thought about becoming a scientist. She just felt that developing atomic bombs was not as good as selling tea eggs.

But what happened? When it came to Qin Yuanqing, it failed.

"No, no, no, scientists are the primary productive force. It's just that scientists are too noble. They disdain making money and regard money as dirt." Qin Yuanqing hugged Jingtian: "I am a layman. I need to support my family. Otherwise, how can I support the world?" Rich flowers!"

Qin Yuanqing didn't think that scientists should be poor and live in poverty. What kind of truth is this! Nonsense!

Why can't scientists make money?

It makes absolutely no sense!

We want scientists to continuously develop various advanced tools, but at the same time we want scientists to have only lofty spirits and no material enjoyment. This is simply a typical example of wanting the horse to walk but not letting the horse eat grass.

Qin Yuanqing wants to be a billionaire scientist!

Just when Qin Yuanqing and Jing Tian were getting together, FAW Group officially announced that the three automobile engines developed by Professor Qin Yuanqing of Shuimu University were officially authorized to be produced by FAW Group. FAW Group announced that China has officially left the era of automobiles and will be producing them in the future. In the next two years, we will continue to expand engine production capacity.

At the same time, FAW announced to the outside world that the performance of three automobile engines has reached the world's leading level, and the expert team has also verified and signed.

One stone stirred up waves and was reported one after another. Countless reporters flocked to Beijing to interview, hoping to get first-hand information.

The documentary produced by CCTV, "The Heart of the Car - Engine" was officially broadcast. The documentary introduced the arduous development of the automobile industry and how the country has now become the single market with the largest annual production and sales in the world. However, one problem has always troubled China, and that is car engine! The car engine is the heart of the car. Without an advanced car engine, it is like having a heart disease. And now this heart disease has been cured!

With three engines and more than 600 core technologies, China no longer has to spend a large amount of precious foreign exchange to pay for engine patents every year.

As the news continued to spread, the stock market was the first to react. The stocks of the four listed companies of FAW rose in response to the news, reaching the daily limit. I don't know how many stockholders screamed excitedly.

The four listed companies of FAW are famous junk stocks. They have been half-dead all year round, only falling but not rising. Now that they have received good news, they have risen sharply.

Some reporters even went to Shuimu University to interview Qin Yuanqing. Unfortunately, they visited every corner of Shuimu University but could not find even the shadow of Qin Yuanqing.

Report after report was overwhelming and spread throughout China in a short period of time. In the Chinese market, engine prices, whether imported or domestic, have fallen sharply!

Very excited, congratulations to Ms. Meng for returning to China!

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