Chapter 83 Upgrade

Library, quiet and quiet

After going home and taking a hot bath, Qin Yuanqing felt refreshed and went to the library. He borrowed books and looked at them alone. He had no idea that the news that he was crying on the basketball court and the main player of the basketball team was already on campus. came gradually.

Some people even gave Qin Yuanqing a nickname - "Shuimu Jordan"!

After Zhou Hui was abused, when he returned to the school team, he was ridiculed by all his former good brothers. They thought Zhou Hui was too inferior. He had not played hard in the past two years and only went to play two balls. His body was severely depleted, which made Zhou Hui very sad and angry. .

Qin Yuanqing naturally knew nothing about rumors. If he had the leisure to know how to spread rumors, he might as well read two more books to recharge his batteries!

For example, now, Qin Yuanqing is not reading mathematics books or physics books, but is reading chemistry books.

Chemistry and biology have been half-dead since entering college. They are still at level 10, which is still far from level 11.

Qin Yuanqing didn't want to be at level 10 when he came and still be at level 10 when he went back. Isn't this too shameful?

So I want to use this time to read books and improve my chemistry and biology so as not to fall behind too much in mathematics and physics.

Chemistry is still very interesting. It can be seen everywhere in life, such as petroleum refining, polyethylene, drugs, etc. Nothing can be done without chemistry.

For example, the lithium batteries that are so popular now are also based on chemistry.

Chemistry in college is much deeper than that in high school, and involves more theories. To be honest, chemistry in high school only scratches the surface, but in college, it is really in-depth.

But no matter how chemistry changes, it is always based on studying the properties, composition, structure and change laws of matter at the molecular and atomic level. As long as we just grasp this point, it can be said that everything remains unchanged.

Basically, common chemical reactions, whether they are oxidation reactions, neutralization reactions, or other reactions, I have been exposed to in high school.

At this time, Qin Yuanqing was reading a book introducing the basic laws of chemistry, including the law of conservation of mass, law of conservation of energy, and law of conservation of charge that he had learned in high school, as well as Avogadro's law, Lambert-Beer's law, and the law that he had only learned in college. Boyle's law, Charles' law, Fick's law, Gay-Lussac's law, Henry's law, Geis' law, law of definite composition, law of multiple ratios, Raoult's law, etc.!

Since the 20th century, the development trend of chemistry can be summarized as follows: from macro to micro, from qualitative to quantitative, from stable to metastable, and from experience to theory, which can then be used to guide design and create new research.

It can be said that a very important reason for the role of chemistry is to provide as many new substances and new materials as possible for the production and technical departments.

After four to five hundred years of development, chemistry has actually reached a limit. It is very, very difficult to discover new elements and new substances. It is already difficult to achieve the earth-shaking changes from the past.

Compared with mathematics and physics, chemistry is not that difficult or complicated.

Qin Yuanqing studied chemistry, and he didn't know whether it was because his mathematics level was high enough, or because physics itself already involved a lot of chemistry. It seemed very easy, and he could read a book in ten or twenty minutes.

"Congratulations to the host, the chemistry level has been raised to level 11!" On this day, when Shuimu University officially announced the start of winter vacation, Qin Yuanqing, who was in the library, heard the mechanical sound of the system in his mind.

A smile appeared on Qin Yuanqing's face!

good! very good! Finally reached Chemistry Level 11.

Then Qin Yuanqing's consciousness was immersed in the system space.

Professional attributes:

Mathematics: Level 13 (5000/100000)

Physics: Level 11 (700/1000)

Chemistry: Level 11 (1/1000)

Creature: Level 11 (1/1000)

Basic properties:

Host: Qin Yuanqing

Age: 20 years old

Emotional Quotient: 110

IQ: 195

Physical fitness: Level 10 (1/100)

Skills: "Advanced Singing Skills", "Yan Zhenqing Font", "Guitar Proficiency"

Honors achieved: Top scorer in college entrance examination, CMO gold medalist, IMO gold medalist

Look at the learning coins in the upper right corner of the system: 1500

"It's funny, it's too easy to upgrade to level 11!" Qin Yuanqing showed a smile on his face. Biology was just upgraded to level 11 yesterday. Today, chemistry finally broke through the bottleneck and reached level 11. It can be said that all four major subjects have reached at least 11 levels. Got to level 11.

If he hadn't been in the library now, Qin Yuanqing would have celebrated properly.

Thinking that there were still almost ten days before he went back, Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but look thoughtful. In the past ten days, apart from occasionally visiting Jingtian, he had nothing else to do. He spent all day watching TV and playing with his mobile phone at home. Then It's too boring.

Besides, after the influence of the previous life, the current mobile phone is really weak. In the previous life, it was just a no-name smartphone, but it was better than the current Apple smartphone. As for TV series, which one of the more popular TV series has he not watched in his previous life?

Therefore, in comparison, visiting the library is the most fulfilling and practical.

Although Shuimu University is on summer vacation, the campus is not closed. However, during the summer vacation, the cafeteria is not open, the classrooms are not open, and there are no teachers to teach. Places like the library are still open every day, that is, dormitories. If someone doesn't go home, they can stay in the dormitory at any time.

"Now the physical distance is level 12, and there are only 300 points left. How about doing a wave to upgrade physics to level 12?" Qin Yuanqing thought thoughtfully.

Originally, according to the plan, it would be ok to raise chemistry and biology to level 11 before going home during the summer vacation. However, chemistry and biology were too weak and I broke through easily, so now I still have a lot of time.

Then I think about it, I am from the physics department after all, and my physics level is too low, so that doesn’t make sense!

After all, he is the man who developed three car engines and is now famous. If one day it is discovered that he knows nothing about other than engines, then the secret will be exposed.

Qin Yuanqing started to study physics as soon as he thought of it, and he started studying physics, such as structural mechanics, soil mechanics, theoretical mechanics, material mechanics, elastic-plastic mechanics, fluid mechanics, hydraulic transmission dynamics and other mechanics.

There are also electromagnetism, thermodynamics, relativity, quantum mechanics, etc. Qin Yuanqing is also immersed in them, soaring and galloping in the ocean of knowledge.

Compared with chemistry and biology, physics is much more difficult. Of course, whether it is chemistry, biology or physics, it is all based on mathematics. Qin Yuanqing's mathematics has reached level 13, so it is not difficult to understand. .

This physics is divided into many branches. For example, theoretical physics includes mathematical physics, electromagnetic field theory, classical field theory, relativity and gravitational fields, quantum mechanics, statistical physics and other knowledge. For example, acoustics includes physical acoustics, nonlinear acoustics, quantum acoustics, ultrasonics, hydroacoustics, and applied acoustics.

Naturally, its corresponding book is also all-encompassing.

Qin Yuanqing even read that the introduction of a knowledge point in different books conflicted with each other.

Of course, these have all appeared in chemistry and biology. In fact, in the past, China's economy was relatively difficult and there were relatively few foreign students. These books were often translated by English majors, but the translations were often not in place, or the professional books obtained by Westerners Set the stage so that you don't learn mistakes from the beginning.

This is a cultural trap and a knowledge trap, and China has suffered too much. Only public figures such as Chunky Tie and others will advocate that the West is friendly to China and sincerely want to help China develop.

Of course, compared to mathematics, China still does relatively well in physics and chemistry. With the development of society, it has invested heavily in overcoming difficulties and finding the truth in practice, which has corrected many wrong theories and knowledge.

This is the so-called economy determines the superstructure. If the economy is not good, investment in basic research will be less, but if the economy is developing well, investment in basic research will be large.

It is precisely because the country has made rapid progress in physics and chemistry that China's high-speed trains have begun to gallop across the land of China, and China's high-speed rail has become a shining business card of China. The mass production of the third-generation J-10 series aircraft has made domestic third-generation aircraft dominate the sky of the motherland. Shenzhou 5, Shenzhou 6, and Shenzhou 7 were successfully completed, and the initial Beidou satellite network was completed covering the land of China, entering the second step. . . . . .

These are all based on physical theories and applications that have achieved significant results.

Of course, compared with Europe and the United States, China still has a gap in physics, and this gap must be faced and recognized.

Especially in high-energy physics, Europe is the renaissance of the world. After all, CERN has the most advanced large particle collider.

Speaking of physicists, the greatest physicist still alive in the world today is not Hawking, but Chenning Yang who currently lives in Shuimu.

Mr. Yang Zhenning once held a symposium at Shuimu University this semester. Qin Yuanqing attended it and felt that he gained a lot. He had to admit that he was indeed a big shot.

At least when Mr. Yang Zhenning talked about profound things, Qin Yuanqing felt confused, unable to understand, and difficult to understand.

And although Mr. Yang Zhenning has just settled in Shuimu University, his influence can be clearly felt. Every time he gives a public class or lecture, the seats are packed, whether it is students or teachers, whether they are from Shuimu University or People from other schools came to attend the class one after another.

Moreover, Mr. Yang also founded the Institute for Advanced Studies of Shuimu University, bringing many well-known professors and scientific researchers, and raising huge amounts of scientific research funds for Shuimu University.

Qin Yuanqing was thinking that if he encounters any difficulties when he starts a physics research project next semester, he might as well ask Mr. Yang for advice.

Immersed in physics knowledge, it was time to close the library before I knew it. Because it was already summer vacation, the library closed 2 hours earlier than usual.

Qin Yuanqing borrowed 4 more books that he had not finished, took them away together, and would return them tomorrow.

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