Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 727 The universe is so big, I want to take a walk

Chapter 728: The universe is so big, I want to take a walk

Finally, based on preliminary detection results, the location of the scientific research station was placed in the north. Judging from the preliminary detection results, the south is an ancient highland full of craters, with various nuclear radiation and rays from craters, while the north is It is a relatively young plain. Both poles of Mars have polar caps mainly composed of water and ice, and the dry ice covering them will wax and wane with the seasons.

Yes, according to the current detection data, it is confirmed that there is water on Mars, the groundwater is quite abundant, and there is also solid water at the poles.

This discovery has undoubtedly aroused considerable interest. With thin oxygen and water, it stands to reason that Mars is fully capable of breeding life.

As the fourth planet in the solar system from the inside out, it is not far from the earth. It stands to reason that it has the same possibility of nurturing life as the earth. But why has the function of creating a magnetic field in the Martian core stopped?

The shutdown of the Martian core's function of creating a magnetic field has always been a problem full of mystery. Astronomers, physicists, etc. are puzzled. It stands to reason that Mars is much larger than the moon, with a diameter equal to half that of the Earth. Also affected by the gravity of the sun, there is plenty of sunlight, but why does the function of its core to create a magnetic field stop?

This shutdown caused Mars to lose its electromagnetic shielding layer, which is what everyone calls the planet's magnetic field. Without this invisible and intangible magnetic field protection, the sun's strong radiation would directly hit the surface of Mars, killing all life. The strong solar wind continuously ionizes the atmosphere of Mars, causing the light elements that make up the atmosphere, such as hydrogen, to be ionized and blown away from Mars. Now, the density of Mars' thin atmosphere is only about 1% of that of Earth, and it is very dry. , the temperature is low, the average surface temperature is minus 56 degrees Celsius. Water and carbon dioxide are easy to freeze.

The poles of Mars are permanently covered in solid carbon dioxide (dry ice). The structure of this ice cap is stacked, consisting of layers of ice and changing layers of carbon dioxide. During northern summers, carbon dioxide completely sublimates, leaving a remaining layer of ice and water. The carbon dioxide dry ice layer in the south has not completely disappeared.

Mars' thin atmosphere is mainly composed of leftover carbon dioxide (95.3%) plus nitrogen (2.7%), argon (1.6%) and trace amounts of oxygen (0.15%) and water vapor (0.03%). The average atmospheric pressure on the surface of Mars is only about 7 millibars (less than 1% of Earth's atmosphere), but it varies with altitude, reaching as high as 9 millibars in the deepest basins and as high as 9 millibars in the highest Olympus. The top of the mountains is only 1 millibar.

Mars is basically a desert planet with sand dunes and gravels all over the surface. There is no stable liquid water. The atmosphere, which is mainly carbon dioxide, is thin and cold. Sand and dust are suspended in it. Sand storms are often launched every year. Compared with the earth, geological activities are inactive, and most of the surface landforms were formed in more active periods in ancient times. There are filled craters, volcanoes and canyons. Including the tallest mountain in the solar system: Olympus Mons and the largest canyon: Mariner Canyon.

Once upon a time, the Earth once made a thought-provoking guess when it was exploring Mars. This speculation holds that ancient Mars should have been a highly civilized planet, and the formation of Martian civilization should have occurred much earlier than the emergence of humans on Earth. According to the analysis of data obtained from respective investigations, Mars is not so much a desolate planet as it is a planet destroyed by high-energy weapons. From the traces of seawater excavated from the large low geography in the northern part of the planet, to the water-carved landscape of Valles Marineris. From the rounded glass beads evenly distributed on the sand found near the equator, to those vertical smooth deep holes with no bottom, they all tell people about the seas, mountains, white clouds and blue skies that this desolate planet once had. And the lives that may have been lost long ago.

Perhaps there was an extremely fierce war on Mars billions of years ago. Those deep straight holes near the equator may be the 'single holes' struck by strong high-energy weapons. Those small glass beads are all round glass beads formed by high-temperature corrosion caused by high-energy weapons bombardment, and each glass bead is a seal of living life.

Years have passed, and after a catastrophic war, what was left on Mars was a broken ozone layer, a halt in the electromagnetic motion inside the earth's core, and a planet's magnetic field that disappeared with the halt in electromagnetic motion. Year after year, the solar wind blows away the atmosphere surrounding the planet. Life without the protection of the magnetic field is killed by the super strong solar radiation. The sea is evaporated and dried up, the river disappears, and all signs of life are far away from this once prosperous city. planet.

Billions of years have passed, and people can't even find the slightest trace of ancient civilization.

Is there any truth to this speculation?

Makes sense!

After all, bold assumptions and careful verification are very enlightening for studying Mars!

But for Qin Yuanqing, the past of Mars is not important, what is important is the present and future of Mars.

Mars This time the Titanium space plane landed on Mars, the data and scientific research results obtained have far exceeded the results of the Earth's exploration of Mars in the past few decades. According to preliminary detection results, the resource reserves of ilmenite on Mars are as high as 3000 trillion. tons, rare earth element resource reserves exceed 100 billion tons, and reserves of phosphorus, potassium, thorium, uranium and other elements are also abundant. Those extraterrestrial meteorites will be very urgently needed for China now, because these extraterrestrial meteorites can be smelted into sharp weapons or armor with strong protective power on the moon or in space.

This time the Titanium aerospace plane completed its scientific research work and brought back a certain amount of Martian soil. The rest were all extraterrestrial meteorites.

There is no doubt that compared to the moon, Mars is richer in resources and is another goal of China after the moon.

Of course, the climate conditions of Mars are not as good as those of the Moon. The extremely low temperature, sandstorms, and cosmic rays are all essential considerations for the subsequent development of Mars. A scientific research station is established, but there is still a long way to go before developing Mars. And it’s a long way to go.

At the same time, Qin Yuanqing was also thinking about a question, that is, why did the function of the Martian core to create a magnetic field stop? How to restore the ability of the Martian core to create a magnetic field?

If China wants to transform Mars into a habitable planet, there is no doubt that this question must be solved. Only by solving this problem can Mars generate a magnetic field and form an atmosphere similar to that of the Earth. The climate will not be so harsh and the surface temperature will not be so bad. There will be big ups and downs, so cosmic rays will not be so abnormal.

This is an important topic and cannot be understood in a short time.

With the completion of the transformation of the 'Konak' spacecraft, it can be driven by Chinese people. The 'Konak' spacecraft has also participated in aerospace missions. Its appearance will greatly speed up China's progress in establishing a Mars base.

After all, the Konark spacecraft can cruise at Mach 200. Even if it is a distance of 200 million kilometers, it only takes 34 days to get from Earth to Mars. If the closest distance of Mars to the Earth is 54 million kilometers, it would only take less than 10 days.

The first-generation aerospace plane is no longer in production, and China has shifted its productivity to the production of the second-generation Titanium aerospace plane.

Of course, now China has also begun to develop the third-generation aerospace aircraft. One of the indicators of the third-generation aerospace aircraft is that the cruising speed reaches Mach 100 and the top speed is Mach 120. It is not easy to achieve this indicator, and it requires great contributions in aerodynamic layout, plasma engine, and materials.

"Dad, Magic City is asking for support. Come here quickly. There is a first-level beast tide here, and there are several powerful lord-level monsters!" Just when Qin Yuanqing was about to go to the life laboratory, Qin Shiman came from the communication device. emergency call for help.

Qin Yuanqing's face changed slightly. In the past year or so, he rarely killed monsters because Qin Zheng and Qin Shiman were planet-level and could crush most lord-level monsters.

Unless the launch is in serious danger, he will not be asked for help at all.

Qin Yuanqing flew directly from the balcony, and his speed soared to the maximum, reaching Mach 5. Over the past year or so, Qin Yuanqing's strength has also improved considerably, and his speed has also exceeded. Such a fast speed, 1,700 meters per second, reaching a speed of 6,125 kilometers per hour.

The straight-line distance between the capital and the Magic City is only 1,000km. In just ten minutes, Qin Yuanqing's figure has appeared above the Huangpu River, standing in the sky. Looking down, a war base has been built on the land, with a large number of cold light and thick gun barrels. Extending from each cannon port.

"It is indeed a first-level beast tide!" Qin Yuanqing looked down from a high altitude.

"Rumble~~" The sound of artillery fire shook the sky, as if the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering.

Densely packed and overwhelming water monsters of all kinds either ejected or crawled out of the Huangpu River. Among them were ferocious arthropod monsters, reptile monsters most familiar with land, and weird coelenterate water monsters. Monsters, echinoderm water monsters, and the largest number of fish monsters in the world! Sea monsters are more than ten times more terrifying than land monsters! First, there are so many of them. The second is extremely weird! For example, arthropod monsters, including shrimps and fishes alone, thousands of shrimps and fishes have been found in the sea, including tens of thousands of unknown species! After mutation, shrimps, Crabs and other monsters are even late in surprising numbers. Not to mention other coelenterates and echinoderms.

The soldiers controlled artillery, rockets, missiles, laser cannons, and electromagnetic guns to pour out continuously. Laser cannons in the air also continued to bombard down. At least 40 lasers fell from the sky every second. Monsters are constantly being killed.

But there are too many monsters, tens of millions of them, densely packed. A large number of various fish monsters jump out from the Huangpu River twenty or thirty meters high. Countless fish monsters reveal their sharp claws ferociously. Every tooth, even steel and concrete can be bitten by them!

In addition to Qin Shiman, there are three God of War warriors who are fighting monsters. At this time, other warriors cannot participate because they will be accidentally killed by cannonballs.

Qin Yuanqing saw at a glance a water monster about twenty meters long with a large turtle shell on top. The giant turtle shell on its back had protrusions and was glowing with dark gold. Its head is like the head of a dinosaur. The skull is hard and has a black sharp horn. It is like a saw-toothed roar. No one will doubt its power.

No wonder Qin Shiman needed to ask him for help. In Qin Yuanqing's senses, there were a total of fifteen lord-level monsters, some of which were extremely powerful.

Qin Yuanqing held the sword in his hand and slashed out. At the same time, the black disc flew out under the control of his soul power to kill another lord-level monster.

An hour later, the wind calmed down and everything returned to calm.

The Huangpu River was bright red, and the monster's blood dyed the Huangpu River red. The monster's corpses covered the Huangpu River and both sides of the Huangpu River. All the houses within three kilometers of both sides of the river were destroyed. In addition to the monster corpses, there were all kinds of things on the ground. Although the time was short, more than 2 million rockets, missiles, and artillery shells were fired.

That is to say, China's military industrial enterprises are currently operating at full capacity to produce these powerful weapons. Otherwise, they would not be able to bear such consumption.

However, the 100,000 warriors showed no signs of fatigue, and instead gave out earth-shattering cheers. Not only did they defeat the invading monsters, they also defeated the monsters. At the same time, they also received huge benefits. They would receive huge rewards, and the rewards were not only Not only in terms of money, but also in terms of honor, and with so many monster corpses, although most of them will be turned over and sealed, a small part will still be distributed to the warriors as trophies.

This means that each warrior can earn at least hundreds of thousands of yuan just by distributing monster corpses.

After cheering, people will be organized to clean the battlefield. A huge number of monster corpses will be sealed and sold as meat products in the market. There is no doubt that this is a feast.

"Dad, fortunately you came to support in time, otherwise under this level of beast tide, the entire Demon City would have been turned into ruins!" Qin Shiman stood in the air and said with lingering fear on her face.

At the same time, Qin Shiman was even more horrified by Qin Yuanqing's combat effectiveness. They were both planet-level, but Qin Yuanqing's combat effectiveness was obviously a level higher than hers.

Qin Yuanqing's killing of those lord-level monsters was no different from killing chickens and ducks.

"You stay in the magic city well, I'll go back first!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile, and then left towards the capital like a bolt of lightning.

Qin Shiman looked at Qin Yuanqing's leaving figure and muttered to herself. She and Qin Zheng took Muya Crystal and successfully advanced to the planetary level. After that, one person was in charge of the Demon City and the other in Yangcheng. Plus Qin Yuanqing was in the north, ensuring that Security within China. She originally thought that after this period of fighting against monsters, her and Qin Zheng's strengths had caught up with her father's, but she didn't expect that there was still a big gap.

She felt that her father could calm down such a first-level beast tide even if he faced it alone.

Qin Shiman shook her head, shook off the distracting thoughts in her mind, and began to help clean up the monster corpses, especially those lord-level monster corpses, which were very large and quite precious. The price of a lord-level monster corpse was 5 billion~ Between 30 billion yuan, and this time there were 15 lord-level monsters in the beast wave. She killed two, Qin Yuanqing killed 12, and several other gods of war teamed up to kill one.

Those war gods did not dare to take the remaining lord-level monster corpses as their own, but only helped to clean up the monster corpses.

On the other side, Qin Yuanqing returned to the capital, took a bath at home, and washed away all the blood and gore on his body.

"Is Doudou okay?" Jingtian asked with some worry. As a warrior, she also watched the first-level beast tide that occurred in the magic city. The densely packed monsters in the video were so terrifying that it made people's scalp tremble. numb.

"Don't worry, it's okay! The monster that can kill her hasn't been born yet!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile, comforting Jingtian.

"You don't know when this monster will be big. It's always scary!" Jingtian said. Beast tides are also divided into levels. The lowest level is the fifth level beast tide, and the highest level is the first level beast tide. This happened this year. The second first-level beast wave occurred. It was in Yangcheng before, but this time it was in Magic City.

"When technology develops to a certain level and a weapon is developed that can kill king-level monsters, it will naturally be the end of the monsters." Qin Yuanqing said: "It will be very soon, it won't take many years!"

The Bell Ranch starship and the Konark spacecraft are both transport spacecraft and do not have weapon systems. The weapon systems have to be developed by Chinese scientists, and the development of weapon systems is not that easy. The spaceships are advanced, but in fact the weapons There has not been much progress in system technology. Laser cannons are still the same technology. They are just getting bigger to increase their power. The same is true for electromagnetic cannons.

The development of these technologies, when there is nothing to learn from, has to be explored and researched alone, which takes time.

As the country collects more and more monster corpses, the production of various genetic medicines also continues to increase. The supply of monster meat on the market is very sufficient. After all, many warriors kill monsters and do not necessarily sell the monster corpses to the country. It will be sold to martial arts schools or business alliances that may bid higher.

In fact, many warriors choose to join the business alliance because they can get better benefits.

The lunch meal is a monster meat medicinal diet, which is equipped with ginseng, angelica and Gouqi, and two other dishes. Although there is no shortage of money, the food is not luxurious.

This is also to cultivate Qin Ying. Qin Yuanqing does not want Qin Ying to become a dandy. Not only can he not contribute to society, but he will become a scum of society. This is not good.

The Middle East is still a desert, a vast expanse of yellow.

It’s a pity that there is no one left now. Once upon a time, this was the energy center of the world. It is the region with the largest oil reserves and the largest production and output of oil in the world. Its oil reserves are as high as 102 billion tons, with 742 billion barrels, accounting for 10% of the world’s proven oil. About 60% of the total reserves.

Petroleum is also known as the "blood of industry". Whether it is automobile oil or petrochemical production, petroleum is indispensable. That’s why oil is also called black gold. Countries here don’t need to industrialize. They can become the richest countries in the world just by selling oil, and people can count their money while lying at home. And being rich is a label for people here.

It's a pity that all these are gone. This place has become a paradise for monsters. Countless villages have been destroyed. No one can be seen. There are only roads and buildings. You can see how terrible this place is. of prosperity.

Qin Yuanqing stood thousands of meters in the air, looking down, feeling very emotional. Once upon a time, he also envied this place, and he also wanted to be a rich man here.

It fell from the sky and landed about 300 kilometers north of Babylon. This is where the system gave the remains of alien civilization in the Middle East.

After searching for a while, Qin Yuanqing finally found the exact location. He used his knife to open up a passage. About thirty meters below, Qin Yuanqing came to a place that looked like a foundation. He dug a hole directly with his knife, entered it, and spent a lot of money. After some effort, Qin Yuanqing came to an underground palace. This underground palace was very large, about 3,000 square meters in size and 10 meters high. It is hard to imagine that people here could build such a large building nearly 3,000 years ago. Among the stones around the underground palace, none weighs less than 2 tons, and they are all very regular.

In the underground palace, an oval-shaped spaceship lay there quietly. The oval-shaped spacecraft was quite well preserved and full of science fiction colors. Qin Yuanqing took a look and saw that there was no damage to the appearance, and the engines and the like were intact. The spacecraft is entirely made of metal, without a single piece of glass or portholes.

After spending a lot of effort, Qin Yuanqing opened the door of the spaceship and walked into the interior of the spaceship. The interior of the spaceship was also well preserved. After some exploration, Qin Yuanqing realized that the spaceship had no energy and even the artificial The smart phone cannot be turned on, and the lighting tools cannot be used.

Arriving at the energy hub, he checked the structure of the energy hub. Qin Yuanqing quickly understood the principle of this device. Then he took 1m of helium 3, added helium 3 fuel to it, and started its energy reactor. As the reactor started, , the lighting device of the entire spacecraft was activated, and the lighting tools emitted blue light.

The interior of the spaceship is full of science fiction. Qin Yuanqing first turned on the artificial intelligence and explored the program of the artificial intelligence. Otherwise, he would not understand the artificial intelligence at all. This kind of alien civilization, different alien civilizations have different languages. Qin Yuanqing didn't know if there was a universal language in the universe, but he knew that the languages ​​of the secondary civilizations in the universe were different from each other. Maybe the technological development would be similar, but the languages ​​and cultures were fundamentally different.

For example, the Konak civilization is relatively similar to humans on Earth, but their appearance is quite different. The civilization of Bell Ranch is very different. It can be judged from the corpses alone that it is very different from humans.

Similarly, the language of this spaceship is also very different from that of the Konak civilization and the Bellanci civilization, but the essence of the principle is the same. In the final analysis, it is mathematics and mathematical logic!

Qin Yuanqing can handle the artificial intelligence of the Bell Ranch spaceship and the Konark spacecraft, so he can naturally handle the artificial intelligence of this spaceship.

"Nuwa, check the status of the spacecraft!" Qin Yuanqing activated the 'Nuwa' artificial intelligence.

"The spacecraft begins inspection, and the inspection time is one hour!" The 'Nuwa's' artificial intelligence began to inspect the condition of the spacecraft.

Qin Yuanqing began to check the various rooms of the spaceship. Qin Yuanqing felt a little strange. Judging from the rooms of these spaceships, they were full of female colors. There was no male rest room in any room.

Unfortunately, because it has been a long time, many things have become useless under the erosion of time, whether it is clothes or supplies.

However, Qin Yuanqing was not without gains. He got five suits and five weapons, which undoubtedly made Qin Yuanqing quite satisfied.

By the time the 'Nuwashi' artificial intelligence finished inspecting the spacecraft, Qin Yuanqing had understood that the cruising speed of the spacecraft could reach Mach 500 and came from the 'Medi star', which is 3,000 astronomical units away from the earth. The solar system is separated by 50 star systems.

The reason why this spaceship came to Earth is very simple. The owner of this spaceship, An Mei Editi, was dissatisfied with the marriage arranged by her family. When the family was not paying attention, she took her maid to escape from the Midi planet. As a result, she ended up on the Midi planet. Within the scope of exploration, the spaceship was lost in the vast universe. Anmeidisi and others had never left the star system where the Mede star was located, so they panicked. As a result, in the vast universe, the spaceship came to the earth and landed in the Middle East.

As a result, Amelia Edith met Nebuchadnezzar II on Earth, and the two fell in love. However, after Amelia Edith married Nebuchadnezzar II, she soon missed her hometown, and Nebuchadnezzar II Buchadnezzar II built the Hanging Gardens for Ammyedis.

The foundation of the sky garden forms an underground palace, and the sky garden is beautiful. It was with the help of Amy Edith that the Hanging Garden was finally built and became a world architectural miracle.

Qin Yuanqing shook his head. Just a god of war, in order to get rid of his marriage, ended up escaping in a spaceship and was still lost in the vast universe.

In the universe, apart from those high-speed celestial bodies and full of lethal rays, a major danger is getting lost. After all, the scope of exploration is extremely limited, and the universe is vast and infinite. Once lost, it is very dangerous and you don't know the direction.

It is not easy for this spacecraft to land on a living planet. There are countless spaceships lost in the universe, but they cannot find a living planet and land on a lifeless planet.

Ten days later, the upper layer of sand and soil was cleared away, and the top stone was removed. Qin Yuanqingcai drove the 'Midi' spaceship and flew away from here towards the capital.

Information related to the 'Midi' spacecraft, including information related to the Median civilization, has been classified into S-level files. Ordinary people have no authority to access it, and they can only access it after obtaining authorization.

Beijing, a space force base.

The landing of the 'Midi' spacecraft also uses anti-gravity technology, a plasma engine, and controllable nuclear fusion. Although the shape and device may be different, the principles are the same.

"Academician Qin, where did you find a spaceship?" Liu Yang looked at this spaceship and was speechless. This is the third spaceship that Qin Yuanqing has recovered.

"Of course they are the remains of alien civilization on Earth. Next, you can explore this spaceship. A scientific research team will be stationed in a few days." Qin Yuanqing said with a smile. Liu Yang is the head of the Space Force, and the two parties can be considered old friends. .

"Where does this spaceship come from?" Liu Yang couldn't help but ask.

"The Midi alien civilization is 5,000 astronomical units away from the earth. This spacecraft can cruise in space at Mach 500!" Qin Yuanqing said.

When Liu Yang heard this, he was secretly surprised. With this spacecraft, it only takes 14 hours to travel from Earth to Mars. This will undoubtedly be beneficial to the construction of a Mars base.

After all, this oval-shaped spaceship is quite big.

After granting the secondary authority to control the 'Midi' spacecraft to Liu Yang, Qin Yuanqing took off into the air and headed towards the city.

After a trip to the Middle East, I gained quite a lot, not only the 'Midi' spaceship, but also five pieces of armor and weapons. These are all treasures, especially for the earth.

Back home, Qin Ying was playing in the yard.

"Dad~~" When Qin Ying saw Qin Yuanqing, he immediately opened his hands and ran towards Qin Yuanqing: "Feifei~~"

Qin Yuanqing smiled and picked up his son and flew in the air. No matter that because he was holding his son, Qin Yuanqing did not fly very fast. He controlled his own aura to form an air shield, blocking the air to prevent the airflow from scratching his son.

Qin Ying shouted happily. He was happiest when Qin Yuanqing held him and flew.

Maybe everyone has a dream of flying, which is rooted in everyone's bones, even a little kid like Qin Ying.

"Dad, from now on I will fly like a bird, flying around!" Qin Ying was very excited at this time.

Children at this time are the most active. They move here and there in the house and are full of curiosity about everything. They don't understand how powerful monsters are, so they think monsters are bad guys and they have to be the ones. Big hero, fight monsters!

Flying in the sky, looking down at the earth, there were not that many people at this time, but thanks to the original desert control, the air in the capital was very good, very fresh, with blue sky and white clouds, and white clouds flying by in the sky.

As soon as we reach the grassland, we can see the lush green grassland. This is a large grassland. Apart from a small amount of forest, most of it is grassland. The original desert control has greatly restored the ecology. The rainfall here has continued to increase. Now the annual average rainfall reaches 700~1200 mm, which makes the environment here recover very quickly. Even without artificial repair, it has returned to nature.

Thanks to desertification control, the water of the Yellow River is no longer yellowish and has returned to clarity.

In the past ten years, large-scale management and dredging of the Yellow River have prevented major floods from occurring in the Yellow River.

Qin Yuanqing held Qin Zheng in his arms and flew in the sky. The flying speed was not very fast. He flew for three hours before returning. Qin Ying still had more to say.

When you get home, the home robot has already prepared dinner. Since you have the home robot, you no longer need to learn cooking skills or hire a nanny. You only need to let the home robot do it.

As always, the two dishes and one soup were mediocre, but Qin Yuanqing ate them with gusto. There was a new member in the family. Qin Yuanqing felt that his life had undergone very interesting changes, and it was full of the flavor of home, which made him obsessed.

"Hey, Doudou and Maodou are so old, they are already thirty years old. They are older women and men. I don't know when they will find a partner." During the meal, Jingtian sighed and talked about something.

"They are all adults and have their own ideas. We should not worry about them. They are planet-level and have very long lifespans. When you reach the planet-level and have a life span of thousands of years, you will realize it." Qin Yuan Qing smiled lightly.

However, even if there are sufficient resources, Jingtian is still far away from the God of War level. Even if Qin Yuanqing has Mu Yajing, there is no way to stack her up to the planet level.

If you want to travel to space in the future, you must at least reach the God of War level and wear a suit. It would be better if you reach the planet level, because even if the spacecraft has an accident at the planet level, you can survive in space and will not die all of a sudden. Dead, plenty of time to wait for rescue.

Of course, Qin Yuanqing also hopes that his wife will reach the planetary level, so that they can not only travel to space together, but also be together for a long time, instead of waiting for Jingtian to die and sadly say goodbye to her.

Qin Yuanqing is very satisfied with this wife who has given birth to children for him. They have been together for so many years and have been together for more than thirty years. Although they have not shared hardships, they understand each other and have gone through those beautiful thirty years hand in hand. Years and years.

If the world hadn't changed drastically, maybe they would have entered their old age together. But now they all have the chance to live longer. The earth is so big, they can go for a walk, and the solar system is so big, they can also take a dip!

What's more, even if Qin Yuanqing travels throughout the solar system, he can also go to other star systems, not just in the solar system.

"When you reach the God of War, we will go to the space station and the moon base together, and we can even go to Mars together!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile: "Now that we have landed on Mars, we will establish a base on Mars. We plan to reach the current level in about 10 years. The scale of the lunar base is so beautiful there, the earth is all red, there are mountains 20,000 to 30,000 meters high, and canyons one or two thousand meters deep."

"Didn't you think about space travel before? When the time comes, you can go anywhere in our entire solar system, even to the outer star systems." Qin Yuanqing smiled. In order to give his wife enough motivation to practice, Qin Yuanqing now Paint the pie without hesitation.

"Really?" Jingtian's eyes lit up.

"Look, this is a beautiful photo of the earth taken in the space station, a photo of the moon, and a photo of the earth on the moon. Look how beautiful it is." Qin Yuanqing called up the video, and the holographic projection technology was enough to make People have a feeling of being there.

Many things are inaccessible to ordinary people and can only be understood after reaching a certain status.

"It's so beautiful!" Jingtian was also attracted by the magic of the universe. "If we build a villa on the moon in the future, sit on the swing in the yard and admire the earth, it would be so attractive."

"The universe is very vast, and there are many interesting places." Qin Yuanqing said with a smile: "Look, this is the Midi planet about 5,000 astronomical units away from the earth. The planet is twice as big as the earth. The technology is much more advanced than that on Earth, there are animals like dinosaurs on it, and there are all kinds of very beautiful scenery. Their evening aurora is full of wonder and beauty."

Qin Yuanqing showed Jingtian a photo of their Antarctica from Planet Midi. It was much more beautiful than the aurora on Earth.

Jingtian looked at the photos and was attracted.

"Also, this is from Bell Ranch. Their technology is much more advanced than ours, and their place is also very beautiful." Qin Yuanqing said.

Only by understanding the vastness of the universe can we understand the insignificance of the earth. Only by moving forward bravely can mankind truly get out of the cradle of the earth. Only when we step out of the cradle of the earth can human beings truly mature and grow!

With the contact with different alien civilizations, although it is only a second-level civilization in the universe and is not much higher than the earth, Qin Yuanqing's vision and thinking have greatly increased. Coupled with the evolution of life levels, Qin Yuanqing's thinking and vision have greatly improved. Jump out of the earth to see the solar system, jump out of the solar system to see the universe!

To be honest, Qin Yuanqing was also a little disappointed because he found that the alien civilizations he came into contact with, whether it was Bell Ranch, Konark, or Midi, were all secondary civilizations in the universe, but Their mathematics is not higher than that of the current Earth, but their astronomy, geology, physical applications, chemistry, etc. will be higher than that of the Earth.

Seeing that Jingtian started to arouse interest and gain motivation to practice, Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Logically speaking, the resources Jingtian obtained were the best. It could be said that she could enjoy all the resources that China had, including Jiantian. She has built the most advanced martial arts training room and has various powerful techniques. However, the laziness she has developed over a long period of time has made her not very interested in practicing. In addition, after giving birth to Qin Ying, she has to put her mind even more. in children. Therefore, there is no interest in cultivation, and there is no progress at all.

However, genetic medicine is only one aspect of an individual's life evolution. What is more important is that he must practice, absorb the original energy of the universe, and strengthen himself in order to achieve the evolution of life.

Unless you can obtain a large amount of Wood Bud Crystals, or something more valuable, you can just take a shortcut. But you must know that the Muya Crystal is a very precious thing for the second-level civilization in the universe. It is enough to cause all the forces of the second-level civilization in the universe to launch a war, because it means the birth of a planet-level person, and the planet-level is in The second-level civilization in the universe belongs to the top.

Qin Yuanqing taught his wife to practice, usually going to the laboratory or school. Since 2040, many new subjects have been born. These new subject textbooks and theories were basically proposed by Qin Yuanqing, so he would go to universities from time to time to do it. Reports, not only students listen to his reports, but also many lecturers and professors will listen carefully and take notes.

Qin Yuanqing will also answer many people's questions in detail. After all, if you want to develop, you cannot just rely on him alone, but a large number of people must grow up.

Fortunately, with the evolution of life, physical fitness has become stronger and life span has increased. People have more time to learn various different things. They can consider it from many aspects and learn more in-depth knowledge during college. , which will cultivate more outstanding talents from another perspective.

Of course, today's students are different from those in the past. In the past, students studied hard and regarded going to college as the best way to jump in class and success. Everything else became secondary. But now, Working hard to become a warrior has also become a way, so going to college is not the only option.

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