Chapter 726: Evolution of Life

"I don't know what materials these armors and weapons are made of. They have not corroded for so many years." Qin Yuanqing looked at the armors and weapons with a look of contemplation. This spaceship has been in the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang for at least 2200 years. It can Having withstood the erosion of the world for such a long time, one can imagine how precious they are.

Qin Yuanqing tried the armor. The armor was like soft armor. It was very soft and could be worn like clothes. He slashed it with a sword. The terrible result was that the 'blue gold' weapon could not damage the armor at all. This Qin Yuanqing had to be amazed.

The defensive capabilities of this armor are simply beyond imagination.

This is baby!

Qin Yuanqing realized immediately how precious this armor was. These black armors were much more precious than blue and gold armors. They could protect people very well.

Then Qin Yuanqing looked at the seven weapons, including an axe, a sword, a knife, and an arc-shaped disk, but the disk was very sharp.

Looking at the box made of special materials, Qin Yuanqing tried to open the box. Unfortunately, he found that the box did not know what kind of lock it used and it was difficult to open. However, if it could be packed in such a box, the contents inside must be very precious.

At this time, the 'Nuwa Artificial Intelligence' has completed the inspection of the entire spacecraft.

"The spacecraft has been inspected!"

"The energy core lacks helium 3 fuel and is not enough to drive the energy hub. It will be completely exhausted in an hour. Please replenish helium 3 fuel as soon as possible!"

"The damage to the spacecraft is 20%, the engine is damaged and cannot be started! The energy shield has been fatally hit and cannot be started!"


As the situation was reported one by one, Qin Yuanqing had understood the current situation of the spacecraft. He had not expected that this spacecraft also used controllable nuclear fusion as energy source. This was easy to handle. China had nothing but helium. More than 3.

Judging from the current situation, this spacecraft cannot be used and must undergo major repairs before it can be used.

"Nuwa, please search some, what are these weapons and armors!" Qin Yuanqing's heart moved. He didn't know these weapons and armors, but maybe the spacecraft's artificial intelligence contained this part of the material.

Qin Yuanqing soon understood that this black armor was a 'Black God Suit' made of a kind of 'black gold' material. Its defensive power was very amazing. Wearing it can cover the whole body. People of this second-level cosmic civilization Wearing the 'Black God Suit' to move around in space, you are protected from the damage of cosmic rays, and it can defend against all damage below the planetary level.

The weapon was made of 'Clay Alloy', which was extremely sharp and even better than 'Blue Gold'. However, Qin Yuanqing soon realized that this 'Clay Alloy' was not available on the earth. With the current exploration of the moon, There is no material for this.

According to the information, Qin Yuanqing opened the box. The moment the box was opened, the scent of rice immediately emanated from it. There were three white crystals inside, and the rice scent was emitted by these three white crystals.

"It turns out that this white crystal is called a wood bud crystal. It is the most precious thing on the spaceship. The value of a wood bud crystal is more than that of such a spaceship. Even on the Bell Ranch star, it is also an extremely precious thing." Qin Yuanqing The whole person's pores suddenly opened, and his eyes were staring at these three wood sprout crystals.

Bell Ranch is the planet this spacecraft comes from. It is a terrestrial planet about 10 light years away from the earth. The diameter of the planet is 1.5 times that of the earth, and the gravity is about the same. Unlike the earth, 71.8% of the area is ocean. , the ratio of ocean area to land area on Belranchi is 1:1, and there is only one continent, surrounded by oceans on all sides.

"It turns out that these wood bud crystals are so precious. They are the most precious ones on the planet Belrang. This spaceship escaped from the planet Belrang just for these three wood bud crystals, and ended up in the solar system. As a result, it collided while passing through the asteroid belt. I can only stay on the earth." Qin Yuanqing's breathing became a little rough at this time. Only when he truly understood the value of Muya Crystal did he understand its preciousness.

Muya spar is a crystal with a rice scent that contains huge vitality. According to the information stored in the spacecraft's artificial intelligence, Muya Crystal is a treasure used by strong people in the universe to practice. It is also a treasure used to tame animals and cultivate plant life in captivity. It has a large use space and is also very precious.

Just taking one Wood Bud Crystal can allow an apprentice to directly enter the planetary level in about a month.

Even on Bell Ranch, which rules a star system, only about one Wood Bud Crystal can be obtained in a hundred years, because even for a secondary civilization in the universe like Bell Ranch, cultivation is not that easy, and only by becoming a planet Only at the planet level are you truly qualified to own a planet as a territory, because the planet level is not afraid of cosmic rays, can survive in space without wearing the Black God suit, and the lifespan of the planet level is greatly increased.

These aliens, because their spacecraft alone have been flying in the universe for nearly 3,000 years, cannot withstand the erosion of time and will die at the end of their lifespan.

It is precisely because of this that neither the Black God suit nor the Cray alloy weapons suffered any damage.

Qin Yuanqing left the spaceship, closed the hatch of the spaceship, held a sword in his hand, and left the underground palace. He contacted the dean.

"Academician Qin, how are you doing here?" the dean asked with concern. There is no way Qin Yuanqing is too important. Whether it is personal force or science and technology, he cannot be replaced. And now Qin Yuanqing has entered the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang for 4 days. .

"Dean, great discovery, an alien civilization relic was discovered in the underground palace under the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang. There is an Earth-like planetary civilization from 10 light years away. It is at the level 2 of the cosmic civilization. All aspects of technology are much better than ours now. , so far I have opened the spaceship and obtained relevant information, and I have gained a lot from it!" Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but smile happily when he said this: "There is a treasure called Muya Jing, which can directly make the God of War warrior become an expert. Star Warrior, and there are three in the spaceship.”

"Now that the fuel of the spacecraft has been exhausted, we need to mobilize fusion fuel, send troops, and send scientists from various specialties. I believe that once we master the relevant technology of the spacecraft, there will be a qualitative leap forward for our science and technology. !" Qin Yuanqing said.

The dean was very happy when he heard this, because this meant that a planet-level warrior would be born in China, which would undoubtedly play an extremely important role in the subsequent war with monsters.

"Where you are now, troops will be sent to garrison immediately!" the dean said.

About half an hour later, the aerospace plane descended from the sky, bringing helium 3. Qin Yuanqing injected helium 3 fuel into the spacecraft, and the entire spacecraft's energy system officially resumed operation. All the lights in the spacecraft came on, but even if So much helium-3 fuel has been injected, but in fact it is only one-tenth. You can imagine how large the fuel storage tank of this spacecraft is. No wonder it can fly for more than two thousand years without stopping.

A reinforced regiment of troops stationed at Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum and built a defensive position in Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum. The soldiers became enthusiastic and no one was allowed in or out without a pass.

Subsequently, more and more scientists from various professions began to be recruited to Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum. The snakes and alien corpses killed by Qin Yuanqing were the subjects of biologists' research, and there were also microbiologists studying the environment in the underground palace. Archaeologists and historians have also moved in, but in this underground palace, the most important thing is undoubtedly this spaceship.

Material experts, pneumatic experts, engine experts, intelligence experts, experts in high-precision fields, etc., have mobilized nearly 30,000 experts in various professions.

The dean even came to the underground palace in person. Looking at the spaceship, the dean's eyes were full of shock. Even if he was not a professional, he could immediately feel that the technological content contained in it was far higher than that of China today.

"Academician Qin, how long will it take for us to reach their level? Now, I'm afraid they will come to attack us and occupy our earth!" the dean said with worry.

"It will take about forty or fifty years to develop into the second level civilization of the universe!" Qin Yuanqing pondered for a moment and gave a rough figure. After all, it is useless for Qin Yuanqing to understand it only. What is needed is a group of people who have reached a certain level. scientists, engineers, and production bases!

"As for crossing several star systems to occupy the earth, there is no need to worry. At the speed of their spaceship, it will take more than two thousand years to fly. They don't have such a long time! They also have a lifespan limit!" Qin Yuanqing He smiled and said, look at the owner of this spaceship, isn't it that he has been eroded by the years until only his bones are left?

There are no living planets in the galaxies around the solar system. This is quite lucky. Otherwise, if a secondary civilization appears in one star system, the solar system will not be spared.

The dean was relieved when he heard Qin Yuanqing's words.

He led the dean into the spaceship, visited the interior of the spaceship, and then came to the protective cabin. Opening the protective cabin, Qin Yuanqing picked up the Black God suit and said: "This is called the Black God suit. You only need to drop blood to identify the owner. It can cover the whole body at any time, is immune to all attacks below the planet-level warrior, can survive in space, and cosmic rays cannot harm people through the protection of the Black God suit. Even on the Bell Ranch planet, it is also the highest-tech product, with a production volume of not very big."

Qin Yuanqing signaled the dean to drop blood to identify the master. The dean dropped a drop of blood on it, and immediately discovered that there was a very special connection. Under Qin Yuanqing's guidance, the dean's heart moved, and the black god suit took the initiative to put on the dean. , achieving full coverage. Although it is said to be full coverage, it actually does not block eyes and vision.

"This Black God suit is quite convenient. If we can produce it, we won't have to be afraid of monsters, and our astronauts won't have to wear bulky spacesuits to work in space." The dean said with emotion.

"The monsters are putting a lot of pressure on us now, but in the end we will definitely defeat the monsters. The appearance of the monsters this time is actually an important opportunity for the evolution of our Chinese nation's life. Although it is cruel, there are fewer constraints!" Qin Yuanqing said.

Although the words seem very cold and ruthless, the fact is that if it were in the past, it would be very difficult to truly integrate the entire earth, because the organizational structure at the national level was adapted to the first industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution. revolution, the third industrial revolution, but by the fourth industrial revolution, it is actually not a help but a resistance. Different countries have their own demands and their own calculations, and then there are the previously established It is not easy to integrate values, beliefs and various different cultures. Where are the various rules and regulations, and China has always been peace-loving.

It is better to just smash all the bottles and cans like now, smash everything, and only the Chinese nation will be left. Although the threat of monsters is very great, we only need to destroy the monsters, and we don’t even need to destroy the monsters. , it is necessary for humans to become the masters of the earth again, and it is okay for monsters to become the beasts they once were.

"Academician Qin, you should also shed your blood to own a black god suit, so that you can save your life when fighting monsters!" said the dean.

"Dean, I won't use the Black God Suit. When I take a Wood Bud Crystal and become a planet-level warrior, this Black God Suit will actually be of no use to me." Qin Yuanqing said: "Wait until other ones emerge later. An outstanding warrior, just let him use it."

Although Qin Yuanqing did not ask for the Black God suit, Qin Yuanqing asked for the 'Clay Alloy' weapon, which will be his next important weapon. Of course, Qin Yuanqing also took a Wood Bud Crystal, which he will use Take as a breakthrough.

"Dean, there are several cultivation techniques here. I think we can establish a dedicated network for warriors and sell the techniques according to hierarchical classifications. This can also encourage warriors to actively hunt monsters." Qin Yuanqing led the courtyard. The chief came to the cab and said, in addition to precious things like Muya Crystal, the most precious things are not the Black God suit and Clay alloy weapons, but some of the training techniques of Bell Ranch. Here are some instructions on how to Absorb the original energy of the universe to strengthen yourself.

It was after understanding some of the descriptions here that Qin Yuanqing guessed that such a big change on the earth was probably caused by previous big actions, which caused the environment to change and the original energy of the universe to pour into the earth. Combined with the R disease\u0026 Poison is what caused the evolution of life on earth.

"Your suggestion is very good. The warriors must be constantly driven forward, so as not to just fight in a nest all day long!" The dean quickly understood the benefits of doing so.

Firstly, it can drive warriors to have sufficient motivation to hunt monsters. Secondly, it can also be used to count the number of warriors. After all, warriors will register on that website one after another. With unique identities, it is easy to count the number of warriors, including the warriors' Strength can be accurately archived.

And this is absolutely no problem for China now.

As long as you have a communication bracelet, you can connect to the satellite at any time, access the Internet, and log in to the website at any time.

After discussing some things about the warrior community with the dean, Qin Yuanqing gradually became clearer and clearer. Qin Yuanqing personally operated this website and named it 'Martial Artist's Home' by Qin Yuanqing. Each warrior can only register after passing the warrior assessment. , the account and password are unique, warriors can also communicate with each other through the 'Martial Artist's Home', and in the practice area, the price of each practice and each level of practice is clearly marked, and the prices are all in RMB, including weapons, Armor is also divided into various levels, and each has its own clear price.

For example, the Black God suit costs 500 billion yuan; the Cray alloy weapon costs 500 billion yuan! ‘Blue Gold’ weapon, 1 billion yuan! Titanium alloy weapons, 50 million yuan.

Qin Yuanqing also set the permissions of each level of warriors. Warriors of different levels have different permissions, and what can be checked and purchased are also different.

It took three days to completely complete the construction of the ‘Martial Artist’s Home’.

Along with this, the country established the Huaxia Martial Arts School, which manages major martial arts schools and is responsible for formulating policies, formulating moral rules, and assessing and certifying martial artists.

After Qin Yuanqing finished doing this, he started taking a piece of Muya Crystal and started to make a breakthrough!

For the planet level, Qin Yuanqing is bound to win, because according to the system tasks, he can get a reward of 1,000 cosmic coins, which is more important than anything else. After all, as long as he has enough cosmic coins, he can exchange them for anything he wants in the system, such as exercises, genetic medicines, weapons, etc.

In the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hua Hua Hua~~" A bright star river formed a whirlpool. The water flow was spinning crazily, forming circles of whirlpools. The vortex suddenly expanded, and the water flow suddenly became much thinner, like a transparent water curtain!

Phew, shrink!

The originally expanded transparent rotating water curtain suddenly shrank and suddenly turned into a huge rotating water ball! The water ball is translucent, with various strange lights flickering in the light ball. A very small number of dark golden fragments were also mixed in, obviously not completely melted yet.

Expansion, contraction!

Expand again, contract again!

The flow of mental power is like a heart, expanding and contracting again and again, as if it has its own life. In this special rhythm, the dark golden fragments gradually dissolve and melt. Make the entire water flow more powerful.

A completely transparent large water ball is constantly rotating, just like a planet is constantly rotating. There is no fog, and the size of the water ball has not been deformed in any way.

As time goes by, the water ball continues to grow. When it reaches a certain size, there is a "Boom!" sound, and the water ball explodes and expands wildly! Just like a star going supernova at the last moment of its life, a huge fog ball exploded to the extreme in an instant! It spreads everywhere in the entire sea of ​​​​consciousness, and it explodes to the extreme at the moment! Immediately afterwards, a suction force reaching heaven was generated at the core of the sea of ​​consciousness!

I don’t know how much time has passed, but the sea of ​​consciousness is completely empty. All the mist and water flow have disappeared, leaving only the core ‘light point’, as if there is only such a planet in the endless universe. There is also a layer of halo surrounding the surface of the 'planet', like a ball of light.

This is a beautiful and illusive ball of light. Apart from a layer of halo on the surface, this ball of light is essentially composed of a large number of transparent crystals in the shape of a 'pyramid'. Densely packed transparent crystals aggregate into a planet! An invisible and strange wave spreads from this light ball.


"Is this a planetary level?"

"Is this ball of light the core of a planet-level powerhouse?" Qin Yuanqing finally understood. After taking Muya Crystal, his life level completed a qualitative leap. At the same time, Qin Yuanqing's body began to undergo drastic changes. , the bones, bone marrow, meridians, muscles, fascia, skin, etc. in the body are undergoing incredible changes, and the genetic genes in the body are also rapidly decomposing and combining!

The transformation of life!

"This feeling is really amazing!" He was in a coma during the previous life transformation, but this time he was awake. Qin Yuanqing felt an unprecedented shock, as if his body had gone from a strong man who had reached the limit and could no longer grow to an instant transformation. After becoming a "baby", all the tendons, muscles, and internal organs of the whole body will essentially change!

As for the gene lock, Qin Yuanqing could clearly see it, and it had already been shattered by his power!

"Congratulations to the host for breaking through the apprentice level and reaching the planet level. I will be rewarded with 1,000 universe coins! I hope the host will continue to work hard. The universe is vast and the planet level is just a starting point!" When he completed the transformation of his life, the system's voice rang.

Qin Yuanqing saw the system interface——

Host: Qin Yuanqing

Age: 50 years old (life span 2000 years)

Cultivation: Planet level

Mechanical: Level 1

Technological Civilization: Level 1 (1/10)

Territory: Earth (0.1/10)

Weapons: Ordinary force weapons ‘Blue Gold’ sword, Cray alloy disc

Cosmic Coin: 1010 (the original learning coin is automatically converted)

This cultivation level has been broken through, his life level has been transformed, and his life span has been doubled, and he can live to 1,000 years old.

"It turns out that the planetary level is so powerful. No wonder you can survive in space without wearing a space suit or a black god suit!" Qin Yuanqing felt the changes in himself. At this level, it is no longer something ordinary people can understand. For example, He itself is equivalent to an asteroid and can emit a magnetic field.

"The 'miniature planet' in the body is actually equivalent to an asteroid. It's really wonderful. It seems that this cultivation method is created through planets, stars and other cosmic phenomena!" Qin Yuanqing secretly sighed, already understanding why cultivation in the universe The levels are almost the same, and they are all formed by observing the composition and evolution of the universe.

Qin Yuanqing's heart moved, and his whole body suddenly levitated, as if the earth's gravity had failed on him. This is the special feature of planet-level warriors. They can adjust gravity through the 'miniature planets' in their bodies, and naturally can also offset gravity.

Qin Yuanqing felt his flying speed, and soon Qin Yuanqing discovered that his speed reached an astonishing Mach 4, which is 1360 meters per second. This is an extremely terrifying speed, which means that the speed reached 4896 kilometers per hour. The speed of the moon with such a small gravity exceeds the second speed of the universe.

"No wonder that in the universe, the development of civilization is measured by two indicators. One indicator is the level of life, and the other indicator is the level of technology. Both are equally important! In addition to the advanced technology of the secondary civilization in the universe, spacecraft can reach any corner of the star system. Utilizing all the energy of the star system, we can develop resources in any star system, any celestial body, or planet, but another indicator is that the elite level must reach the planetary level!" Qin Yuanqing became somewhat enlightened.

Even based on the diameter of the solar system and the terrifying speed of Mach 1,000 for the Bell Ranch spacecraft, it would take 153 days to travel from one section of the solar system to another, not to mention the resources, research, and construction that would take a lot of time. For a long time, if life is short, it will be difficult to develop the resources of the entire star system, let alone enter another star system.

Judging from the spacecraft data of Bell Ranch, this civilization has been in the secondary civilization of the universe for a long time before reaching this level.

As for the level of life, relying solely on genetic medicine is not enough, because the ceiling of genetic medicine is also very obvious, and it is more targeted at ordinary people. For the real elite, what they need more is to practice, to strengthen themselves by constantly absorbing the original energy of the universe, and to achieve the evolution of life levels.

As he said before, a short life has no future, and a nation that is prone to aging has no hope!

It is because for the universe, decades or a hundred years are too short, so short that it is difficult for you to even get out of your own star system.

"I used to think that gravity is extremely mysterious, but now I know that this is how gravity is generated, and the source of gravitational waves lies here!" Qin Yuanqing showed a faint smile. Now, Qin Yuanqing has discovered that some physical phenomena that he did not understand in the past are all solved at once. It became clear. It took humans three to four hundred years to discover gravity, but in fact the understanding and research on gravity were quite superficial. But now, Qin Yuan Qingming has realized it and understood it.

"An indicator of the secondary civilization in the universe is that the elite reaches the planetary level. The most important thing is that only the planetary level can have enough time to understand the huge knowledge, master advanced technology, rule a planet, and maintain a long-term Stability." Qin Yuanqing's eyes became profound: "Short individual life span means instability, large variables, and difficulty in learning too much knowledge."

At this point, Qin Yuanqing's thinking and vision finally got rid of the shackles of the earth, and he looked at the universe and life from a completely different perspective from a higher altitude.

There is no doubt that the second-level civilization of the universe, whether it is the individual life level or the level of technology, is a dimensionality-reducing blow to the first-level civilization of the universe.

Think about the Hollywood movies and TV series in the past, where various human beings on earth defended the earth and went to war with aliens. In fact, they did not know that facing the second-level civilization of the universe, the earth that has not even reached the first-level civilization of the universe will only Being hit by dimensionality reduction, he was completely crushed and had no power to resist.

Qin Yuanqing flew in the void, flying towards the capital. His speed was as fast as lightning, and he had returned home from the suburbs of the capital in a few breaths.

After taking a bath, Qin Yuanqing began to understand what happened during his month of seclusion. The biggest thing was of course the country's establishment of seven base cities. The seven base cities chose Jingcheng, Yangzhou, Yangcheng, Chang'an, Rongcheng, Jiangling, and Zhengzhou respectively. , these seven base cities are all planned and constructed according to the scale of living with 300 million people, and their military defense capabilities are also the strongest. The reason why coastal cities did not choose them is because of the huge threat from sea monsters.

In this month, the Huaxia Martial Arts Academy also completed some policy formulation, ethics and organized the first warrior assessment. As a result, out of more than 700 million people, only 300,000 reached the threshold of warriors, which means that only 300,000 of the 700,000 people reached the threshold of warriors, which means that only 300,000 of the 700,000 people reached the threshold. Four warriors. And among these 300,000 warriors, there are 1,000 general-level warriors, and only one Qin Yuanqing is at the God-of-War level!

There is no doubt that the individual strength of human beings is less than one thousandth of that of monsters. If humans did not have technological weapons, they would only be slaughtered when facing monsters.

However, with the policy encouragement issued by the Chinese Martial Arts Academy, people will be keen to become warriors, because warriors have become human elites, and people will not think about becoming stars. Warriors who hunt monsters can easily become a wealthy class, living in high-end communities and villas.

People are all utilitarian. In the past, everyone devoted themselves to education because education was the best way to achieve class jump. But now it is different, and warriors are also an option.

Astronauts, engineers, and warriors have become the three golden professions. It can even be said that astronauts and warriors are equivalent to a certain extent, because now the threshold for astronauts is warriors! If you are not a warrior, you are not even qualified to be an astronaut.

"The aliens' vision is still as sharp as ever. They know where the wind is, and they are trying to form business alliances and build new forces!" Qin Yuanqing looked at the news and pondered for a moment. He had to sigh, some people really have extraordinary vision. , most people have not yet recovered from the deaths of their relatives and friends, or have focused on the monster crisis that is constantly being reported. But there are always some people who already regard monsters and warriors as wealth.

Aliens teamed up with some other super-rich people to try to form a business alliance to purchase the corpses and blood of monsters, and at the same time invested heavily in developing genetic medicines in the field of life. This is indeed a big trend in the future, let alone private aerospace companies. It has global satellite navigation capabilities and communication technology.

Qin Yuanqing also looked at the news briefly and stopped paying attention, because it was insignificant compared to the overall situation, and the country still occupies the absolute leading power. The country and even martial arts schools are encouraging, and business alliances like this will not treat them differently.

In the past month, warriors have been hunting monsters and transporting their corpses back to the city for sale. Of course, the state is purchasing monster corpses, and other martial arts schools or organizations are also purchasing monster corpses. This is not because of the R virus vaccine. , but to study genetic medicine, or directly use it as a major supplement. Eating monster meat is very beneficial to warriors, and naturally monster corpses are not cheap.

Like a wild boar monster, even the lowest level can often be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. If it is a high-level wild boar monster, one can even be sold for millions or even tens of millions of yuan.

Of course, in this process, some warriors were killed by monsters.

But for now, the main force for hunting monsters is the army. The number of monsters hunted by the army is a hundred times or a thousand times that of individual warriors. After all, more than half of the army's warriors and warriors also have various powerful weapons. Killing monsters is naturally much easier.

"At present, the situation is developing in a good direction. The basic market has been stabilized, social order has been restored, people have basically come out of panic, news about monsters is constantly being released, and people are becoming more and more accepting of the existence of monsters. If you are strong, you won't be caught off guard by monsters." Qin Yuanqing pondered for a while, and suddenly he had a basic idea. In the past month, all departments have been operating in an orderly manner according to the deployment, and the overall situation is developing in a good direction.

As for the military, with the help of soldiers, combat robots and various advanced weapons, the monsters within the country are kept outside the national borders. The air defense network formed by the space force, air force, and laser cannon bases destroys all the avian monsters that dare to show their faces. China's airspace means that there are no bird-like monsters to destroy counties and cities.

Of course, a situation has now emerged, that is, people have begun to move closer to the city, because in the mountainous areas, telephone poles have been destroyed by monsters, causing the village to lose power, and water pipes have also been attacked by monsters, causing the village's tap water to be cut off, and the villagers have no choice but to Instead of leaving the mountain village, we went to the town, and the town moved closer to the scene.

Although there is no statistics on the number of monsters in the land of China, the number is definitely extremely large. Even with China's current strength, it is impossible to wipe out all the monsters in the country, because the core of the army is to build a defense system and to block the outside world. It is already very difficult for monsters to rush into the country. There is no way to spare the strength to deal with the large number of monsters in the country and to raid one village after another.

Especially in mountainous and forest areas, where a large number of animals already exist, there will naturally be more monsters after mutation. The living environment of villages and towns in these mountainous areas suddenly became extremely bad, and even entire counties and cities had to be relocated in the face of the threat of monsters.

Just when Qin Yuanqing was about to sleep, the dean contacted him: "Academician Qin, satellite monitoring detected that a mutant blood wolf monster nearly twenty meters tall appeared in the Western Region Province and was leading tens of thousands of monsters towards a city. , I need to trouble you to make a trip!"

At the same time, Qin Yuanqing also received the satellite video. In the video, a mutant blood wolf monster nearly twenty meters tall and tens of thousands of monsters directly destroyed a town. The laser fired by the aerospace plane Cannons cannot attack this mutated blood wolf monster at all.

Qin Yuanqing knew that the matter was urgent, so he immediately took the aerospace plane to the Western Region Province. Although he could also fly away, even if he flew at the fastest speed, it would take an hour, while the aerospace plane only took half an hour. , can save half the time, and he does not need to waste physical strength and energy.

Letting the aerospace plane stop at an altitude of 1,000 meters, Qin Yuanqing jumped directly from the hatch, then flew into the sky towards the group of monsters.

"Damn beasts! Kill!" Qin Yuanqing looked at a county town below. People were killed by monsters and became food for the monsters. Suddenly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the disk flew out under the control of Qin Yuanqing's spiritual power,' Xiu Xiu Xi~~ Every monster that came close to him was killed by him. In a moment, tens of thousands of monsters were killed by Qin Yuanqing.

Even the mutated blood wolf monster had its throat cut by Yuanpan and fell to the ground unwillingly.

Looking at this mutant blood wolf monster, Qin Yuanqing felt particularly uncomfortable. Being able to lead tens of thousands of monsters to attack human territory shows that this mutant blood wolf monster has developed intelligence, and its intelligence is not low.

The parties who were paying attention to the battle at all times could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that Qin Yuanqing easily killed the mutated blood wolf monster and wiped out tens of thousands of monsters in a moment. If Qin Yuanqing could not be contacted, or Qin Yuanqing could not deal with it, Then they will choose the big killer!

Fortunately, Qin Yuanqing can be trusted as always.

At the same time, the nearest garrison drove over in a transport truck. They would transport the corpses of the monsters. Except for individual bones and parts, the rest would become food and needed to cultivate warriors. As for the corpse of the mutated blood wolf monster, it was cut into pieces and loaded into an aerospace plane. The aerospace plane transported it back to the capital. A small part of it will be used for biological research, and the meat and internal organs will be used to train military personnel. Elites are used to cultivate stronger warriors. As for the teeth, wolf claws, and fur, they will be made into weapons.

The blood and part of the corpse will be developed into vaccines and 'life-extending' genetic medicines. After all, this is a lord-level monster, which is precious enough. In China, there are many general-level monsters, but not many lord-level monsters. As for the king There are currently no level monsters.

For researchers or warriors, the body of a lord-level monster is extremely precious!

Qin Yuanqing thought of the dangers of lord-level monsters, so he began to hunt lord-level monsters in China. These lord-level monsters were relatively large, and it was not difficult to monitor them through satellites. They had already been locked by satellites.

For five consecutive days, Qin Yuanqing killed all 10 lord-level monsters in China. As for general-level monsters, Qin Yuanqing also killed more than 1,000 monsters. Apart from Qin Yuanqing, the happiest person was undoubtedly the military. The military's transport vehicles were busy carrying them. Along with the monster corpses, the Space Force also continuously dispatched aerospace planes to transport the lord-level monster corpses back to the capital. No matter which party it is, the lord-level monster corpses are an absolute feast.

Of course, it is more about the personal strength that Qin Yuanqing has shown now, which makes everyone feel safe. Unknowingly, Qin Yuanqing has become the patron saint of China. As long as Qin Yuanqing is around, everyone will feel at ease.

With the corpses of lord-level monsters, the number of powerful warriors in China is rising in a straight line, and life science has also made achievements one after another, such as the extraction of genetic medicines that can enhance physical fitness, and the genetic map of lord-level monsters. This will provide genetic analysis and reports for analyzing why these monsters are so powerful, and will also help life scientists to study human genes and genetic medicines to enhance the level of human life.

Of course, the horns, claws, and sharp teeth of lord-level monsters can also be used to make cold weapons, which can be used by warriors to hunt monsters. After all, the production of 'blue gold' weapons is limited, but these are made of the horns, claws, and sharp teeth of lord-level monsters. The cold weapon effect is even stronger than the 'blue gold' weapon.

In the book review area, I saw a friend who spent 500 starting coins to leave a message and scold him. It’s really not necessary. I used to write about astronomy. There are many online articles to read!

I am a bookworm myself, and I spend two to three hundred dollars a month reading novels. If I don’t like them, I just stop reading them. There is really no need to scold them!

Including the last volume, it belongs to exploration, so it’s normal not to like it!

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