Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 721: Opportunity for Nirvana (limited to free, everyone supports the genuine version)

Chapter 722: Opportunity for Nirvana

The hunt lasted until twelve o'clock in the evening before Qin Yuanqing returned to the city in a truck.

The results of one day's hunting were naturally very impressive. Twenty-two wild boar monsters, one bear, three tigers, and one lion were killed!

When he returned home, his wife and children were still waiting for him. After their recovery, their physical fitness improved significantly. Jingtian's physical fitness allowed her to punch 500 pounds, while Qin Shiman and Qin Zheng It was increased to 1,000 pounds.

However, they have obviously not yet adapted to the greatly increased strength of their bodies.

Qin Yuanqing ate a bowl of hot noodles, took a hot bath, and fell on the bed with his beautiful wife in his arms. Qin Yuanqing felt the changes in his wife's body, as if she had been reborn. Her skin was still as white, but more tender. Just like thirty years ago, the skin has regained its elasticity, as if the body has regained all its vitality.

You must know that Jingtian did not take the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine, but after eating the meat and soup of the wild boar monster, virus antibodies were produced in the body, and the body underwent transformation and was reborn, but it was as if he had regained his youth.

This amazing change is simply unimaginable.

"It's a pity that it was discovered too late. If it had been discovered earlier, many people could have died less!" Jingtian leaned on Qin Yuanqing's arms and cried silently. Most of her relatives and friends have also been infected with the virus and passed away in the past few days. .

Qin Yuanqing hugged his wife and could only comfort him. This wave of virus was so cruel and very fast. It swept through the entire China in just three days. No matter you were men, women, old or young, whether you were a rich man or a commoner, they all fell down at once. Except for a very small number of units and a few people, no one was spared.

Its ability to infect people is so strong that not only can people infect people, but it can also exist in the air for three hours, and it can also exist in water. People can infect animals, and animals can infect people. It is simply impossible to prevent it.

This is a heavy blow to mankind. You must know that many top scientists have fallen to this virus. Even because it happened so fast, no one knows which scientists have been lost or how many people have died across the country.

In order to ensure safety, aerospace planes in space, astronauts and engineers at space stations, and engineers and astronauts at lunar bases are not allowed to return to Earth. Today, in order to bring back Qin Yuanqing, an aerospace plane was allowed to enter the atmosphere.

Even some factories can maintain operation entirely because of robots. Communication and power supply can still operate as usual because of robots and artificial intelligence. Without robots and artificial intelligence, communication and power supply would be paralyzed.

All major cities, counties, towns, and villages have organized young adults to deal with the afterlife of the deceased. There is no way to send the deceased to a funeral parlor and directly bury them in the mountains to prevent the corpses from rotting and causing a plague.

"If you are at home during this period and encounter any danger, hide in the basement with Doudou and Edamame." Qin Yuanqing said.

Tomorrow he will take his soldiers out to hunt monsters, and those soldiers who have recovered will arrange to deal with the security of the city, including the disposal of the bodies of those who died of illness, and the establishment of a preliminary defense system, all of which require the participation of army soldiers.

There are only a handful of people who can follow Qin Yuanqing out to hunt monsters. Even the beasts he hunts are carried to other war zones to restore the soldiers there. At the same time, the soldiers there bear the heavy responsibility of hunting monsters.

At home, Qin Yuanqing couldn't care less.

"Let me go hunting monsters with you. I'm very strong now." Jingtian couldn't help but said.

"Don't be stupid, you are just strong now, but how do you use your strength to kill monsters? Do you know?" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile, he can kill monsters because he is a master of boxing and has reached the realm of holding pills. There is also a sword to kill monsters.

As for Jingtian, she had no strength but didn't know how to use it, and there were no other weapons for her to use.

The same principle actually applies to Qin Zheng and Qin Shiman, and it will also appear to the warriors who recover next. Even if they recover and their physical fitness increases significantly, how to fight monsters is what they have to study next. Exploring, Chinese martial arts will once again usher in a new golden age.

Large laser cannons, particle cannons, missiles, and nuclear weapons can kill monsters, but these movements are not very good. They are either too lethal, produce nuclear radiation, damage the environment, and are not good for humans, especially nuclear weapons. Unless it is a last resort, otherwise Can you use it or not?

No one knows whether after using nuclear weapons to attack monsters and kill them, in that special environment, there will still be life or the virus will mutate further. If it becomes stronger, it will really be over.

In order to protect the skies of the land of China, the aerospace planes and laser cannons of the space stations in space are constantly attacking the birds and monsters that dare to fly into the land of China. As for the rest of the earth, they can no longer care about it.

"Let's work harder and have a baby!" Qin Yuanqing pressed his wife down and kissed her.

If you want your wife to get rid of the pain and forget about it, the best way is to get her pregnant. With a new life, your attention will shift to the new life.

Qin Yuanqing was actually very painful at the sacrifice of his relatives and friends, but after suffering, he understood that pain was useless, and only by moving forward bravely could the problem be solved. If we don't buy time to become stronger and restore people's bodies, then facing these monsters, the Chinese nation will be in disaster.

If even the Chinese nation is wiped out by monsters, there will no longer be human civilization on this earth, and this human civilization will come to an end. Without the base camp of the earth, even if there are thousands of astronauts and engineers in space and moon bases, they will all be annihilated in the end, it is just a matter of time.

After turning over the clouds and rain, Qin Yuanqing hugged his wife and fell asleep.

The next morning, Qin Yuanqing received good news. Sixty thousand soldiers in the capital had recovered last night. After coming out of the virus, their bodies had undergone earth-shaking changes, and their body speed had increased significantly. Questions are a good start.

But there is also a not so good thing, that is, the average height of men reaches two meters, and the average height of women reaches 1.75 meters, which makes some things unusable.

Animals develop to become stronger and larger, and the same is true for humans. They also develop to become stronger and larger, but because of different physical qualities, the proportions of getting stronger and larger are different.

At the same time, there is a very obvious result. According to statistics, the stronger the monster is, the more the physical fitness of the recovered warrior will improve.

For example, soldiers who eat bear, tiger, and lion broth have significantly better physical fitness than those who eat wild boar soup.

As the 60,000 soldiers recovered, the entire capital began to feel a little more alive. The soldiers drove cars to help the citizens deal with the funeral affairs of the deceased, one community after another. Some lonely elderly people died in the house without anyone knowing. Fortunately, Nowadays, the weather is cold and the corpses will not stink. The soldiers practice their true nature as soldiers of the people and tell people with practical actions that the color of their bodies has not changed.

Qin Yuanqing led his soldiers to continue hunting wild beasts. Drones equipped with lithium-air batteries can fly for a long time. Thousands of drones conduct carpet-like reconnaissance. Any monsters that appear will be captured by the drones. Locked, transmitted to the terminal through artificial intelligence for positioning at any time.

Not only Qin Yuanqing was hunting monsters, but the soldiers were also hunting monsters, but instead of fighting the monsters with swords, they found shoulder-mounted missiles from the arsenal and used them to attack the monsters.

Except for some powerful monsters, ordinary monsters cannot resist this kind of missile attack. Anyway, these missiles can no longer adapt to the latest war, so they are most suitable for attacking monsters.

There is no Qin Yuanqing in other war zones. They use the recovered warriors to hunt monsters in this way, obtain monster corpses, cook them and eat them, in the hope of recovering more people.

"Three kilometers ahead, target, launch!" A soldier carried a rocket, took aim, and launched the rocket. The rocket was directly guided by the drone and successfully bombarded a wild boar.

Then soldiers drove a truck, picked up the wild boar carcass, and transported it back to the city.

Rockets and shoulder-fired missiles were used as if for free. Monsters were killed one after another, and the bodies were transported back to the military camp or the city.

Although this kind of hunting costs money, it can be carried out only by warriors. There is no need to rely on Qin Yuanqing alone, and the efficiency is even higher.

Of course, only a small part of the soldiers participated in hunting monsters. More soldiers participated in helping the people deal with the funeral affairs of the deceased to avoid the plague. The dispatch of the people's soldiers also calmed people's fearful hearts. No matter when, in When facing natural disasters, the people's soldiers are always on the front line, and people feel at ease with them in their hearts.

On the moon base, engineers are using "blue gold", a strange metal, to forge knives, swords and other cold weapons. They all know what happened on the earth, but they did not expect that the animals on the earth mutated and became powerful monsters. , and the weapons made by 'Blue Gold' are powerful weapons against monsters.

However, 'blue gold' is very hard. Even in this low-gravity, no-pressure environment, it is not easy to use 'blue gold' to make weapons. The output is dozens of weapons a day, and this is already the highest output so far. .

Engineers are building more production lines, hoping to expand the production of 'blue gold' weapons so that they can be provided to Earth's warriors to deal with monsters.

Even on the moon, which is 380,000 kilometers away from the earth, they can feel that monsters threaten human survival, and human civilization may be terminated by monsters.

At the space station, Wang Yaping stood on the command screen, which could monitor the world through satellites. The space station is not only a scientific research site, it is also a hub and an aerial fortress. Even though only the first phase of the project has been completed, it is equipped for global communications and is also equipped with 36 laser cannons, which is equivalent to 36 space shuttles in general.

Through satellite monitoring, Wang Yaping can clearly see that very bad situations are happening in various places, but in the face of this situation, Wang Yaping is also very powerless. The current situation in Huaxia is not very good. What she is watching right now is Qin Yuanqing fighting a black bull that is six meters long and three meters high.

Wang Yaping feels that China is very lucky to have Qin Yuanqing here. Qin Yuanqing pushed China to enter the fourth industrial revolution and complete the fourth industrial revolution. Like a flag, it led China to complete the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. And at this critical moment of life and death, it was Qin Yuanqing who discovered how to defeat the virus, and how to resist and kill monsters.

"There is an eagle-like monster in the direction of the Mongolian grassland. They are very fast and are heading towards the capital!" At this moment, an astronaut's voice sounded, and the screen switched to the past.

I saw that it was a huge eagle. Its body was about twenty meters long, like a large fighter jet. Its feathers were faintly glowing with a cold metallic luster. The feathers on its head were black, like a black crown. It The sharp and huge claws are also golden. At this time, its pair of sharp and cold eyes glowing with blue light made people shudder even if it was monitored by satellite video.

"Its speed reaches Mach 1 and its height is 10,000 meters above the ground!" Relevant data was reported along with the astronauts.

"Lock it and prepare the laser cannon!" Wang Yaping looked calm. Once such a major threat was discovered, it would be destroyed directly.

"Laser Cannon No. 3 is ready!" the operator of Laser Cannon No. 3 also reported.

"Destroy it!" Wang Yaping ordered.


Laser Cannon No. 3 fired a thick beam of light that passed through the atmosphere. Almost instantly, the large eagle, which was flying at a speed of Mach 1 at an altitude of 10,000 meters, was directly pierced by the laser and let out a miserable whine.

"Track the whereabouts of the corpse and send the landing coordinates to the nearby garrison!" Wang Yaping said.

In order to hunt more monsters, not only the space station uses laser cannons to form a firepower network in the sky to prevent avian monsters from causing huge damage to cities and rural areas.

When the giant eagle's body fell to the ground, the satellite successfully captured it. The astronaut notified the nearest troops of the coordinates of the landing point, and the troops would naturally send people to transport the monster's body back immediately.

The corpse of the monster is not just a corpse, but a treasure, a life-saving medicine.

After a long time, Wang Yaping went to rest. In her lounge, Wang Yaping looked at the photos of her husband, her parents, and her family, crying silently. In the command room, she is the top person in charge of the space station, but here, she is just someone else's daughter, daughter-in-law, and someone else's mother!

In front of others, she must be strong and serious so that the engineers and astronauts of the space station will not panic, but in the lounge, she is fragile.

The aerospace plane flying in space constantly adjusts its position so that it is always above China. It monitors space targets through satellite and radar scans. It is difficult for the space station to stay above China all the time, but aerospace planes can. They are in space. When they are no longer standing in the sky over China, the people who are responsible for protecting the safety of the sky over China will kill the monsters with laser cannons as soon as they find any bird monsters.

On the outskirts of the capital, a war is going on.

"Die!" Qin Yuanqing, who was holding a sword in his hand, cut off the head of the black bull with a sword as fast as lightning. The black bull fought with Qin Yuanqing for more than half an hour, and it was really difficult to fight.

After killing the black cow, Qin Yuanqing asked the transport truck to come over through the communication equipment. Such a black cow could fill two trucks.

As for whether the black bull's blood constantly falling from the vehicle will attract monsters, Qin Yuanqing did not consider it.

If it is rats, cockroaches, or ants, these are not very lethal and will be left to people to deal with in the future with pistols, submachine guns, etc. There are too many monsters of this type.

"Academician Qin, there is a horse-and-donkey monster three miles away!" At this moment, through drone monitoring, Qin Yuanqing saw a donkey three miles away to his left.

The height of a normal donkey is between 85 and 130 centimeters, and the body length is about 1.5 meters. However, this donkey is about 2.5 meters tall, with a body length of about 4.5 meters, and weighs 2 to 3 tons!

Qin Yuanqing took a transport truck and headed three miles away. The donkey's fighting power was not as good as that of a wild boar. The donkey's head was chopped off by a sword with just one blow, and the donkey's body was moved into the transport truck in a few strokes.

"The number of monsters is increasing. There are so many monsters even in the suburbs of the capital. How many monsters should there be in those mountainous areas and forest reserves!" Qin Yuanqing took a short rest and couldn't help but show a trace of worry in his eyes.

Although Qin Yuanqing kept saying to himself, blessings and disasters depend on them, and disasters and blessings rely on them! The emergence of viruses is not necessarily a bad thing. After the production of antibodies, physical fitness is greatly improved. This is actually genes breaking through genetic locks and the evolution of human life. Without this virus, humans would not know How many years will it take before there is hope for life to evolve?

But this price is too high. Although there are no statistics on how many people have fallen to the virus, it is definitely a very commendable number. Not to mention, this virus has greatly challenged mankind's status as ruler of the earth, and may even risk being replaced by monsters.

This is a war between races, a war about survival and destruction between humans and monsters. Only the victor can continue to rule the earth and continue to survive on the earth.

"A war between humans and monsters!" Qin Yuanqing murmured to himself in a low voice, his eyes full of determination. If such a catastrophe had occurred 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago, then human civilization might really have to draw a line. Full stop, but it is different now. The level of science and technology mastered by China is already the pinnacle that the fourth industrial revolution can reach. China has officially moved towards the space age, and the monsters are always on the earth and cannot get out of space. This is It means that China actually controls the commanding heights. This war between humans and monsters is destined to end with human victory.

And mankind will complete a nirvana in this catastrophe, which is the evolution of life and will be more glorious after nirvana.

Human beings with stronger physical fitness and longer lifespan are the ones who can truly enter the space age!

Everyone should be able to tell that they are adjusting their direction!

I'm sorry that the previous chapters were a bit messy, and the original idea didn't work. It's a pity, but the framework is there, and I can only proceed within the framework, which is to accumulate experience for the new book.

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