Everything is calm!

As if nothing happened!

Time is the most terrifying force, it can turn everything in the world into dust. And man is also a terrible creature, he is very forgetful!

In a few years, that incident became a symbol in people's memory. It will no longer be seen in the news and topics, but will only be seen in film and television works, novels and some documentaries. It will be seen by everyone. No one would doubt the danger at that time. If China had not established a complete laser defense system, the world would have come to an end at that time.

Of course, human beings have also paid a heavy price for their irrationality and madness. Today, only two-thirds of the habitable places on the earth are left, one-fifth of the population has been lost, and the once prosperous metropolises have been reduced to ruins. The famous military port was reduced to ruins, and more than 5 million tons of warships sank into the sea in three days.

And just when everyone thought that things would pass like this and leave everything to time to heal the wounds, its arrival told people that they thought too much!

January 1, 2040, the first day of the New Year holiday.

Everyone's focus is on space, and the news media's focus is on it without exception.

Because this day is the official completion time of the first phase of the 'Double Ring Space Station' project. At this time, the completion ceremony of the first phase of the 'Double Ring Space Station' project is being held.

"Reporting to the commander-in-chief, the first phase of the project has been completed. Please give your instructions! The person in charge of the construction site, Wang Yaping!" In the space station, inside a command module located in the 'Double Ring Space Station', Wang Yaping saluted and said loudly, Her voice spread to the ground command center, to the whole of China, and to wherever the live broadcast could be watched.

In space, about 400 kilometers away from the earth, a ring-shaped space station with a diameter of 500 meters looked majestic and full of science fiction!

After ten years of on-site space construction, this great project was finally completed.

Of course, everyone knows that the second phase of the project is even larger, twice the size of the first phase, but this does not hinder the greatness of the first phase of the project. The diameter is 500 meters, the circumference of the ring is 3140 meters, and the net width is 10 meters. Thousands of astronauts and engineers can work here for a long time.

For example, now, Wang Yaping and others are no longer in a state of weightlessness like they were in the Shenzhou spacecraft before. Everyone is no different from the surface of the earth.

As early as two years ago, with the official completion of the energy hub, power was officially supplied to the space station. Although the energy hub does not look large, the energy it generates is enough to meet the electricity needs of a city.

"I agree to complete the first phase of the project!" On Earth, in the Great Hall, Qin Yuanqing said in a deep voice through video.

As soon as Qin Yuanqing finished speaking, the space station and the auditorium burst into warm applause. Everyone knew what this meant. It meant that China had completed another century-long project, and it meant that China had officially started the interstellar era.

Qin Yuanqing couldn't help but applaud. This day was not easy. The sudden accident that broke out before caused heavy losses to the world. Even China itself was not in trouble. After all, how could China not be affected in the turmoil? At one time, many people suggested First suspend the 'Double Ring Space Station' project and the 'Moon Base' plan, and devote more energy to restoring the economy and people's livelihood. It was Qin Yuanqing’s firm and powerful insistence on continuing to implement the plan. Only with Qin Yuanqing’s insistence did the ‘Double Ring Space Station’ project and the ‘Moon Base’ plan continue.

For this reason, Qin Yuanqing attracted a lot of criticism and attacks. Many people believed that he was drifting away from the people, blindly pursuing science and technology, and building his own illusory technological empire, regardless of the life and death of the people.

Please slow down your pace and wait for your people, Professor Qin!

This sentence has been mentioned often over the years, and many people even believe that if Qin Yuanqing had not pushed forward the development of science and technology in China at all costs, which overdrawn the world's potential and made people go crazy and lose their minds, that tragedy would not have happened at all. accident.

There are laws for the development of the world. Anyone who breaks these laws and attempts to develop by overdrafting potential is unscientific. Sustainable development is the correct concept of development.

Amid doubts, the 'Double Ring Space Station' project and the 'Moon Base' plan moved forward with difficulty, and finally ushered in a milestone victory on this day.

No matter how much doubt there is, when it is officially completed, even if it is only the first phase of the project, it will be great enough.

It represents that mankind has officially entered the space age and the interstellar age!

According to documents published by CNSA, in addition to astronauts and scientists who can work and live on the space station for a long time, people can also book air tickets, travel into space, and enter the space station. Several special cabins have been set up in space as space hotels. Tourists can experience space life and watch the earth and the universe.

Yes, space travel is no longer a small matter in the past. Less than 100 people can travel in space a year. The curtain of space travel is opening!

And it's not just the space station. The 'Lingxiao Palace' plan jointly launched by several major private aerospace companies has also been implemented. Of course, although the 'Lingxiao Palace' plan sounds very lofty, it is actually the establishment of a tourist space station. According to the plan, a space station of about 500 tons will be built, which can allow 50 tourists to live in it at the same time and experience space life. The main focus is comfort and luxury. It is expected to be completed in three years.

Not only space travel, but also lunar travel has been launched. The first lunar travel trip will be launched this year, and 10 tourists will be sent to the moon to experience the feat of landing on the moon.

"It's so spectacular. This big thing with a diameter of 500 meters is just orbiting in space. I feel like my soul is shocked!"

"It's hard to imagine that human civilization has developed to this point. At this point, we should have completed the first-level civilization. Are we moving from the first-level civilization to the second-level civilization?"

"I will take the college entrance examination this year. My dream is to be an astronaut and a space scientist! I will also go to work on the space station in the future!"

"Wang Yaping, bad goddess! Congratulations to goddess Wang Yaping for getting the 'delayed aging' gene potion! Facts have proved that as long as you are a giver and you try your best to give, the times will not let you down!"

"Congratulations on the completion of the first phase of the 'Double Ring Space Station' project, and the people of Fujian Province sent a congratulatory message!"

"By the way, if such a big thing fell from space, would it destroy a city?"


The completion ceremony was broadcast live. This was the only time Qin Yuanqing appeared in public in recent years. In recent years, many people did not understand him and even put all kinds of hats on his head. Wear. And because of experiencing the almost apocalyptic disaster, Qin Yuanqing suddenly realized that he had owed too much to his family over the years. He had not had the responsibility to be a good son, a husband, and a father.

After realizing that his role in the family was actually a failure, Qin Yuanqing gradually freed up time and focused more on his family. He put off all kinds of meetings and took his wife back when he had time. Go to your parents' house or your hometown to spend time with the elderly and talk.

Although social medicine has developed, food safety has been paid more attention to, and people's lifespan has been extended, both parents are just ordinary people, and they are destined to be unable to obtain the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine. The only thing that can accompany them is another ten years.

In the past few years, Qin Yuanqing and his wife rarely traveled to various scenic spots, put on a little makeup, went to shopping malls, and went shopping.

2040 is destined to be an epoch-making year!

Half a month after the completion of the first phase of the 'Double Ring Space Station' project, the completion ceremony of the first phase of the 'Moon Base' project was also held on January 15. At this point, the 'Moon Base' is already home to more than 5,000 astronauts. , engineers, as the number of robots has exceeded 100,000, the huge 'moon base' is already quite impressive. Even on the earth, through astronomical telescopes, you can clearly see the huge base on the moon.

Unlike the 'Double Ring Space Station', which is a pure investment, the 'Moon Base' plan has realized benefits early, and a large amount of helium 3 can be mined every year, which is used as fuel for fusion nuclear power plants, as well as the 'Double Ring Space Station' For fuel and aerospace aircraft, the helium 3 mined has been enough and there is still some leftover. Moreover, when the rare earth resources on the earth were closed and protected and no longer mined, the rare earths from the moon successfully replaced the earth's rare earths, greatly increasing the performance of the earth's electronic products. Almost no high-precision field can do without rare earths. The moon's rich rare earth resources have saved China from the rare earth dilemma.

In addition to helium 3 and rare earths, there are of course iron, aluminum, titanium, etc., which are directly processed into accessories, parts and even finished products, and are directly transported to the space station or back to the earth.

Now an aerospace aircraft production base has been established on the lunar base, and aerospace aircraft will continue to be produced in the future.

Up to now, the 'Moon Base' plan has not only recovered all the construction costs, but also generated huge profits. According to the relevant departments, this is even the biggest profit among the projects China has done in the past 30 or 40 years, so The 'moon base' plan is very popular among relevant departments. Although ordinary people do not understand it and many people are opposed to it, those who understand it will only support it.

This year's Spring Festival is the most lively Spring Festival in recent years. In the past few years, due to the drastic changes in the world, people were panicked and the wounds have not healed, so the Spring Festival seemed very weak. However, this year's Spring Festival atmosphere has completely returned. People came early The Spring Festival holiday has begun, and the half-month long holiday gives people more time to prepare. In addition to normal family reunions, people are more likely to choose Spring Festival travel, take a family trip, and visit famous places across the country. Go and visit the scenic spots and tourist areas.

For Qin Yuanqing, this year's Spring Festival is also extraordinary, because Qin Zheng and Qin Shiman also returned to the earth from the moon base, real members of the family!

"Dad, you should go to space, go to the moon, look back at the earth, float in space, look at the universe and feel the vastness of the universe. That is truly shocking!" Qin Shiman held Qin Yuanqing's hand and said: " In the vast universe, the earth is too small, just like a small pond. If you don’t get out of this small pond, you will not know the vastness of the world! When I entered space, I suddenly felt that my mind was broadened. In the past, I felt that I Those who were angry are not angry anymore. Thinking about it, those things are insignificant and insignificant!"

"Doudou is right. I think becoming an astronaut is the most correct decision I have ever made. Only by becoming an astronaut can we understand the insignificance of human beings and the insignificance of the earth. A drop in the ocean is insignificant!" Qin Zheng said.

Qin Yuanqing smiled. His identity meant that it would not be easy for him to go to space or the moon. Even if the aerospace plane has not had any accidents so far, as the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. Qin Yuanqing also wanted to go out, but unfortunately he couldn't!

In today's society, astronauts are the absolute elite of mankind. The country has vigorously developed the aerospace industry in the past two or three decades. Those working in aerospace are the most accomplished, whether they have built rockets or satellites, or Or those who build aerospace planes, each one is full of a sense of mission, value and accomplishment, which money cannot buy.

Just like private aerospace companies, when recruiting astronauts, no one has an annual salary of less than 5 million yuan, and there are many who have an annual salary of 10 million yuan.

In this society, the most sought-after people today are not businessmen or rich people, but astronauts, scientists and other real human elites.

Once upon a time, the super rich were highly sought after and regarded as idols and mentors to young people. Unfortunately, this trend did not last for many years before it completely withered away.

"Hurry and pack your things. We will go back to our hometown for the Spring Festival this year!" Jingtian urged.

During the Spring Festival this year, they plan to return to their hometown to celebrate the New Year, and then take a private plane back to the capital on the morning of the second day of the Lunar New Year to return to their parents' home.

Watching his son and daughter go to pack things, Qin Yuanqing closed his eyes with a smile, showing a thoughtful look. With further breakthroughs in the 'delayed aging' genetic medicine, 500 'delayed aging' genetic medicines can now be produced every year. Thanks to the breakthrough in production, Liu Yang, Wang Yaping and others were able to obtain the 'delayed aging' gene agent and were able to continue to work hard and shine.

Some top scientists have also obtained the 'delayed aging' gene agent, and the conditions for obtaining the 'delayed aging' gene agent have been further relaxed. Aliens, Ma Huateng and others have successfully obtained the 'delayed aging' gene agent. To regain youth, it is a pity that more entrepreneurs either did not wait until this time or have missed the opportunity.

As more and more dinosaur fossils are transported to China, the production of 'delayed aging' genetic agents will further increase. However, at present, the 'delayed aging' genetic agents are still in the laboratory stage and are difficult to enter into industrial batches. In the production stage, because the materials still cannot be used for industrial production, raw materials are generally available.

The 'Resurrection of Dinosaurs' plan has encountered great difficulties, because it has failed to conduct genetic reverse deduction on chickens, ostriches, crocodiles and other lives that may be descendants of dinosaurs based on Darwin's theory of evolution. According to its model, all of them ultimately failed. , Facts have proved that these beings have nothing to do with dinosaurs and are not descendants of dinosaurs at all.

As far as humans are descended from apes, several reverse deductions of genetic profiles have shown that the two are not the same kind of life at all. This conclusion was reached in the end.

It was also at this time that Darwin's theory of evolution was declared a death sentence and was overturned. In the face of sufficient evidence and a great debate, as the saying goes, the truth becomes more and more clear. In the debate that lasted for several years, people became more and more accepting of Darwin's theory. The idea that evolution is not truth.

Of course, although Darwin's evolutionary theory has been falsified, it does not mean that it has no value at all. On the contrary, it still has considerable value in some fields, such as training animals, such as some predictions of human development trends, etc. wait.

After the path of genetic inverse deduction is blocked, all that is left is to study various genetic information that may exist in dinosaur fossils, and finally complete the genetic information. This genetic engineering effort is huge because there are countless variables. , there are countless unknowns, and it is extremely difficult to complete the genetic spectrum based on the limited amount of genetic information to complete the genes of dinosaurs.

To complete this project, it really requires the spirit of Foolish Old Man to move mountains, perseverance, continuous investment, persistence, and persistence for a long time, and only then can we achieve results.

Qin Yuanqing has also been thinking about what the special factors contained in Millennium Ginseng, Millennium Tianshan Snow Lotus and dinosaurs are, and why they are the only ones that have them and not others.

Qin Yuanqing originally thought that there was life in the age of dinosaurs, but according to archaeological discoveries, dinosaurs were not the only life in that era, but there were other life forms as well. However, this special factor was not found in the fossils of these lives.

Just when Qin Yuanqing took his family back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year happily, far away on the other side of the Pacific, in a ruined city, a three-meter-long mouse appeared. The size was really scary, and this mouse had eyes. Scarlet red, it jumps five meters high and is very fast, faster than a car.

Coincidentally, in a corner of this ruined city, there was a two-meter-tall man with red eyes. He roared to the sky and punched the wall. The wall was directly shattered, showing his terrifying power.

This is a major change in climate, which has caused genetic mutations in these lives. Nuclear radiation is most likely to cause genetic mutations in life. And here, some people who are lucky enough to survive have genetic mutations, not in a bad direction. , but genetic mutations appeared in a good direction, and physical fitness increased significantly.

Not only humans, but also animals, have genetic mutations for the better!

What I wrote before cannot be continued or expanded upon, and everyone knows the reason! I may not be able to update like before these days. I have to think carefully about how to continue writing. Oh, I am really depressed. I finally thought of a good direction. At least I can write two or three hundred chapters in that part. Now I can’t do it. I have to start again. think!

Forgive me!

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